589 名前:[Fn]+[名無しさん][sage] 投稿日:2009/08/13(木) 22:51:03 ID:JrR0FKff
Pathを選択して編集一番後ろに ;%SystemRoot%\System32 を追加
システム製造元 YKMF_Yukyung
システムモデル YKMD_S5 PREH(JPN)
プロセッサ x86 Family 6 Model 28 Stepping 2 GenuineIntel ~1330 Mhz
BIOS バージョン/日付 American Megatrends Inc. 080015, 2009/06/25
windows7 RC
Step by step installation guide of Windows 7 RC on Viliv S5 3G
A. Before install Windows 7, please download all the drivers from myviliv.hk and extracted to separate folders
B. Copy below folders from factory installed XP OS:
- C:\Program Filers\VilivManager
- C:\Program Filers\MobilePartner
C. Set boot priority to boot from CD/DVD driver, and install Windows 7 by USB DVD-ROM (in my case, I config my 8G memory stick as DVD-ROM)
D. Windows 7 driver installation sequence:
1. run setup.exe of infinst_autol,
2. update "unknown device" => Atom_Io_Control
3. install S5_System
4. update "Universial Serial Bus (USB) Controller" => usb32client
5. execute "Install_vilivManager_v1.1.2.exe"
6. copy VilivManager from Factory installed XP OS (It is newer than "Install_vilivManager_v1.1.2.exe" and with 3G Modem option)
7. execute VilivManager by "Run as administrator" and turn on Bluetooth/Wifi/3G Modem
8. update "...SDIO..." => Wifi_Driver
9. connect to internet by WIFI
10. update "Standard VGA Graphics Adapter" => Auto search online, reboot
11. update "Microsoft PS/2 Mouse" => Touch_Driver
12. update "Com1" => GPS_Driver
13. update three "unknown device" under catagory Modem => "Browse My computer for driver software" => select MobilePartner folder from Factory installed XP OS
14. copy MobilePartner folder from Factory installed XP OS to C:\Program Files and create a shortcut of the executable to Desktop or anywhere you like
15. If you want to use CubeUI, you are required to download and install "Microsoft .NET framework 3.5" and "Adobe AIR"
Done! Now you should have 100% working Windows 7 on Viliv S5 3G!
Windows XP Homeでリモートデスクトップ
もちろん At your own risk!
1. なんちゃってXP Pro化
(1) [スタート]->[ファイル名を指定して実行(R)]を選択し、「regedit」と入力して[OK]ボタンを押す
(2) [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SYSTEM/ControlSet001/Control/ProductOptions]を選択する
(3) [ProductSuite]キーを削除する
(4) 右クリック->[新規]->[DWORD値(D)]を指定し、[新しい値]を「Brand」に変更、値は「0」のままとする
(5) [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SYSTEM/ControlSet002/Control/ProductOptions]を選択し、同様に3と4を実行する
(6) 再起動する
(7) BIOS画面で[F8]キーを押し、起動メニューを表示する
(8) [前回正常起動時の構成 (正しく動作した最新の設定)]を選択する
(9) [スタート]->[コントロールパネル]->[システム]で[Windows XP Professional]となっていることを確認する
devcon.exe -r install %windir%\inf\machine.inf root\rdpdr
@echo off
echo Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00> C:\TSXP.reg
echo [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\TermService]>> C:\TSXP.reg
echo "Start"=dword:00000002>> C:\TSXP.reg
echo [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server]>> C:\TSXP.reg
echo "AllowTSConnections"=dword:00000001>> C:\TSXP.reg
echo [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server]>> C:\TSXP.reg
echo "fDenyTSConnections"=dword:00000000>> c:\TSXP.reg
echo [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server]>> C:\TSXP.reg
echo "fAllowToGetHelp"=dword:00000001>> C:\TSXP.reg
echo [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon]>> C:\TSXP.reg
echo "AllowMultipleTSSessions"=dword:00000001>> C:\TSXP.reg
echo [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon]>> C:\TSXP.reg
echo "AutoAdminLogon"="1">> C:\TSXP.reg
%windir%\regedit.exe /S C:\TSXP.reg
echo [Components] > c:\bootlog~.txt
echo TSEnabled = on >> c:\bootlog~.txt
sysocmgr /i:%windir%\inf\sysoc.inf /u:c:\bootlog~.txt /q
DEL /Q C:\TSXP.reg
DEL /Q C:\bootlog~.txt