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Installing and Using SPSS
- Installing SPSS - Regular
- Installing SPSS - Graduate Pack
- Starting SPSS
- Renewing The License Code
- SPSS Help
- Typing In Data
- Import Text Files
- Import POR Files
- Using Excel to Read in Text Data
- Output and Word
- Edit Graphs
- Edit Graphs - Interactive
Data Manipulation
- Selecting Cases
- Sorting Cases
- Standardizing Data
- Transformation of Data
- Split File
- Variable and Value Labels
- Recode Variables
- Random Sample of The Data
- Using SPSS to Find Probabilities and Inverse CDF
- Using SPSS to Find Probabilities and Inverse CDF - BINOMIAL
- Creating an ID variable
- Creating A Population Variable
- Stacking Variables
- Restructure Data
- Restructure Data Ex- 15-7.
Basic Data Analysis and Graphs
- Descriptive Statistics
- Exploratory Analysis 1
- Exploratory Analysis 2
- Histograms
- One Sample T test
- Sampling With and Without Replacement
- Determining the number of populations sampled
- Histograms-Interactive
- Scatter plot
- Scatter plot - Interactive
- Box Plot
- Two Sample T Test
- Generation of Random Data and Plotting Probability Functions
- Box Plot - Interactive
- Frequency Tables
- Matrix Scatter Plot
- Modified DigiDot Plots
- Paired T Test
- Compute Normal Probabilities
- Compute Z value Given a Probability
Regression Analysis
- Simple Linear Regression
- Levene Test
- Plotting Residuals
- Plotting Predicted v Observed
- Regression Diagnostics
- Equality of Variance - old
- New Equality of Variance
- Multiple Linear regression
- Multi-colinearity
- Contours
- Contour1
- Box-Cox Transformation
- Box - Cox with Confidence Interval
- Diagnostics for Problem Points
- Non-Linear Regression
- Segmented Regression
- Constrained Regression
- All Possible Subsets (old)
- All Possible Subsets (New)
Advanced Topics In Regression
- Logistic Regression
- Partial F Tests
- Bootstrap 1
- Bootstrap 2
- Durbin - Watson
- Analysis of Covariance with Intercept Term
- Analysis of Covariance without Intercept Term
- Predicted Mean Squares
- Testing Custom Hypotheses
- Robust Regression
- Graphing in Analysis of Covariance
- Weighted Regression
Analysis of Variance
- Simple ANOVA
- Post Hoc Tests
- Making A SAS Look-Alike
- ANOVA with Interaction
- ANOVA with Blocking
- Sign Test
- Kruskal - Wallis Test
- Bonferroni
- Expected Marginal Means
- Testing Custom Hypotheses
- Type I, II, III, IV Sums of Squares
- Box Cox For ANOVA or ANCOV
Additional Topics in ANOVA & Analysis of Covariance
- Testing Equality of Variance (OLD)
- Testing Equality of Variance (NEW)
- Hotelling t 2 test
- Model Validation
- Design Matrix & Reduced Design Matrix
- Repeated Measure Design
- Split Plot Design