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Web Collaborations with the Smithsonian and the Library of Congress
Aaron Parkening
Aaron Stewart
Abagail Thorne-Lyman
Adam Tuttle
Adrian Scott
Adrian Blakey
Adrianne Hurndell
Alan Rath
Alan Wen
Alexis Rossi
Alicia Coryell
Alzbeta Smith
Amber Shipley
Amy Vecchione
Andy Jenks
Andy Jewell
Ann Stramer
Anna Naruta
Anne-miek Hamelinck
Anthony Kwok
Avi Hangad
Bhagat Khalsa
Boaz Reisman
Bob Kaehms
Brewster Kahle
Brian Freyburger
Bruce Gilliat
Bryant Durrell
Camron Assadi
Catherine Baggott
Catherine Kulkarni
Charles O'Connell
Cheryl Johnson
Chris Becker
Chris Stuart
Claire Salih
Colleen Smith
Cyndy Riley
Cynthia Lohr
Dale Wilhelm
Dan Chow
Daria DePaolis
Darian Patchin
Darryl Daugherty
Dave Marvit
Dave Sherfesee
David Allison
David Harrison
David Hoffer
David Sherfesee
Deanna Weber
Debra Perlson
Devin Vagt
Dia Cheney
Dorian Patchin
Doug Hansen
Dylan Murphy
Eileen Webb
Eliot Savarese
Elizabeth Chase
Ellen Shing
Elliot Sarvarese
Emily Rane
Ezra Ekman
Geoffrey Mack
Glee Harrah Cady
Greger Orelind
Guolin Cheng
Hal Varian
Harry Winand
Helen Chan
Hoa Nguyen
Hunter Brown
Igor Ranitovic
Iman Sadreddin
Ivan Pulleyn
Ivan Rodrigo Garay
Jad DeFanti
Jae Hahn
Jamie Lewandowski
Jamie Muth
Jamie White
Jared Stika
Jared Waxman
Jason Binder
Jason Broughton
Jason Gollan
Jason Maxham
Jay Burlingham
Jeff MacDonald
Jeff McConathy
Jeffrey Bartolotta
Jennifer Burke
Jennifer Deane
Jennifer Gill
Jill Brady
Joe Kacmarcik
John Mrozik
John Smith
John Tan
Jonathan A. Leblang
Jonathan Baker
Jonathan Goodman
Joseph Oliver
Joshua Simons
Joshua Winsor
Joy Nazzari
Juan Bonilla
Judith Bush
Julie Smuckler
Karen Genest
Kathleen Egge
Kathryn Tchobanoglous
Keith Hudson
Kelly Dragoo
Kelly Humphrey
Kelly Ransom
Khalid El-Gazzar
Kimberly Testa
Kirsten Foot
Kolin Ohi
Kristen Olson
Kristen Zwart
Kurt Bollacher
Laura Cambell
Laura Oppenheimer
Lawrence Lessig
Lilly Buchwitz
Marc Engel
Marc Najork
Marek Ryniejski
Mark Dirsa
Mark Garrell
Marta Hutz
Mary C. (Cassy) Ammen
Mary Lou Jepsen
Matthew Work
Melissa Ryan
Melody Kean Haller
Mia Yamamoto
Michael Burner
Michael Kepe
Michele Kimpton
Mike Fleisher
Minghua Lu
Mira Han
Niall O'Driscoll
Nicholas Chaffee
Patrick Brannigan
Patrick Tufts
Paul Sauer
Paula Keezer
Pei-Yuan Wei
Philip Green
Phillip Ludwig
radio lira uganda
Raphael Crawford-Marks
Rick Davis
Robert Norris
Rommel Ruelos
Ron Shalhoup
Ronna Tanenbaum
Scott Hassan
Sean Walsh
Seth Morris
Shaun Delp
Shaun Fogarty
Sondra Cholach
Sondra Halperin
Stacey Oborne
Steve Nichols
Steve Renaker
Steven Herrera
Steven Schneider
Terry Gambarotto
Tim Pozar
Tom Corley
Veronica Collins
Virginia Gonzalez
Voloe Scott
Walter Bell
Willem Spiegel
Youssef Eldakar
Yu-Shen Ng
Z Smith
Zainub Ashraf
Did you know the team behind the Wayback Machine has a blog?
The blog's regular Open Threads are now the recommended place for questions, feedback, and discussion about the Wayback Machine or Internet Archive general web archive.
If you were a K12 student which websites would you want to save for future generations? What would you want people to look at 50 or even 500 years from now?
These questions are central to the K12 Web Archiving Program, a partnership between the Internet Archive and the Library of Congress. Now after two years, involving 18 schools from 15 states around the country, this innovative program provides a new perspective on saving history and culture, allowing students to actively participate and make decisions about what website content will be saved. The decisions they make help them to develop an awareness of how the Web content they choose will become primary sources for future historians studying our lives.
Access the collections archived by students in the program.
Archive-It allows
institutions to build and preserve their own web archive of digital
content, through a user friendly web application, without requiring any
technical expertise or hosting facilities. Subscribers can harvest,
catalog, and archive their collections, and then search and browse the
collections when complete. Collections are hosted at the Internet
Archive data center, and accessible to the public with full text search.
Archive-It is designed to fit the needs of many types of
organizations and individuals. The over 130 partners include:
state archives, university libraries, federal institutions, state
libraries, non government non profits, museums, historians, and
independent researchers.
The 1050 Collections captured by Archive-It range from subject
matters as diverse as "Political parties in Latin America" to the
"Matthew Shepard Web Archive" to the "2008 Beijing Olympic Games" to
"Iranian Blogs" to "North Carolina State Government Web Site Archive".
Contact the Archive-It team for more details about subscribing to this service.
Thanks to a generous grant from the Mellon Foundation, Internet Archive completed a 2 billion page web crawl in 2007. This is the largest
web crawl attempted by Internet Archive. The project was designed to take a global snapshot of the Web.
Please browse through the resulting collection.
Special thanks to the memory institutions who contributed URLs to the crawl. The crawl began with 18,000 websites from over 60 countries.
Asian Tsunami Web Archive This Web archive is a collection of over 1500 sites relating to the December 2004 Tsunami disaster in Asia. A shapshot of these sites has been taken once a week starting from the first week of January 2005 in order to build an archived record of this world shattering event. |
Hurricanes Katrina and Rita The Internet Archive and many individual contributors worked together to put together a comprehensive list of websites to create a historical record of the devastation caused by Hurricane Katrina and the massive relief effort which followed. This collection has over 25 million unique pages, all text searchable, from over 1500 sites. The web archive commenced on September 4th. |
National Archives The UK Central Government Web Archive is a selective collection of UK Government websites, archived from August 2003, which has been collected by the Internet Archive on behalf of the National Archives of the United Kingdom. history. |
Election 2002 The Library of Congress, in collaboration with WebArchivist.org of the State University of New York Institute of Technology and the Internet Archive, created the Election 2002 Web Archive. A selective collection of nearly 4,000 sites archived between July 1, 2002 and November 30, 2002, the collection includes congressional and gubernatorial candidates, political party, government, advocacy, blogs, public opinion, and miscellaneous Web sites related to the 2002 United States elections. |
September 11th The tragic events of September 11, 2001, prompted web creators around the world to respond. This special collection of archived web sites preserves this unique moment in our history. |
Election 2000 The United States Elections of 2000 were perhaps the most controversial elections in the nation's history. Use this collection to revisit the historic elections of 2000. |
Web Pioneers The early years of the internet are a testament to the internet's diversity and ingenuity. This special collection highlights a handful of sites that played a role in the early internet. |
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