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General discussion - KARASYS

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msx professional
Message: 977
Posté: Août 29 2007, 02:15   
anyone familiar with it ?

seems like a japanese karaoke system on msx.



I think naruto made the above track, maybe the rest as well
msx professional
Message: 758
Posté: Août 29 2007, 05:03   
Cool! It would be even cooler if it showed some images on background... could even show some videos with a super-imposer or a digitiser
msx master
Message: 2016
Posté: Août 29 2007, 05:07   
I think that the font makes sure, that there is no space for still images, but super-impose would be possible. Funny idea
msx professional
Message: 977
Posté: Août 29 2007, 18:39   
I also wonder if this is a new system... I mean, they have proper karaoke systems now,
but the songs as examples are all japanese... wondering if they're old or contemporary
msx professional
Message: 595
Posté: Août 29 2007, 19:33   
With a sunrise ide adapter it could be possible to have cd audio quality like songs playing.Imagine someone taking advantage of that?Then msx could easily have a very good karaoke system.So is anyone up to the task?
msx professional
Message: 977
Posté: Août 29 2007, 20:20   
why bother ? you could make it easy on yourself by having a karaoke machine.
cheaper and easier

msx freak
Message: 199
Posté: Août 29 2007, 22:57   
I could find 10 of there karasys2 clips on Youtube (use the search function)
Here are a couple of them. This is great stuff! Why haven't we gaijins ever heard of this magnificent piece of software yet?!

msx freak
Message: 170
Posté: Août 31 2007, 12:13   

I think naruto made the above track, maybe the rest as well

Months ago I found some KSS files in a Japanese web page
(I don't remember it) and one of them is the same you found in Youtube. Maybe the rest are also from KARASYS. These PSG musics are really good! I always wondered if they were from MSX.
msx professional
Message: 758
Posté: Septembre 01 2007, 06:14   
Even better: with IDE and an MP3 card you can have lots of cd-quality songs... and I really dont see why we couldnt have bkg pictures... (unless this is MSX1, of course... but even then...!)
msx friend
Message: 5
Posté: Septembre 18 2007, 12:02   
wow! nice to meet you.
it's me naruto. i'm KARASYS author.
thank you for introducing!

KARASYS is free-software.
i was released with japanese local bbs in about 7 years ago.
at that time, good business-karaoke systems existed already.
i mimicked on the MSX at personal hobby.

i love PSG!

files for real MSX:

msx lover
Message: 93
Posté: Septembre 18 2007, 21:12   
Just downloaded it, and it's a really nice program. Is there also an editor to create new musics with texts ? (couldn't find it in the japanese docs )

Btw, also added your program to Generation MSX: http://www.generation-msx.nl/msxdb/softwareinfo/3445

msx guru
Message: 2349
Posté: Septembre 18 2007, 21:21   
Hi Naruto, welcome!

Thank you for sharing KARASYS with us. I'm sure many people will enjoy this great program!
msx freak
Message: 199
Posté: Septembre 18 2007, 21:30   
The karaoke is good practice for my hiragana
Nice program!
msx friend
Message: 5
Posté: Septembre 21 2007, 10:58   
to Sylvester :
thanks for your download! also i'm sorry karaoke datas (*.KDT) editor is nothing...
but *.KDT is simple binary datas, so everyone can create using z80-assembler.
and music datas is MuSICA/KINROU(*.BGM) or MPK(*.MPK). therefore create by mml.

by the way, many thanks for added Generation MSX!
Generation MSX is really wonderful site! i'm very glad.

to Sonic_aka_T :
Hello, thank you very much for a word of a welcome!
and i'm very happy because you praise my program!

to Pastie :
thanks for your kind message!
i'm happy if this program is reference because of the practice for your hiragana
msx professional
Message: 977
Posté: Septembre 21 2007, 16:47   
Hey naruto ^_^ great to have you here and seeing you're writing in english
that makes communication in mixi easier hahaha !
Glad you joined I am currently touring with usk and maru,
do you know them maybe ? (they know your name for sure)

All the best,

Julian ( the c-men)
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