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  1. #improudtosay Im Egyptian! Regardless of what happened, is happening or will happen! #egypt #jan25 #jan28
  2. @Psyched55 @hfakhry ofcourse,been saying so last two days, but i think tomorrow needs even more warning because there will be so many people
  3. @Firas_Atraqchi absolutely true. Rabinna yostor!
  4. everyone was relying on bbms and now its down too! Um, is there anything left for them to cut off? #jan25 #egypt #jan28
  5. http://urlm.in/guzb take a break and laugh for one min. - conversation between mubarak&friends on FB (joke ofcourse and arabic (sorry))
  6. @Firas_Atraqchi you're absolutely right! it would be extremely stupid! but the egyptian govt was never known for its brains :S
  7. Jzaeera Correspondent:the central forces police are completely exhausted which is making space for even more protesters to join #jan25 #suez
  8. NOW: stats for FB group for Friday day of anger/rage: 76,583 attending, 14,179 maybe attending&remember most egyptians dont have FB! #jan25
  9. Anyone other than me thinks there is no way they will let Baradei out of the airport?! and if they do, he'll be dead soon? #jan25 #egypt
  10. VERY important! tomorrow there is no violence whatsoever! do not use sticks, do not throw stones,do not swear!translation RT @hfakhry #jan25
  11. Anyone heard from See Hosni? .... Anyone? *crickets* ..... MMmmmm... #jan25 #jan28 #egypt
  12. Ok, now: curfew in #suez and they've cut off the electricity in the streets as well as phone and mobiles.
  13. Is the internet pathetically slow... or is it PATHETICALLY SLOW!!! #egypt #jan25 #jan28
  14. want a summary of today's events - check out this article http://apne.ws/gZ5i87 #egypt #jan25 #jan28
  15. Egypt's ruling party said Thursday it was ready for a dialogue with the public but offered no concessions to address demands #jan25 #egypt
  16. Release of 10 journalists arrested yesterday including Mohamed AbdelQudoos (head of freedom committee) aswell as 200protesters #jan25 #egypt
  17. @zofolac thank you Radim