アイプチ 名古屋 美容外科








1) 当サイトでのWEB素材は営利、非営利を問わず基本的に無料にて御使用できます。個人で御利用下さる方には、著作権表示等は特にお願いいたしておりません。

ただし出版物や営利目的のサイト等で御利用いただく場合は、このサイトから素材を利用した旨を配布物に明記(HPの場合はリンク)して下さい。 リンクの際はテキストリンクまたは本ページ下段のバナーでのリンクをお願いします。

2)一部の画像に関しましては、営利目的での御利用を制限させていただいております。そのような素材には、各ページ情報に"No commercial Uses"と明記させていただいております。



4) 何らかの創作物の一部として使用せずに、素材その物、或いは素材を第三者に転載・配布する事は禁止させて頂きます。

5)コンテスト等の応募作品に使用する場合は入手元を明記して下さい。 入賞作品の著作権がコンテスト開催元に移行してしまうという規約がある場合は応募する前にメールにてご相談下さい。

6) 素材への直接リンクは一切禁止です。

7) 当サイトの素材のご利用中、またはご利用後にいかなるトラブルが発生しても、当サイト及び著作者は一切の責任を負いませんので、ご了承願います。





  Terms of Image Use Personal, Student or Educational Usage.

All images, photos, clip art and illustrations in our gallery may be used for personal or educational purposes. This includes student classroom projects, reports, homework, presentations, monitor wallpaper or any other "not-for-profit" purpose.

Commercial Usage.

Most images can be used for commercial purposes, but not all. Images, photographs, clipart and illustrations that are permitted for commercial use are indicated on the pages they appear.

Commercial use images are either owned by Saitama Uniya, are in the public domain or commercial use is granted by a third-party contributor. Commercial use includes print or digital use including brochures, advertisements, posters, websites and other promotional use.

Images may be modified. If the terms and conditions of use are met, request for permissions are not necessary and such use is granted. Where Images

May Not Be Used.

Images may not be added to other image collections or galleries which are offered for sale, loaned or given away. Usage rights are only extended to the User whether a person or business and may not be redistributed as a collection of images.

However. Teachers or schools may post a limited number of images on school websites for the express use by students for educational purposes including homework assignments, reports and classroom presentations. Images That Depict People or Brands. We try to avoid adding images to the Saitama Uniya of free images that include identifiable people .

If any image depicts a person, we do not maintain "model releases". Therefore, any image that incorporates a person that can be identified, should not be used for commercial purposes.

Any image that depicts a Brand, should not be used for commercial purposes. Copyrights & Ownership Are Not Transferred. Nothing within this website conveys or transfers copyright ownership to the User. Other than public domain, the ownership rights to all images, clip art, photos and illustrations remain the exclusive ownership of the author or creator.

Credits and Links

To This Website. Saitama Uniya Free WEB material 's primary purpose is providing free images, free clipart, and free illustrations to the benefit of the community.

The costs to maintain and administer this website are totally absorbed by Saitama Uniya. It continually adds to its gallery collection to the benefit of its Users. Since all images are provided free of charge, the only source of revenue to help subsidize the costs of the website is advertising.

Traffic to the site is crucial to its existence. Therefore we appreciate links to this website. We ask that if you use an image on a website, blog or forum, that you give this site a credit link from a prominent location within your site.

Limitation of Liability.

Saitama Uniya, its owners, contributors, agents, employees, officers or board of directors make no guarantees or warranties whatsoever for any usage purpose of its images, clip art, photos or illustrations.

They are licensed as is. In no event shall they be liable for any direct, special, indirect or consequential damages, or any damages of any kind, including but not limited to loss of use, loss of profits, or any other loss whether in an action in contract, tort, negligence or otherwise, arising out of any use of images or in any manner connected with this website.

By using this website or its images, clip art, photos or illustrations, the User agrees to hold Saitama Uniya, its owners, officers, employees, agents, board of directors or contributors harmless from any causes of action relating to the use of images. It is up to the User to use images in accordance with state, Japanese and international law.

Legal Venue.

Any dispute relating to the use of this website or its collection of images shall be adjudicated in the Saitama Prefecture, Japan, and within the laws of Japan. The User must agree to these Terms and Conditions of website and image use without exception. Otherwise the User is prohibited from using this website or any image, clip art, photo or illustration within the Saitama Uniya of Free Images.

Updated: 21nd of December. 2010

  リンク先とバナー Link Source.

リンクして下さる方は、こちらのバナーを御利用下さい。 無料素材は「レトロ素材」と「欧風素材」のどちらへもリンクのある「埼玉雲丹屋無料素材のページ」へお願いいたします。



2010年12月21日 埼玉雲丹屋


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Copyright © 2010 SAITAMA UNIYA. All rights reserved.

Please do not use any photos, artwork or content from this site without express written permission.