The 60th JSCC Symposium and the 60th Anniversary Conference on Coordination Chemistry in OSAKA, JAPAN (60CCCO) will be held as parallel sessions.

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The abstract book of 60th JSCC Symposium & 60CCCO is scheduled for publication on Thu, Sep. 16, 2010.
Normal registration online is available.
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September 27 (Mon) - 30 (Thu), 2010


International House, Osaka (Tennoji-ku, Osaka)

■Joint Banquet for 60CCCO and JSCC Symposium

September 29 (Wed), Sheraton Miyako Hotel Osaka

■Organized by

Japan Society of Coordination Chemistry (JSCC)

■Co-Organized by

Chemical Society of Japan (CSJ)
MEXT GCOE Projects for Chemistry

■Special Symposia

Special Symposia of the Year held within 60CCCO

"New Frontiers of Coordination Chemistry in Asia - From Supramolecules to Functional Molecular Architectures"
"Coordination Programming Directed toward Molecule-based Electronic Devices"
"Dimensional Design of Coordination Framework Materials"

Special Symposia of the Year held within JSCC Symposium

"Toward On-demand Functionality - Lessons on Key Ideas for Coordination Assembling" (English Session)
Activation and Reactivity Control of Small Molecules by Transition Metal Complexes (Japanese session)
The Frontiers of Chromotropic Metal Complexes (Japanese session)

■Award Lectures

JSCC International Award Lectures (Prof. Harry B. Gray (Caltech) will be awarded.)
JSCC Award Lectures
JSCC Contribution Award Lectures
JSCC Research Encouragement Award Lectures

■Special Lectures held in 60CCCO

The invited speakers from abroad will give the lectures, some of which will be held as Chem. Commun. Symposium supported by RSC.

■General Sessions

Invited speakers will be selected from the candidates who have completed the registration for oral presentation in 60CCCO at the [Title Submission Site] via JSCC web site.
The "60CCCO Poster Awards" winners will be selected from the candidates, either students or postdoctoral fellows, who have completed the registration for poster presentation in 60CCCO.

■Important Date:

Deadline for the title submission: May 28 (Fri), 2010 (24:00)
Deadline for the abstract submission: July 23 (Fri), 2010
Deadline for the early-bird registration on the WEB: July 28 (Wed), 2010
Deadline for transfer of the fees using credit cards for the early-bird registration: July 28 (Wed), 2010
Deadline for transfer of the fees using "Yu-bin Furikae" for the early-bird registration: August 3 (Tue), 2010