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Domain name: yarareyaku.com Registrant Info: livedoor Co., Ltd. livedoor whois protect service (whoisprotect@livedoor.jp) 03-5155-2008 FAX: Sumitomofudosan Nishishinjuku Bld. 7-20-1 Nishishinjuku Shinjuku-ku Tokyo Administrative Info: livedoor Co., Ltd. livedoor whois protect service (whoisprotect@livedoor.jp) 03-5155-2008 FAX: Sumitomofudosan Nishishinjuku Bld. 7-20-1 Nishishinjuku Shinjuku-ku Tokyo Status: active Note: To help prevent fraudulent or erroneous transfers, we encourage registrants to place their domains on "lock" status with their current registrar.