Paying a deer price for a selfless rescue
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The Dec. 20 Metro article "For deer rescuers, save may be costly" provided a soft touch in the light of other heavy-duty news. Countless good deeds go unrecognized every day, but this deed makes me want to shout for joy. Khalil Abusakran and Jim Hart took matters into their own hands, got into their boat, cut through ice on the Patapsco River and rescued the trapped deer.
Firefighters and Maryland Department of Natural Resources police officers had the right to warn against such an attempt, but isn't it heartwarming that courageous, risk-taking citizens listened to their own hearts and minds? It was fortunate, also, that the effort succeeded without the rescuers needing a rescue. Mr. Abusakran and Mr. Hart are my heroes, and I'd love to help pay their $90 fines, issued because they allegedly did not have personal flotation devices in their boat.
Amber M. King, Leesburg