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Spam Blocker

This page provides you information and tools how to block spam immediately. 

Here are the top 3 Tips to block 98% of all incoming spam, today!  No technical knowledge needed.

Tip 1 - Block Spam with Google

Get a Google GMail account if you want to start over over with a new email address. Google filters your spam, has a great interface and is completely free.
Their customer support is always on time and they do it all for free. I am just loving it!

Get your GMail Account here

Don’t make the mistake and sign-up for Yahoo Mail. Yahoo Mail has a terrible spam filter policy. It is like your email account is on the top of Mt. Everest, some email made it to your Yahoo Account but most of emails are frozen on the way to the top. For all Yahoo lovers, I do not want to say Yahoo sucks, but friends and customers had a lot of problems receiving legitimate emails on their Yahoo account. Hands away from Yahoo Email! (for the time being) 

Tip 2 - Spam Blocker for Outlook

You probably will not cancel your current email address especially if you already have it for years or you are domain owner.

I am using my email address for over 10 years and changing it is out of question. Holding an email address for over 10 years also means that I get a huge amount of spam every day.

All in all my emailboxes are filled-up with about 300 spam emails daily. What I needed was an efficient spam blocker which also catches the latest type of spam. Right now this are animated gif pictures (Nov. 2006). I am wondering what's coming next?!

On my Outlook I am running Spamfighter. This free spam blocker (free for personal use) is very accurate and easy to install. It immediately blocked about 98 - 99% of my spam, without any special settings made.

Spamfigher is 100% free (if used for personal use). It supports Outlook and Outlook Express at the moment. It is by far the best spam blocker I've ever tested so far. Very easy to install, no complicated settings and it saves me a lot of time.

You can download the Spamfighter Spam Blocker  here

I do not recommend you to use Norton Anti Spam or MacAfee Anti Spam. Once installed they eat up your memory and slow down your entire system. Never ever install CA (Computer Associate Anti Spam) this is the worst!

Tip 3 - Spam Blocker with Temporary Email

To protect your private email address and eventually all the spam you are going to receive by using your private email address, temporary email is the solution for you. 

Temporary email is also known as disposable email or anonymous email. It works great and you will LOVE IT! 

How does Temporary Email works?

Here is a real world example

1) You are about to download a trial version of your favorite Game at EA Games

2) In order to get the trail version you are asked to fill in your email address. Thats what they want to bomb you with their newsletter in the future. But you are smarter...

3) Instead of telling your private email address you you give them something like ""

4) EA Games accept the email address "" and sends a confirmation email with an activation code to "" (Note instead of "blablabla123" you can use any email address you want.

5) You access and check the email account "blablabla123" for the activation code

The cool thing here is you can use any account without any prior signup or password. Try it right now! Send an email to and access it here -> testing_19eeb

Make use of this free tool! Access temporary email here.


You can block spam immediately by using temporary email, an exellent spam blocker like Spamfighter and a good email provider like Google. Combined together, sorting your emails will no longer be a time consuming task.

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