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2011-03-14 16:12:03

Dear Readers

テーマ:Dear Readers
$モデル・Emily OFFICIAL BLOG-20110314

Dear Readers

Everybody whom the damage of this Tohoku-Kanto earthquake encountered sincerely visits it.

I'll stop the update of the blog between now considering the current state with a large influence of this disaster.

I'm sorry to everybody who looked forward to this blog very much.
Please acknowledge it humbly.

I pray for safety of everybody.
  • なうで紹介
  • mixiチェック
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2011-03-14 16:03:19


$モデル・Emily OFFICIAL BLOG-20110314




このブログを楽しみにしてくださった皆様には大変申し訳ございません。 何卒ご了承お願いいたします。

  • なうで紹介
  • mixiチェック
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2011-01-01 02:43:31

Happy New Year !!

テーマ:New Year
Happy New Year to everybody!
I wish this year will be the happiest and best for everybody.

$モデル・Emily OFFICIAL BLOG-20110101

P.S. : Because some directionality had established it, the title of the blog was changed.
An old title was "Princess Emily! Unofficial Fan Site. "
A special meaning wasn't, and was decided to this title at once without thinking so much including the blog because it had freeloaded.

A title new of this time is "Model・Emily OFFICIAL BLOG. "
The site of the same name has already existed and there is a possibility of renaming it again , saying that "It's confusing", too, when the complaint comes. Please acknowledge it.
  • なうで紹介
  • mixiチェック
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