Due to excess load generated by hotlinking to my server I am afraid that for now I have had to remove the download link. Youbeat can be found in many places on the internet so please google it to find. The original filename is "Youbeat38FullDownload.zip". Sorry.


Latest Version 新作リリース:

YoubeatGL38 Full Download Last updated: 2am on the 8th Feb 2010 Changelog

最新アップロード: 2010年2月8日の午前2時 変更リスト

New Song by Nitrox72! Get it here!


YoubeatGL38 - Now includes BPM changes, Marker Select, and more! There are some songs and markers available on the forum but please be sure check songs and markers sections on the forum for anything extra that you might want. The sound engine has been changed so you can now run Youbeat properly on a Mac using Crossover or on Linux using Wine! (Except auto updates on MacOS; please get the newest version from the site) Also, codec icons no longer pile up in the system tray! Hooray!


The changelog has been moved to the MOTD of the main game so I have removed that section from the website. It is also mirrored on the forum.


Please note: This version does not and will never include MP3s from the Jubeat game. Please copy mp3s to the SNG folder and rename them to the same name as the text files for the song to use them. More detail is on the forum.

ご注意:YoubeatGL38は、コナミさんJubeat・Jubeat RipplesのMP3が含まれていません。Jubeatオリジナル曲をやりたい場合は、MP3をご自分でSNGフォルダをコピーして頂いて、譜面のファイル名と合わせるようにお願い申し上げます。詳細はフォーラムへ。