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Updated PLL video

37 件の動画 アラート アイコン登録リストに追加しました
719 再生回数
アラート アイコン
jammyman3014 | 2011/02/22 | 高評価 人、低評価 1

I dont have a tripod so a few of the angles and stuff are kinda awkward but i...

jammyman3014 | 2011/02/22 | 高評価 人、低評価 1

I dont have a tripod so a few of the angles and stuff are kinda awkward but its mostly ok i think.

Uccw: 0:05
Ucw: 1:08
Acw: 1:47
Accw: 2:19
Z: 2:54
H: 3:26
E: 3:43
T: 4:04
V: 4:42
F: 5:22
Rb: 6:23
Ra: 7:02
J: 7:28
L: 7:59
Y: 8:31
Gb: 8:49
Ga: 9:17
Gd: 9:38
Gc: 10:15
Na: 10:51
Nb: 11:35


アップロードしたユーザーのコメント (jammyman3014)

  • Could have sworn you were stopping cubing... Great you're coming back though :D

  • @musli4brekkies Thanks^^ and i didnt quit, i just dont solve so much during the winter. Its too cold here:P

  • For the U perms in the beginning, you have the notation for cw and ccw switched.

  • @xxoxia Oh, cheers.

    And at the moment every UK comp seems to be in Bristol with Charlie being the main organiser nd all. (btw i'm from Glasgow which is further:P)


すべてのコメント (27)

アラート アイコン
  • nice video

  • sub 40 pll timeattack here i come xD

    Thanks for the video!!!

  • lol 12 minute pll vid xD

  • @jammyman3014 Cold? Scotland? Don't know what you're talking about. Nice video, I picked up a couple of tricks. (Yeah I don't cube as in winter either here, it's difficult on the train after walking to the station).

  • BOCA < You

  • Oh Fantastic! Thanks for the update.

  • @ben1996123 - Oh man, that would be perfect. I'm right near Manchester.



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