Voyager Antique Maps
Asia > Continent > Exactissima Asiae Delineatio . . .

Exactissima Asiae Delineatio . . .

Danckerts, J.
Exactissima Asiae Delineatio . . ., c. 1696
19.5 x 23 in.
Original outline color.
Very Good, with some minor spotting.
A scarce and attractive map showing the state of European knowledge of Asia at the end of the 17th century. There is little interior detail and a speculative coastline for northeast Asia, a semi-defined land of Yedso north of Japan, and a greatly exaggerated Maldives. In contrast, we see detailed knowledge of China as a result of activities by the Jesuits and well-defined East Indies as a result of surveys by the VOC (Dutch East India Company). There is a fine full color cartouche of an eastern caravan. A very good example of Dutch cartography from the end of its Golden Age.
Price: $1500
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