Nippon Hoso Kyokai(NHK), Japan Broadcasting Corporation Nagasaki Broadcasting Station’s Official Site for NHK’s Taiga Drama of the Historical Drama for 2010, Ryoma-den or Ryoma, A Legend




An actor from Nagasaki, Masaharu Fukuyama, plays the leading role of Sakamoto Ryoma in this historical drama, Ryoma, A Legend.  The latest information on this drama is available here.

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We will take you to the places related to Ryoma, as he dreamed to build a new Japan.  The places center on the site of Ryoma’s Kameyama Shachu, Japan’s first commercial firm, and extend from Mount Kazagashira-yama to Maruyama.

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You can see many scenes of Nagasaki as Ryoma saw them in around 1860.

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The chronology shows how Ryoma and people close to him, such as Iwasaki Yataro, Katsu Kaishu, Glover, the Kozone family and others, lived and strived.

Click here for details. »

This is a story of a samurai who lived at the end of the Edo era in the 19th century. He dreamed of making a new Japan where all the people would be born free and equal. He strived to end the feudal system without bloodshed, learn from the West, but protect Japan. For having done all this and more, he is called a dreamer, a fighter, an idealist and a peace-maker. Just when he achieved his goal, he was assassinated. He did not see the Meiji Restoration.
長崎のパノラマ 「Panoramic view of NAGASAKI」1864年 グラバー園から大浦海岸通りを望む

A panoramic view of Nagasaki in 1864 : the Oura Beach Street seen from the Glover's Garden
(The Nagasaki University Library Collection