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DNR wants to kill animals, not save them

December 20, 2010

The Maryland Department of Natural Resources only cares about killing animals, not saving them ("Rescuers fined after freeing deer caught in Patapsco ice," Dec. 19). Most of them are avid hunters or staunch supporters of hunting.

Hiking groups, nature groups and biking groups are getting sick and tired of the dangerous hunting season getting longer and longer each year. My hiking club has to change hiking plans more and more frequently because of hunting. Tree stands and hunters are everywhere.

Non-hunters pay taxes to use state parks, too, but the only resources the department cares about are making sure animals are available in the right numbers for the hunt, despite the fact that the number of hunters is such a small and dwindling number compared to others who enjoy the outdoors. DNR has barely glanced at contraceptive methods to control the deer population because it would ruin their killing fun.


Ann Roberts, Lutherville

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