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追加日: 5 か月前
投稿者: WatersStillRunDeep
再生回数: 614

すべてのコメント (13)

アラート アイコン
  • here only the World Series' managers and The Manager of the year in MLB who are applicable above: Jim Tracy, Charlie Manuel, Don Zimmer, Bobby Valentine (managing), and Davey Johnson.

    And Japan's Emperor honored and gave a big medal to Tommy Lasorda in 2008.

  • There are a lot of excellent managers and coaches in MLB who played baseball in Japan. because they have experiences to think deeply and seriously in foreign country "what baseball is." unlike those guys of this video (Steve Hammond) but like japanese.

  • 12:42

    and this is why almost all americans are overly competitive and racist against other cultures and their sports.


  • @mikumikuvocaloid2 lol actually it's quite the opposite. Japan is incredibly racist and rather that to see a Gaijin show up Japanese players, they pulled him out. There are several places in Japan with signs that read "no foreigners allowed". That's illegal in the US, so who is racist here? BTW, baseball is known as America's pasttime and was imported to Japan during the occupation after WW2.

  • @bphutchins >baseball

    >was imported to Japan

    >during the occupation after WW2.

    No. That's absolutely wrong.

    The Japanese have loved baseball regardless of the USA's culture AT ALL, since 1880', 1890's...

    During WW2, they were playing it without any English words, e.g. "out", "safe", "strike", "pitcher"..

    Because English were illegal back then, but baseball itself was NOT ILLEGAL.

    Because they took it as "OUR GAME", like Judo, Sumo, karate...


  • @bphutchins (the rest)

    You can easily find a video on the net,

    MLBcom's video documentary "Yakyu: Japan's game".

    Also Wikipedia "Baseball in Japan".

    About the "racist" aspect, of course, there are lots of racists and racism in both countries.

    I appreciate your interests about our, Japanese game.

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  • Hiroshi Hiraoka, who was in United States studying engineering, introduced the game to his co-workers at Japan’s national railways in 1878. He and his co-workers created the first baseball team, the Shimbashi Athletic Club, and dominated other teams which popped up in Japan

  • @ruhsuancb interesting reading, I'm surprised its been there as long as it has, but according to wikipedia, it was imported from the US, regardless of how long ago. Also I find it funny that the ball, strike zone and playing field are smaller lol

  • コメントが削除されました
  • @bphutchins You must watch the video "YAKYU: Japan's Game" made by MLBcom, only 20 minutes long.

    You can easily find it on Google. The Wikipedia's is not good.

    Yakyu is SACRED or holy like Judo, Sumo.

    So some Japs people still feel sadness, when they see those Americans playing it CHEWING GUM.

    You can see the sacredness in the HIGH-school baseball in Japan on YouTube.

    Professional yakyu used to be looked down on, and is not major essentially or spiritually.


  • @ruhsuancb I will definitely watch that, thanks for sharing with me about baseball in Japan. I thought the reality was totally different, as I'm sure most Americans do.

  • @bphutchins (the rest)

    We, Japs people, have had great deal of respects for USA's baseball.

    At the same time, we have thought for long long time, that Baseball and Yakyu are totally different things.

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