Korea's plastic surgery mythAsian Countries with Most Plastic Surgery in 2008
Rumor has it that Korea and Japan has the most plastic surgery procedures. Here we present you the TOP 5 PLASTIC SURGERY COUNTRIES IN ASIA and in THE WORLD as researched by the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery.
Find out who actually deserves the crown COUNTRY WITH MOST PLASTIC SURGERY PROCEDURES
TOP 5 in Asia:
1. Japan (42,842 procedures)
2. Taiwan (10,042 procedures)
3. South Korea (9,540 procedures)
4. Hong Kong (5,056 procedures)
5. India (2,259 procedures)
TOP 10 in the world:
1. USA (90,992 procedures)
2. Mexico (52,956 procedures)
3. Brazil (47,957 procedures)
4. Japan (42,842 procedures)
5. Spain (40,164 procedures)
I’m surprised that Taiwan has more surgeries than Korea, I’ve always thought that everyone in Korea has plastic surgery. Japan definitely deserves the place since eye surgery is very common there.
It’s amazing how USA has that many plastic surgery procedures (2 times of the #2 spot Mexico). No wonder those shows about plastic surgery (Dr. 90210, Nip/Tuck etc) is very popular.
I did the little calculation, with population per ratio.
South Korea have about 38% of Japan's population.
To equal Japan, Korea must have done 16,280 procedures.
Taiwan have almost 46% of South Korea's population, So to equal South Korea, Taiwan must have done 4388 procedures, but they did it twice this number.
Hong Kong, only account just over 14% of South Korea's population, so to equal South Korea they must have done 1391 procedures, but they out did that by over 3 times.
So by per population, the order should be like this.
Top Asian plastic surgery nation:
1. Hong Kong (7 million)
2. Taiwan (22 million)
3. Japan (127 million)
4. Korea (48 million)
Congratulation, it's Hong Kong and Taiwan even surpassed Japan.
This get uglier when we add Singapore to the list.
^ Not that different from Nation master's list.
Plastic surgery procedures (most recent) by country
Plastic surgery procedures (per capita) (most recent) by country
If we includes dental cosmetic surgery as well as skin improvement then this will be much much bigger.
I'm surprised at Hong Kong and Taiwan when you look at their population compared to Korea.
^ According to them they are all natural beauties. Go and read some of the threads created by Chinese at Asiafinest or Asianfanatic.
They even said that the main reason why South Korea ranked below is because illegal clinics don't report their no. of procedures to stat collectors. They still thinks South Korea is developing nation that don't regulate cosmetic industry.
What about all these Chinese customers visiting South Korean cosmetic clinics? Some clinics are filled with Chinese and Japanese customers upto 50% of their waiting list.
Whether or not they do more or less surgeries, Korea still does a ton.
^ Sure, also Koreans are obsessed with younger looking, so they spend $$$ on maintaining their skins. And this resulted in high turn over in cosmetic industry.
But by comparison, SKorea is no different to other nations. More richer you get more "image" focus.
Whether or not they do more or less surgeries, Korea still does a ton.
Yes. But I don't see Koreans accusing other Asian nationalities. I see a lot of Chinese do that.
^ Chinese are obsessed with Koreans and Japanese.
They even asked me if I had plastic surgery done. Well, I was ROFL. :lol
That's how dumb Chinese people are, they are rude and narrowed minded. They really need to look themselves on the mirror first.
Guess who's top of the plastic surgery;
Venezuela's plastic beauty ideal
Plastic surgery rates inflate as Chinese job market gets saggy
What I did on my summer vaction... cosmetic surgery!
"Dozens of school children have come daily to our hospital since the beginning of July," Chen Jianfei, a doctor at the Guangdong Armed Police Hospital plastic surgery center said. "The youngest case I have seen is a 13-year-old girl."
Only a small proportion of young adults he has seen are congenitally malformed, Chen said. They generally request cosmetic procedures, such as blepharoplasty (double eyelids), breast enlargements, and liposuction.
What people don't understand is the reason Korean people can be so attractive as well as other people is due to the shape of their face. For some reason, a lot of Koreans have nicely shaped faces. An attractive plastic nose is not going to make you attractive unless the rest of you looks attractive to begin with. All it does for an ugly person is to emphasize how ugly the rest of their face is compared to their plastic nose. That's why non-Korean Asians who get surgery done by Korean surgeons still look their ethnicity. People just need to face the fact that a lot of people can be naturally attractive and don't need surgery.
Koreans are attractive for the same reasons that Italians, South Americans, and countries with lots of attractive people are. They eat a healthy, balanced diet with good fats and vegetables. They are loving, warm, and passionate and really express their individuality. I've seen people from countries that are not considered hotbeds of attractiveness. They have good bone structure and nice personalities, but they are not as hot as people from "hot" countries like Korea and Italy because they have boring personalities. So whiners who say that Koreans are only beautiful due to surgery can only blame themselves. You want to look as beautiful as Koreans? Become warm, passionate, and express yourself. As far as bone structure, you can only blame your parents for how well they fed you, raised you, or genetics. Of course, a lot of it has to do with how you are raised, so I don't know how much they can change.
^Maybe in a very general sense...
But one thing is right. Koreans tend to be more passionate than others.
^ We must know plastic surgery is when you insert plastic/silicone material to body/face. Having skin peeling, cutting eyelid and getting rid off wrinkles are not plastic surgery.
In terms of "plastic" surgery, American (North/South) and European do more than Asian. South Koreans spend a lot of money on skin management, this is why South Korean girls tends to have nicer skin than others.
Japanese, Taiwan Chinese and Hong Kong Chinese still is No.1 plastic surgery nation in East Asia because they do insert plastic/silicone to their nose and chin to look like NE Asian.
The conclusion is --------> Asian men are jealous
Blinded by jealousy. Christian countries don't tend to be blinded by jealousies. I think religion and history really prevents Korea from thinking like its neighbors.