(cache) The World Peace Prayer Society

May Peace Prevail On Earth


The Power of Thought
Thought forms create an energetic field strong enough to empower the course of planetary destiny.

The Power of Words
Words carry vibrations strong enough to inspire, heal and transform the human heart as well as the Kingdom of plants, animals and all creation.

The Power of
May Peace Prevail On Earth

May Peace Prevail On Earth is an all inclusive message and prayer. It is a meeting place of the heart bringing together people of all faiths, backgrounds and culture to embrace the Oneness of our planetary family.

Our Mission is Simple
To spread the Universal Peace Message and Prayer, May Peace Prevail On Earth, far and wide to embrace the lands and people of this Earth

A Public Service Announcement aired on CNN International
Available for Broadcast


At a Glance



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The Message   The Prayer   The Slogan   The Saying

  May Peace Prevail On Earth

The Universal Message and Prayer, May Peace Prevail On Earth, was conceived in a moment of great inspiration by Masahisa Goi of Japan. Since its birth over half a century ago, the simple yet profound words, May Peace Prevail On Earth, has reached deep into the hearts and lives of global citizens everywhere.

The May Peace Prevail On Earth movement is a grassroots global movement to inspire, and re-awaken the inherit consciousness of love, peace and harmony which exists in everyone of us. It is a movement to bring inner peace of mind and to foster peace in the world at large.

The power of May Peace Prevail On Earth lies in its capacity to bring people of various cultures, faith traditions and political ideals together as one united global heart and mind. The Message allows us to sincerely focus on our mutual desire to serve, create and manifest true peace on earth while transcending our differences and celebrating our common humanity.

In the original Japanese version of May Peace Prevail On Earth, the character for 'Earth' includes not only humankind but 'Life in all Realms of Creation'. When we speak the words, May Peace Prevail on Earth imagine that the frequency and energy field of Love, Peace and Harmony reaches the kingdom of plants animals and all of Creation including our solar system, the cosmos and the Universe at large.





       Launch date: June 27th, 2009
Scotland Office
Germany Office
Japan Office
Goi Peace Foundation
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Copyright © 2009, The World Peace Prayer Society (WPPS)
WPPS is an all inclusive, all embracing not-for-profit grassroots organization associated with the Department of Public Information
at the United Nations. We do not have a political agenda nor are we a church.  
May Peace Prevail On Earth is a registered trademark of The World Peace Prayer Society.  It can be freely used to promote peace.  
Please contact WPPS should you have marketing plans to use the Peace Message for profit making business, trade or commerce.

The World Peace Prayer Society ~ 26 Benton Road ~ Wassaic, New York 12592 ~ USA ~ 845-877-6093
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