AmebaGG Christmas PROJECT


2010-12-21 01:42:34 テーマ:Cinderella
How are you? I'm Emily.
When this blog is opened, the thing that it can meet everybody is the enjoyment above all.
Emily debuted as an actress. At this occasion, I think that I only have to feel the little extension of my world.
When it expands by itself, and everybody expands it and... When it's momentarily important...
Flow from the space of the finger and to the way of the dropping water...
However, it's feeling that grasps firmly, disappears while it doesn't know, and is mysterious.
The wick is strong in reality and it firmly has me though it's gentle... I wanna be such an actress.
Of what do you think because it sees me now?
Emily is always by you, and please don't forget...


$Princess Emily! Unofficial Fan Site-9

I like to have the dream even if it's understood to wake up.

$Princess Emily! Unofficial Fan Site-14


$Princess Emily! Unofficial Fan Site-17

But, it's necessary already to get up...

$Princess Emily! Unofficial Fan Site-18


$Princess Emily! Unofficial Fan Site-15


$Princess Emily! Unofficial Fan Site-16

Good morning!

$Princess Emily! Unofficial Fan Site-8

It's physical exercise of awaking...!

$Princess Emily! Unofficial Fan Site-11


$Princess Emily! Unofficial Fan Site-12


$Princess Emily! Unofficial Fan Site-13

Let's do my best today!

$Princess Emily! Unofficial Fan Site-10

It was invited to the barn dance today. (^-^)

$Princess Emily! Unofficial Fan Site-20

How does it look on me?

$Princess Emily! Unofficial Fan Site-21

$Princess Emily! Unofficial Fan Site-22

$Princess Emily! Unofficial Fan Site-23

It goes to a dance now.

$Princess Emily! Unofficial Fan Site-29

$Princess Emily! Unofficial Fan Site-30

I feel a mysterious joy in something that changes in me. Uneasiness of mind in EMILY...

$Princess Emily! Unofficial Fan Site-31

The stocking filler was gotten though it was a little early.

$Princess Emily! Unofficial Fan Site-32

A wonderful teddy bear was so gotten.

$Princess Emily! Unofficial Fan Site-24

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$Princess Emily! Unofficial Fan Site-25

$Princess Emily! Unofficial Fan Site-26

I love you......muah !

$Princess Emily! Unofficial Fan Site-28

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$Princess Emily! Unofficial Fan Site-34

$Princess Emily! Unofficial Fan Site-35

$Princess Emily! Unofficial Fan Site-36

It dances, it becomes tired, and it sleeps soundly... Is the dream of seeing tonight a good dream...?

$Princess Emily! Unofficial Fan Site-19
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