IQ and the Wealth of Nations -- Lynn and Vanhanen -- data table of national mean IQ studies summarized by Steve Sailer

Appendix 1 in Tabular Form of IQ and the Wealth of Nations by Richard Lynn and Tatu Vanhanen 128
Database of National Mean IQ Studies Contents copyright © 2002 by Richard Lynn and Tatu Vanhanen Summarized by Steve Sailer (           2.5
Important comments at bottom Individual National IQ Studies   For Sorting Individual Studies
  Adjustments: Compared to:          
Country  Real GDP per cap  Book Score # of Studies # Adjusted Score Approx. Year  Sample Size  Age Test Type Reported Score Flynn Effect Brits = 100 Other Country Test standardized Author (see L&V's bibliography) Notes Country-Study Overall Score Differ-ential Abs Val Diff  GDP  Avg Test Year Diff from Avg Year Racial Group
Argentina  $  12,013 96 2 1 93 1944      1,680 9 to 15 PM 86 7 UK 1979 Rimoldi 1948 Progressive Matrices - Standardization Argentina 96 -3 3  $      12,013 1968.5 -24.5 European
2 98 1993        420 5 to 11 CPM 101 -3 UK 1979 Raven 1998 Coloured Progressive Matrices - Standardization Argentina 96 2 2  $      12,013 1968.5 24.5 European
Australia  $  22,452 98 3 1 97 1936    35,000 9 to 13 AOT 95 2 McIntyre 1938 American Otis Test - standardized in US on whites, so raised 2 points Australia 98 -1 1  $      22,452 1967.3 -31.3 European
2 98 1980 5 to 10 CPM 98 UK 1979 Raven 1995 Norms Australia 98 0 0  $      22,452 1967.3 12.7 European
3 99 1986 8 to 17 SPM 100.5 -1.5 UK 1979 Raven 1996 Standardization Australia 98 1 1  $      22,452 1967.3 18.7 European
Austria  $  23,166 102 2 1 101 1979        187 adults Cattell 103 -2 Buj 1981 A multination study using Cattell's Culture Fair Test) British IQ was 102, so everything cut by 2 Austria 102 -1 1  $      23,166 1974.0 5.0 European
2 103 1969          67 13 SPM 101 2 UK 1979 Moyles 1973 Austria 102 1 1  $      23,166 1974.0 -5.0 European
Barbados  $  12,001 78 1 1 78 1984        108 9 to 15 WISC-R 82 -4 US 1972 Geller 1986 Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Revised Barbados 78  $      12,001 Black
Belgium  $  23,223 100 3 1 99 1950        944 7 to 13 CPM 93 6 UK 1979 Goosens 1952a Standardization Belgium 100 -1 1  $      23,223 1959.7 -9.7 European
2 103 1950        920 10 to 16 Cattel 104 -1 Goosens 1952b Standardization. Uses same sample as CPM above Belgium 100 3 3  $      23,223 1959.7 -9.7 European
3 98 1979        247 adults Cattell 100 -2 Buj 1981 No Flynn adjustment for Buj data -- Cattell standardized in US 1972, so it would be small Belgium 100 -2 2  $      23,223 1959.7 19.3 European
Brazil  $    6,625 87 4 1 88 1966        160 14 SPM 85.5 2.5 UK 1979 Natalicio 1968 Brazil 87 1 1  $        6,625 1975.5 -9.5  Mulatto 
2 84 1966        505 7 to 11 CPM 81 3 UK 1979 Angelini 1988 Standardization-L&V just give adjusted score, not raw scores Brazil 87 -3 3  $        6,625 1975.5 -9.5  Mulatto 
3 90 1982      1,131 5 to 11 CPM 91 -1 UK 1979 Angelini 1989 Standardization-L&V just give adjusted score, not raw scores Brazil 87 3 3  $        6,625 1975.5 6.5  Mulatto 
4 85 1988      1,547 5 to 11 CPM 86 -2 UK 1979 Angelini 1990 Standardization-L&V just give adjusted score, not raw scores Brazil 87 -2 2  $        6,625 1975.5 12.5  Mulatto 
Bulgaria  $    4,809 93 2 1 94 1979        215 adults Cattell 96 -2 Buj 1981 Bulgaria 93 1 1  $        4,809 1980.5 -1.5 European
2 91 1982      1,456 11 to 17 Cattell 95 -3 -1 US 1972 Lynn Paspalanova 1998 Standardization Bulgaria 93 -2 2  $        4,809 1980.5 1.5 European
Canada  $  23,582 97 1 1 97 1979        313 7 to 12 SPM 97 UK 1979 Raven 1996 norms Canada 97  $      23,582 European
China  $    3,105 100 4 1 100 1986      5,108 5 to 16 SPM 101 -1 UK 1979 Raven 1996 Norms, 5,108 includes both kids and adults, collected by Zhang China 100 0 0  $        3,105 1987.5 -1.5  Northeast Asian 
2 92.5 1986 18 to 80 SPM 91.5 2 -1 US 1993 Raven-Zhang Norms, 5,108 includes both kids and adults, collected by Zhang China 100 -7.5 7.5  $        3,105 1987.5 -1.5  Northeast Asian  Problem
3 103.4 1984        660 6 to 16 WISC-R 112.4 -3 -2 -4 US 1974 Li 1990 Standardization, but Shanghai-only sample, arbitrarily reduced to give national estimate China 100 3.4 3.4  $        3,105 1987.5 -3.5  Northeast Asian 
4 103 1994        297 14 to 15 ad hoc 103 Minn Li 1996 Beijing versus Minneapolis average of 100 (both smart cities) China 100 3 3  $        3,105 1987.5 6.5  Northeast Asian 
Colombia  $    6,006 89 1 1 95 1998          50 13 to 16 white boys WISC-R Span. 98 -2 -1 Spain 1991 Ardila 2000 Adj 95 for whites, estimated 89 for racial mix of Colombia Colombia 89  $        6,006 European
Congo (Brazzaville)  $       995 73 2 1 73 1950        320 17 to 29 SPM 64 9 US 1993 Ombredane 1952 Mean score below 1st percentile of American norms, assigned score of 64. Congo (Brazzaville) 73 0 0  $           995 1971.0 -21.0 Black
2 72 1992          88 13 SPM 75 -3 UK 1979 Nkaya 1994 At school in Brazzaville Congo (Brazzaville) 73 -1 1  $           995 1971.0 21.0 Black
Congo (Zaire)  $       822 65 4 1 68 1957        222 10 to 15 PM 64 4 UK 1979 Laroche 1959 Below 1st percentile of British norms Congo (Zaire) 65 3 3  $           822 1983.8 -26.8 Black
2 62 1991          47 8 K-ABC 65 -3 US 1982 Boivin 1993 Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children Congo (Zaire) 65 -3 3  $           822 1983.8 7.3 Black
3 68 1993          95 7 to 12 K-ABC 71 -3 US 1982 Boivin 1995 Congo (Zaire) 65 3 3  $           822 1983.8 9.3 Black
4 65 1994        130 7 to 9 K-ABC 68 -3 US 1982 Giordani, Boivin 1996 Congo (Zaire) 65 0 0  $           822 1983.8 10.3 Black
Croatia  $    6,749 90 1 1 90 1952        299 13 to 16 SPM 84.5 5.5 UK 1979 Sorokin 1954 Croatia 90  $        6,749 European
Cuba  $    3,967 85 1 1 85 1971      1,144 12 to 18 SPM 83 2 UK 1979 Alonso 1974 Cuba 85  $        3,967 Mulatto
Czech Republic  $  12,362 97 2 1 98 1979        363 adults Cattell 100 -2 Buj 1981 Book gives same two studies for both Czech Republic and Slovakia Czechloslovakia 97 1 1  $             -   1981.0 -2.0 European
Czechloslovakia 2 96 1983        832 5 to 11 CPM 97 -1 UK 1979 Raven 1995 Standardization  Czechloslovakia 97 -1 1  $             -   1981.0 2.0 European
Denmark  $  24,218 98 2 1 97 1966        628 12 SPM 94 3 UK 1979 Vejleskov 1968 Denmark 98 -1 1  $      24,218 1972.5 -6.5 European
2 99 1979        122 adults Cattell 101 -2 Buj 1981 Denmark 98 1 1  $      24,218 1972.5 6.5 European
Ecuador  $    3,003 80 1 1 80 1998        104 5 to 17 MAT 85 -3 -2 US 1983 Proctor 2000 Matrix Analogies Test Ecuador 80  $        3,003 Mestizo
Egypt  $    3,041 83 1 1 83 1987        129 6 to 12 SPM 85 -2 UK 1979 Ahmed 1989 Egypt 83  $        3,041 Middle Eastern
Equatorial Guinea  $    1,817 59 1 1 59 1984          48 10 to 14 WISC-R 63 -4 US 1972 Fernandez-Ballesteros 1997 Is WISC-R culturally appropriate? Equatorial Guinea 59  $        1,817 Black
Ethiopia (Falasha)  $       574 63 1 1 63 1989        250 15 SPM 65 -2 UK 1979 Kaniel 1991 Falasha Jewish immigrants to Israel Ethiopia (Falasha) 63  $           574 Black
Fiji  $    4,231 84 2   Fiji 84  $        4,231
  Fijians 1 84 1973          76 12 AQT 85 -1 Australia 1968 Chandra 1975 Australian Queensland Test - ethnic Fijians Fiji 84 Pacific Islander
  Indians 2 84 1973        140 12 AQT 85 -1 Australia 1968 Chandra 1975 Australian Queensland Test - ethnic Indians Fiji 84 South Asian
Finland  $  20,847 97 2 1 98 1970        755 7 CPM 96 2 UK 1979 Kyostio 1972 Norms - various locations Finland 97 1 1  $      20,847 1974.5 -4.5 European
2 96 1979        120 adults Cattell 98 -2 Buj 1981 Finland 97 -1 1  $      20,847 1974.5 4.5 European
France  $  21,175 98 3 1 96.5 1962        618 6 to 9 CPM 93.5 3 UK 1979 Bourdier 1964 Standardization France 98 -1.5 1.5  $      21,175 1967.7 -5.7 European
2 102.5 1962        328 6 to 11 CMMS 103.5 -1 US 1959 Dague 1964 Columbia Mental Maturity Scale standardization; Why no British adjustment? France 98 4.5 4.5  $      21,175 1967.67 -5.7 European
3 94 1979      1,320 adults Cattell 96 -2 Buj 1981 France 98 -4 4  $      21,175 1967.67 11.3 European
Germany-United  $  22,169 102 7   Germany-United 102 -102  $      22,169
West Germany 103 4 1 107 1979      1,572 adults Cattell 109 -2 Buj 1981 West Germany 103 4 4 1976.3 2.8 European
2 99 1970        563 5 to 7 CPM 97 2 UK 1979 Winkelman 1972 Standardization West Germany 103 -4 4 1976.3 -6.3 European
3 101 1978      3,607 6 to 10 CPM 101 UK 1979 Raven 1995 Standardization West Germany 103 -2 2 1976.3 1.8 European
4 105 1978      2,068 11 to 15 SPM 105 UK 1979 Raven 1981 Standardization West Germany 103 2 2 1976.3 1.8 European
East Germany 95 3 1 90 1967        454 7 to 11 CPM 87 3 UK 1979 Kurth 1969 City of Rostock Germany, East 95 -5 5 1976.3 -9.3 European
2 97 1984 SPM 98 -1 UK 1979 Raven 1995 Obtained by Guthke Germany, East 95 2 2 1976.3 7.8 European
3 99 1978  about 1,000  11 to 15 SPM 99 UK 1979 Raven 1981 Obtained by Melhorn Germany, East 95 4 4 1976.3 1.8 European
Ghana  $    1,735 71 2 1 80 1979        225 adults Cattell 82 -2 Buj 1981 in Akkra Ghana 71 9 9  $        1,735 1984.5 -5.5 Black
2 62 1990      1,639 avg 15 CPM 64 -2 UK 1979 Glewwe 1992 "representative sample" of adolescents, averaged below 1st percentile, assigned 64 Ghana 71 -9 9  $        1,735 1984.5 5.5 Black
Greece  $  13,943 92 2 1 88 1961        400 9 to 14 WISC 91 -5 2 US 1947 Fatouros 1972 WISC standardized so whites = 1000 Greece 92 -4 4  $      13,943 1970.0 -9.0 European
2 95 1979        220 adults Cattell 97 -2 Buj 1981 Greece 92 3 3  $      13,943 1970.0 9.0 European
Guatemala  $    3,505 79 1 79 1965        256 children Draw-a-Man 85 -1 -5 Johnson 1967 Mean IQ for white Americans at time = 105 Guatemala 79  $        3,505 Mestizo
Guinea  $    1,782 66 2 1 61 1933          50 5 to 14 AAPS 61 Nissen 1935 villagers -- American Army Performance Scale Guinea 66 -5 5  $        1,782 1943.0 -10.0 Black
2 70 1953      1,144 young men SPM 64 8 -2 US 1993 Faverge 1962 At technical training centers - below 1st percentile, assigned 64 Guinea 66 4 4  $        1,782 1943.0 10.0 Black
Hong Kong  $  20,763 107 5 1 103.4 1968    13,822 6 to 13 SPM 101.3 2.1 UK 1979 Lynn, Pagliari 1988 Hong Kong 107 -3.6 3.6  $      20,763 1980.9 -12.9 Northeast Asian
2 110 1982      4,500 6 to 15 SPM 110.4 -0.4 UK 1979 Lynn, Pagliari 1988 Hong Kong 107 3 3  $      20,763 1980.9 1.1 Northeast Asian
3 109 1983      4,858 6 CPM 110 -1 UK 1979 Chan, Lynn 1989 Hong Kong 107 2 2  $      20,763 1980.9 1.6 Northeast Asian
4 107 1986        197 10 PM 108 -1 UK 1979 Lynn, Pagliari 1988 Hong Kong 107 0 0  $      20,763 1980.9 5.1 Northeast Asian
5 107 1986        376 9 Cattell 113 -4 -2 US 1972 Lynn, Hampson 1988 Hong Kong 107 0 0  $      20,763 1980.9 5.1 Northeast Asian
Hungary  $  10,232 99 1 1 99 1979        260 adults Cattell 101 -2 Buj 1981 Hungary 99  $      10,232 European
India  $    2,077 81 4 1 81 1959      5,607  9 to 15  CPM 77 4 UK 1979 Sinha 1968 Summary of 9 normative studies in Ahmedabad, Trivandrum, Patna, Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh, Cuttack, and Tiru India 81 0 0  $        2,077 1976.3 -17.3 South Asian
2 82 1968      1,050  5 to 10  CPM 80 2 UK 1979 Rao 1968 Standardization - urban and rural Andra Pradesh India 81 1 1  $        2,077 1976.3 -8.3 South Asian
3 82 1992        569  11 to 15  SPM 84 -2 UK 1979 Raven 1996 Norms - in Dehli India 81 1 1  $        2,077 1976.3 15.8 South Asian
4 78 1986        748  9 to 12  WISC-R 82 -4 US 1972 Azfal 1988 India 81 -3 3  $        2,077 1976.3 9.8 South Asian
Indonesia  $    2,651 89 1 1 89 1959 school children Draw-A-Man 96 -7 US 1926 Thomas 1961 Bandung city Indonesia 89  $        2,651 Southeast Asian
Iran  $    5,121 84 1 1 84 1957        627 about 15 SPM 80 4 UK 1979 Valentine 1959 Iran 84  $        5,121 Middle Eastern
Iraq  $    3,197 87 2 1 87 1968        204 14 to 17 PM 85 2 UK 1979 Abul-Hubb 1972 Standardizaton Iraq 87 0 0  $        3,197 1968.0 0.0 Middle Eastern
2 87 1968      1,185 18 to 35 PM 85 4 -2 US 1993 Abul-Hubb 1972 Standardizaton Iraq 87 0 0  $        3,197 1968.0 0.0 Middle Eastern
Ireland  $  21,482 93 2 1 87 1972      3,466 6 to 13 SPM 86 1 UK 1979 Raven 1981 Norms Ireland 93 -6 6  $      21,482 1975.5 -3.5 European
2 98 1979          75 adults Cattell 100 -2 Buj 1981 Ireland 93 5 5  $      21,482 1975.5 3.5 European
Israel  $  17,301 94 2 1 97 1975        180 10 to 12 ALTT 100 -2 -1 US 1964 Miron 1977 American Lorge-Thorndike Test Israel 94 3 3  $      17,301 1982.0 -7.0 Middle Eastern
2 90 1989      1,740 9 to 15 SPM 92 -2 UK 1979 Kaniel 1991 Israel 94 -4 4  $      17,301 1982.0 7.0 Middle Eastern
Italy  $  20,585 102 2 1 103 1960      2,432 11 to 16 SPM 99 4 UK 1979 Tesi 1962 Norms Italy 102 1 1  $      20,585 1969.5 -9.5 European
2 101 1979      1,380 adults Cattell 103 -2 US Buj 1981 Italy 102 -1 1  $      20,585 1969.5 9.5 European
Jamaica  $    3,389 72 1 1 72 1961      1,730 11 BMHT 72 Manley 1963 British Moray House Test Jamaica 72  $        3,389 Black
Japan  $  23,257 105 10 1 102 1951 WISC 103 -1 -2 2 US 1947 Lynn 1977a Standardization of performance (nonverbal) subtests, WISC standardized on American whites Japan 105 -3 3  $      23,257 1978.4 -27.4 Northeast Asian
2 106 1980 JKNX & APMA 110 -2 -2 US 1962 Lynn, Dziobon 1980 Japanese Kyoto NX test and American Primary Mental Abilities test compared to 213 Northern Irish children Japan 105 1 1  $      23,257 1978.4 1.6 Northeast Asian
3 109 1980        780 4 to 9 CMMS 113 -2 -2 US 1972 Misawa 1984 Columbia Mental Maturity Scale - Standardization Japan 105 4 4  $      23,257 1978.4 1.6 Northeast Asian
4 104 1983        240 6 and 10  Ad hoc 100 -1 5 Minneapolis 1985 Stevenson 1985 Sendai vs. Minneapolis (Minnesota 5 points above US average) Japan 105 -1 1  $      23,257 1978.4 4.6 Northeast Asian
5 103 1975      1,100 6 to 16 WISC-R 105 -1 -1 US 1972 Lynn Hampson 1986a Comparison of standardizations, L&V give adjusted score of 102, not 103 Japan 105 -2 2  $      23,257 1978.4 -3.4 Northeast Asian
6 99 1975        550 2.5 to 8.5 McCarthy  101.7 -0.7 -2 US 1971 Lynn Hampson 1986b Comparison of standardizations Japan 105 -6 6  $      23,257 1978.4 -3.4 Northeast Asian
7 105 1967        600 4 to 6 WPPS 107.8 -0.8 -2 US 1964 Lynn, Hampson 1987 Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale Japan 105 0 0  $      23,257 1978.4 -11.4 Northeast Asian
8 110 1989        444 9 SPM 112 -2 UK 1979 Shigehisa, Lynn 1991 Japan 105 5 5  $      23,257 1978.4 10.6 Northeast Asian
9 103.9 1990        454 5 to 7 CCAT 106.9 -3 Canada 1989 Takeuchi 1992 Canadian Cognitive Abilities Test - city of Nagoya Japan 105 -1.1 1.1  $      23,257 1978.4 11.6 Northeast Asian
10 106 1994        239 14-15 Ad hoc 103 -2 5 Li 1996 City of Toyama compared to 100 in Minneapolis-St. Paul Japan 105 1 1  $      23,257 1978.4 15.6 Northeast Asian
Kenya  $       980 72 2 1 69 1983        205 adults CPM 69 2 -2 US 1993 Boissiere 1985 Kenya 72 -3 3  $           980 1990.5 -7.5 Black
2 75 1998      1,222 6 to 10 CPM 79 -4 UK 1979 Costenbader 2000 Kenya 72 3 3  $           980 1990.5 7.5 Black
Lebanon  $    4,236 86 1 1 86 1955        416 5 to 10 Draw-a-Man 89 -3 US 1926 Dennis 1957 Lebanon 86  $        4,236 Middle Eastern
Malaysia  $    8,137 92 1 1 92 1992      5,412 7 to 12 SPM 94.5 -2.5 UK 1979 Chaim 1994 Norms Malaysia 92  $        8,137 Southeast Asian
Marshall Islands  $    3,000 84 1 1 83.5 1961        407 12 to 18 Cattell 87.5 -3 -1 US 1947 Jordheim 1963 Norms Marshall Islands 84  $        3,000 Pacific Islander
Mexico  $    7,704 87 1 1 86.5 1961        520 6 to 13 Draw-a-Man 86.5 Modiano 1962 "Native American & mestizo children in southern Mexico" - 87 comes from blending white 96 (9% of population) and this 86.5. Mexico 87  $        7,704 Mestizo
Mexican-Americans 88 3 1 84 1972        597 6 to 11 CPM 82 2 UK 1979 Raven 1986 Mexican children in California "representative sample" Mexican-Americans 88 -4 Mestizo
2 95 1972        434 6 to 11 CPM 94 1 UK 1979 Raven 1986 Mexican American children in Texas Mexican-Americans 88 7 Mestizo
3 84 1972        404 9 to 12 SPM 84 UK 1979 Raven 1986 Texas Mexican-Americans 88 -4 Mestizo
Morocco (in Netherlands)  $    3,305 85 2 1 84 1995        167 DGITB 84 Te Nijenhuis 1997 Dutch General Intelligence Test Battery (69 on vocabulary subtest excluded), Dutch = 100 - Moroccan immigrants in the Netherlands Morocco 85 -1 1  $        3,305 Middle Eastern
2 85 1994        200 5 to 7 LPT 85 Hamers 1996 Learning Potential Test - Immigrants in Netherlands - IQ of 85 relative to Dutch 100 Morocco 85 0 0  $        3,305 Middle Eastern
Nepal  $    1,157 78 1 1 78 1958        807 4 to 16 Draw-a-Man 78 Sundberg 1968 78 relative to American simultaneous American norms Nepal 78  $      1,157 South Asian
Netherlands  $  22,176 102 3 1 107 1979        333 adults Cattell 109 -2 Buj 1981 Netherlands 102 5 5  $    22,176 1985.0 -6.0 European
2 99 1984 CPM 99.5 -0.5 UK 1979 Van Bon-Raven 1995 Norms Netherlands 102 -3 3  $    22,176 1985.0 -1.0 European
3 101 1992      4,032 6 to 12 SPM 104 -3 UK 1979 Raven 1996 Norms Netherlands 102 -1 1  $    22,176 1985.0 7.0 European
New Zealand  $  17,288 100 2 1 99 1938    26,000 9 to 15 AOT 99 Redmond 1940 American Otis Test New Zealand 100 -1 1  $    17,288 1961.0 -23.0 European
2 101 1984      3,108 8 to 17 SPM 102 -1 UK 1979 Reid 1989 New Zealand 100 1 1  $    17,288 1961.0 23.0 European
Nigeria  $       795 67 2 1 64 1965          86 adult men SPM 64 UK 1979 Wober 1969 Below bottom of table- equivalent to 6.5 year old, assigned 64 - no Flynn adjustment? Nigeria 67 -3 3  $         795 1969.0 -4.0 Black
2 69 1973        375 6 to 13 CPM 70 -1 UK 1979 Fahrmeier 1975 Shouldn't they have added a point for Flynn adjustment? Nigeria 67 2 2  $         795 1969.0 4.0 Black
Norway  $  26,342 98 1 1 98 1979        100 adults Cattell 100 -2 Buj 1981 Norway 98  $    26,342 European
Peru  $    4,282 90 1 1 89 1993      4,382 8 to 11 CPM 90 -1 UK 1979 Raven 1995 Native American and mestizos (assume whites = 95 and are 12% of population)-If date was 1993, then negative Flynn adjustment should have been bigger Peru 90 -1  $      4,282 Mestizo
Philippines  $    3,555 86 1 1 86 1970        203 12 to 13 SPM 86 UK 1979 Flores 1972 Why no Flynn adjustment of +2 points Philippines 86  $      3,555 Southeast Asian
Poland  $    7,619 99 2 1 92 1989      4,006 6 to 15 SPM 94 -2 UK 1979 Jaworowska 1991 Biggest differential between tests Poland 99 -7 7  $      7,619 1984.0 5.0 European
2 106 1979        835 adults Cattell 108 -2 Buj 1981 Poland 99 7 7  $      7,619 1984.0 -5.0 European
Portugal  $  14,701 95 2 1 101 1979        242 adults Cattell 103 -2 Buj 1981 2nd biggest differential between tests Portugal 95 6 6  $    14,701 1983.0 -4.0 European
2 88 1987        807 6 to 12 CPM 90 -2 UK 1979 Simoes 1989 Portugal 95 -7 7  $    14,701 1983.0 4.0 European
Puerto Rico  $    8,000 84 2 1 83 1975      2,400 5 to 11 CPM 83 UK 1979 Raven 1995 Norms Puerto Rico 84 -1 1  $      8,000 1976.0 -1.0 Mulatto
2 84 1977      2,911 8 to 15 SPM 84 UK 1979 Raven 1989 Norms Puerto Rico 84 0 0  $      8,000 1976.0 1.0 Mulatto
Qatar  $  20,987 78 1 1 78 1985        273 12 SPM 78 UK 1979 Bart 1987 No Flynn adjustment? Qatar 78  $    20,987 Middle Eastern
Romania  $    5,648 94 1 1 94 1972        300 6 to 10 CPM 95 -1 UK 1979 Zahirnic 1974 Norms Romania 94  $      5,648 European
Russia  $    6,460 96 1 1 96 1997 14 to 15 SPM 100 -4 UK 1979 Raven 1998 Norms, city of Briansk, 200 miles SW of Moscow Russia 96  $      6,460 European
Sierra Leone  $       458 64 2 1 64 1965          22 23 CPM 64 US 1993 Binnie-Dawson 1984 Tiny sample; skilled workers -- below 1st percentile, assigned 64; No Flynn adjustment? Sierra Leone 64 0 0  $         458 1964.5 0.5 Black
2 64 1964          60 adults CPM 64 UK 1979 Berry 1966 No Flynn adjustment? Sierra Leone 64 0 0  $         458 1964.5 -0.5 Black
Singapore - Total  $  24,210 103 2   Assuming Ethnic Indians average 81 and are 7% of Singapore's population Singapore 103  $24,210
Singapore-Chinese 1 107.5 1974        147 13 SPM 106 1.5 UK 1979 Lynn 1977b Ethnic Chinese are 76% of Singapore's population Singapore Northeast Asian
Singapore-Malay 2 92 1974        190 13 SPM 90.5 1.5 UK 1979 Lynn 1977b Ethnic Malays are 14 percent Singapore Southeast Asian
Slovakia  $    9,699 96   In book, same results given for both Czech Republic and Slovakia (tests done while still united) Slovakia 96  $      9,699
Slovenia  $  14,293 95 1 1 95 1998      1,556 8 to 18 SPM 99 -4 UK 1979 Standardization Slovenia 95  $    14,293 European
South Africa  $    8,488 72 4   Weighted average based on population %s South Africa 72  $      8,488
  Blacks 66 5   South Africa 66 1959.8
  Indians 83 2   South Africa 83 1957.5
  Coloreds 82 2   South Africa 82 1957.5
  Whites 94 1   South Africa 94
  Blacks 1 65 1925        293 10 to 14 AABT 65 US c. 1917 Fick 1929 American Army Beta Test (non-verbal) South Africa 66 -1 1 1959.8 -34.8 Black
  Indians 2 77 1925        762 10 to 14 AABT 77 US c. 1917 Fick 1929 South Africa 83 -6 6 1957.5 -32.5 South Asian
  Coloreds 3 84 1925      4,921 10 to 14 AABT 84 US c. 1917 Fick 1929 South Africa 82 2 2 1957.5 -32.5 Colored
  Blacks 4 75 1948      1,008 8 to 16 SPM 69 6 UK 1979 Notcutt 1950 Norms South Africa 66 9 9 1959.8 -11.8 Black
  Blacks 5 64 1948        703 adults SPM 64 UK 1979 Notcutt 1950 Norms - below bottom (7.5 mental age), no Flynn adjustment? South Africa 66 -2 2 1959.8 -11.8 Black
  Whites 6 94 1990      1,056 16 SPM 96 -2 UK 1979 Owen 1992 Norms South Africa 94 European
  Blacks 7 67 1990      1,096 16 SPM 69 -2 UK 1979 Owen 1992 Norms South Africa 66 1 1 1959.8 30.2 Black
  Indians 8 88 1990      1,063 16 SPM 90 -2 UK 1979 Owen 1992 Norms South Africa 83 5 5 1957.5 32.5 South Asian
  Coloreds 9 80 1990        778 16 SPM 82 -2 UK 1979 Owen 1992 Norms South Africa 82 -2 2 1957.5 32.5 Colored
  Blacks 10 63 1988        350 9 SPM 65 -2 UK 1979 Lynn Holmshaw 1990 South Africa 66 -3 3 1959.8 28.2 Black
South Korea  $  13,478 106 2 1 104.7 1986        440 2 to 12 K-ABC 107.2 -1.5 -1 US 1981 Moon 1988 Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children standardization South Korea 106 -1.3 1.3  $      13,478 1989.0 -3.0 Northeast Asian
2 106.4 1992        107 9 SPM 109 -2.6 UK 1979 Lynn Song 1994 South Korea 106 0.4 0.4  $      13,478 1989.0 3.0 Northeast Asian
Spain  $  16,212 97 2 1 98 1979        848 adults Cattell 100 -2 Buj 1981 Spain 97 1 1  $      16,212 1985.5 -6.5 European
2 96 1992 CPM 99 -3 UK 1979 Raven 1995 Norms Spain 97 -1 1  $      16,212 1985.5 6.5 European
  Unused na 90  113,749 conscripts SPM 90 UK 1979 Nieto-Alegre 1967 unused: "of low educational level and unrepresentative"; Flynn adjustment would raise to at least 93 Spain
Sudan  $    1,394 72 1 1 72 1987        148 8 to 12 SPM 74 -2 UK 1979 Ahmed 1989 Sudan 72  $        1,394 Black
na 73.5 1954        291 children Four tests 73.5 Fahmy 1964 Shilluks -- "primitive Nilotic Negro tribe." Tests: Goddard Formboard, Porteus Maze, Alexander Passalong, and Draw-a-Man, date of standardizations of first three unknown; a Flynn adjustment would probably raise score slightly. Used only to support other score of 72. Sudan 72  $        1,394 Black
Suriname (in Netherlands)  $    5,161 89 1 1 89 1995        535 mean age 30 DGATB 89 Te Nijenhuis 1997 Immigrants in Netherlands, Dutch General Aptitude Test Battery-relative to Dutch=100 Suriname 89 0  $        5,161 Mulatto
Sweden  $  20,659 101 2 1 97 1968      1,106 6 to 15 WISC 104 -7 -2 2 US 1947 Skandinaviska 1970 Standardization. Other adj.: WISC standardized on American whites Sweden 101 -4 4  $      20,659 1973.5 -5.5 European
2 104 1979        205 adults Cattell 106 -2 Buj 1981 Sweden 101 3 3  $      20,659 1973.5 5.5 European
Switzerland  $  25,512 101 3 1 101 1979        163 adults Cattell 103 -2 Buj 1981 Switzerland 101 0 0  $      25,512 1979.3 -0.3 European
2 99 1970  not given  6 to 10 CPM 97 2 UK 1979 Raven 1995 Standardization Switzerland 101 -2 2  $      25,512 1979.3 -9.3 European
3 102 1989        167 6 to 10 CPM 104 -2 UK 1979 Raven 1995 Standardization Switzerland 101 1 1  $      25,512 1979.3 9.7 European
Taiwan  $  13,000 104 4 1 101 1956      1,290 16 Cattell 105 -2 -2 US 1947 Rodd 1959 Taiwan 104 -3 3  $      13,000 1975.8 -19.8 Northeast Asian
2 103.5 1975    43,825 First grade CPM 102.7 0.8 UK 1979 Hsu 1976 All first graders in Taipei- avg. 6.8 years Taiwan 104 -0.5 0.5  $      13,000 1975.8 -0.8 Northeast Asian
3 105 1983        480 6 to 10 ad hoc 100 5 Stevenson 1985 Same as Minneapolis (105); should subtract two to equivalize to British Taiwan 104 1 1  $      13,000 1975.8 7.3 Northeast Asian
4 105 1989      2,496 9 to 12 SPM 106.6 -1.6 UK 1979 Lynn 1997b Raven 1996 Norms Taiwan 104 1 1  $      13,000 1975.8 13.3 Northeast Asian
Tanzania  $       480 72 2 1 78 1965      2,959 high schoolers SPM 75 3 UK 1979 Klingelhofer 1967 Secondary school students, average age 17 -- likely to be better sort of students Tanzania 72 6 6  $           480 1974.0 -9.0 Black
2 65 1983        179 adults CPM 65 2 -2 US 1993 Boissiere 1985 Tanzania 72 -7 7  $           480 1974.0 9.0 Black
Thailand  $    5,456 91 1 1 91 1987 8 to 10 CPM 91 UK 1979 Pollitt 1989 No Flynn adjustment? Thailand 91 0  $        5,456 Southeast Asian
Tonga (and Western Samoa)  $    3,000 87 2 1 86 1981          80 8 to 9 PAT 86 Beck 1983 Progressive Achievement Test, Polynesians from Tonga & Western Samoa in Auckland, NZ Tonga 87 -1 1  $        3,000 1982.5 -1.5 Pacific Islander
2 87.5 1984          65 8 to 17 SPM 88.5 -1 UK 1979 Reid 1989 Standardization - subset of 65 ethnic Pacific Islanders Tonga 87 0.5 0.5  $        3,000 1984.0 0.0 Pacific Islander
Turkey  $    6,422 90 1 1 90 1992      2,277 6 to 15 SPM 93 -3 UK 1979 Sahin 1994 Standardization Turkey 90  $        6,422 Middle Eastern
Turks in Netherlands 2   Turks in Netherlands 0
  Turkish immigrants 1 88 1995 mean age 24 DGATB 88 Te Nijenhuis 1997 Excluding vocabulary subtest Turks in Netherlands 0 Middle Eastern
  Turkish children 2 85 1994        200 5 to 7 LPT 85 Hamers 1996 Learning Potential Test Turks in Netherlands 0 Middle Eastern
Uganda  $    1,074 73 1 1 73 1972      2,019 11 CPM 72 1 UK 1979 Heyneman 1980 Uganda 73  $        1,074 Black
United Kingdom  $  20,336 100 na The UK average IQ is assumed to be 100 by default. United Kingdom 100  $      20,336 European
United States  $  29,605 98 4 1 100 1914 Stanford Binet 100 5 -3 -2 Scotland 1933 Lynn 1979 Stanford Binet standardized on whites only so 2 points too high; Calibrated vs. Scottish 11 year olds in 1933. Scots three points below Brits as whole United States 98 2 2  $      29,605 1952.8 -38.8 European
2 97 1932 Terman Merrill 97.5 4.5 -3 -2 Scotland 1947 Scottish Council 1949 Calibrated vs. Scottish 11 year olds in 1947 United States 98 -1 1  $      29,605 1952.8 -20.8 European
3 98 1972    64,000 13-18 DAT 97 1 UK 1978 Hodgkiss 1978 Differential Aptitude Test-Standardized in Britain on 10,000 adolescents in 1978 United States 98 0 0  $      29,605 1952.8 19.3 European
4 98 1993 adults SPM 98 UK 1992 Raven 1996 Relative to 1992 standardization in Britain United States 98 0 0  $      29,605 1952.8 40.3 European
Uruguay  $    8,623 96 2 1 93 1957      1,634 adlscnts SPM 89 4 UK 1979 Risso 1961 Adolescents + adults = 1,634 sample size Urugauy 96 -3 3  $        8,623 1957.0 0.0 European
2 98 1957 adults SPM 93 7 -2 US 1993 Risso 1961 Urugauy 96 2 2  $        8,623 1957.0 0.0 European
Western Samoa (and Tonga)  $    3,832 87   Same data as Tonga (mixed Tongan-Samoan sample in New Zealand) Western  Samoa 96  $        3,832
Zambia  $       719 77 1 1 77 1962        759 13 SPM 74 3 UK 1979 MacArthur 1964 Schoolchildren Zambia 77  $           719 Black
Zimbabwe  $    2,669 66 2 1 61.1 1992 12 to 14 WISC-R 67.1 -6 US 1972 Zindi 1994 Same sample, two tests -- Sailer: The verbally oriented WISC may be less appropriate than the nonverbal Matrices in Africa. Zimbabwe 66 -4.9 4.9  $        2,669 1992.0 0.0 Black
2 70 1992 12 to 14 SPM 72.4 -2.4 UK 1979 Zindi 1994 Same sample, two tests (assumed to be Standard, not Colored Progressive Matrices) Zimbabwe 66 4 4  $        2,669 1992.0 0.0 Black
 Adapted from beginning of Appendix 1 of IQ and the Wealth of Nations, pp. 197-198 
 Most intelligence tests have been constructed in Britain and the United States and have subsequently  
 been administered to samples of the populations in many other countries throughout the world.  
 From these studies, it is possible to calculate the mean Iqs of the populations of 81 nations. In making these 
 calculations, the mean IQ in Britain is set at 100 with a standard deviation of 15 and the mean Iqs of other nations  
 is calculated in relation to this yardstick.  
 A factor that needs to be taken into account in making these calculations  
 [This adjustment is noted in the column entitled "Flynn Effect," although "Lynn-Flynn Effect" might be more correct -- Sailer] 
 is that the mean Iqs in economically developed nations have been increasing since the 1930s. An adjustment needs to be  
 made for this increase when calculating the mean Iqs obtained in countries from tests that were  
 administered some years before or some years later than the British test with which it is being compared. 
 In the case of the [Ravens] Standard Progressive Matrices test, which has been administered in many 
 countries and which we use extensively for the calculation of national Iqs, the British mean IQ increased at a rate of 
 approximately 2 IQ points per decade from 1938, when the test was constructed, up to 1979, when 
 the last British standardization on children was carried out (Lynn and Hampson, 1986, Flynn, 1987). 
 Mean Iqs on the Wechsler tests [WISC] increased by approximately 3 IQ points per decade from the mid-1930s 
 to the 1990s (Flynn, 1984, 1988). Where these tests have been used, adjustments for the secular rise of Iqs have been made. 
 There are a few studies that have employed tests for which the rate of secular increase in the means is not known.  
 In these cases, we have assumed an increase of 2 IQ points per decade.  
 When the date at which a standardization was carried out is not given, it is assumed to have taken place two  
 years before the date of publication. 
 A problem in estimating some national Iqs is that the samples have scored below the first percentile in relation 
 to British norms. The first percentile is equivalent to an IQ of 65. Where national samples have scored below the first 
 percentile, they have been assigned an IQ of 64. 
 For a number of countries there is more than one study of the national IQ. In these case, we have averaged the 
 results giving equal weight to each study. These Iqs have been calculated and averaged to the nearest whole number. 
 Sailer's Explanation of Column Headings 
 Real GDP per cap   is 1998 real Gross Domestic Product per capita in Purchasing Power Parity terms.  
 It is taken from Table 4 in Appendix 2 of IQ and the Wealth of Nations, pp. 249-256. 
 Country  is of course the Country (occasionally, scores of immigrants in other countries are included as noted) 
 Book Score    
 Book Score   is the average of all the mean IQ scores for that country in the book IQ and the Wealth of Nations 
 # of Studies   is the number of studies for each country reported by Lynn and Vanhanen.  
 All the rest of the columns refer to individual studies 
 Adjusted Score   is the mean IQ score of that study, after L&V's adjustments to make them compatible. 
 Sample Size   are the number of individuals tested 
 Age   is the age range of the tested individuals 
 Approx. Year   is the estimated year when testing took place. When the published study does not mention the year, 
 it is assumed to be two years before the study was published. 
 Test Type   is the name of the IQ test. The first time an abbreviation is introduced, it is explained in the Notes column 
 Reported Score   is the mean score reported in study, before L&V's adjustments 
 There are three columns of Adjustments: 
 Flynn Effect   is the adjustment to take into account that raw scores have been rising 2-3 points per decade.  
 Because of this, when tests are restandardized, the developers make it harder to score a 100. 
 So, L&V adjust Reported Scores for the Flynn Effect.  
 Say that a sample scored an average of 98 in the year 1969 based on the Standard Progressive Matrices 
 benchmarks for the UK for 1979. Because SPM scores have been seen to rise about 2 points per decade, 
 L&V add 2 points to the Reported Score to give an adjusted score of 100. 
 On the other hand, if the sample scored a 98 on the 1979 benchmarks in the year 1989, 
 L&V subtract 2 points from the Reported Score to give an adjusted score of 96. 
 Brits = 100   is the adjustment made to scores achieved on tests standardized with some other country's mean  
 IQ as 100. Many IQ tests were invented in the US and set with the US mean equal to 100. However, the US mean 
 is typically two or sometimes one point lower than the UK mean.  
 Other   is a catch-all for other adjustments made by L&V, which are usually sketched out in the Notes column. 
 Then come to "Compared To:" columns about where and when the test was standardized. 
 Country is the country where the test scores were standardized: typically the UK or US. 
 Test Standardized   is the year the test was standardized in its benchmark country (typically, UK or US). This 
 year is used in calculating the size of the Flynn Effect. 
 Author   is the name of the first author of the study, and the year published, as reported in L&V's bibliography, pp. 273-289.  
 Unfortunately, the bibliography is not on on-line. 
 Notes   explain the full name of the IQ test, Other adjustments, pertinent demographic information, and offer 
 Sailer's questions and suggestions for improvement. 
 Sorting Columns   Columns on the far right of the spreadsheet exist for your convenience in sorting. 
 Country-Study   provides the country for each individual study. This allows you to sort studies as you wish. 
Overall Score   is the same as Book Score (which is L&V's overall score for a country, based on the average of the studies), but, unlike Book Score, it is filled in for each study for convenience in sorting.
Differential   is the difference between the Adjusted Score for that study and the Book Score for that Country.
Abs Val Diff   is the absolute value of the Differential. This provides a measure of the size of the dispersion of the study scores that go into making up the averaged Book Score.
GDP   is the same as the Real GDP Per Cap, just filled in for each row for ease in sorting.
Avg Test Year   is the mean for all the Approx. Years for that country. 
Diff from Avg Year   is the difference between the Approx. Year for that study and the average for the country.
Racial Group   is a quick and dirty categorization of each country, or, in cases where an average score was reported for a subgroup, as in South Africa, for that ethnic group.