Weird News

Latest Jesus Sighting: Outside a Pub in Australia

Updated: 6 hours 21 minutes ago
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Marc Hartzman

Marc Hartzman Contributor

(Dec. 10) -- The first recorded miracle of Jesus was turning water into wine. But now it seems he may be more in the mood for a beer.

After all, his most recent sighting was on the facade of an Irish pub on the southeast coast of Australia.

The image appeared several weeks ago in the stripped-away paint by the front door of the Seanchai Irish Tavern. A local first pointed out that the missing paint chips formed the shape of Jesus with outstretched arms. Since then, many of the pub's regulars have agreed.

Manager John Keohane, an Irish Catholic, likened the image to the statue of Jesus towering above Rio de Janeiro.

These types of sightings often lead people to believe the Lord is sending some sort of message of hope. In this case, according to Keohane, the only sign it may be sending is about what's served inside.

"I would like to think it was because we are an Irish pub and maybe, just maybe, he heard about the divine pints of Guinness!" he told AOL News.

With Jesus greeting passers-by at the door, business has picked up with curiosity seekers stopping in for a drink.

"We have even had school groups and Australian bus tours coming to have a look and take photos," Keohane said.

The tavern has no intention of repairing the stripped paint. Aside from enjoying the attention Jesus attracts, it's also treasuring the image at the request of a local parish.

"We had somebody ask us what steps we were taking to preserve it until it got checked out properly," Keohane said.

A Perspex screen has been installed over Jesus for his protection.

While the Lord has reportedly been witnessed in many unusual locations, this is not his first doorway. Just over a year ago, Jesus was spotted on the entrance of an Ikea men's room in Glasgow, Scotland. The image appeared in the grain of the wood, though one shopper admitted it looked more like Gandalf from "The Lord of the Rings."

More recently, God was spotted in October by a Google Street View camera hovering over a lake in Switzerland. And in September, Jesus was seen in a growth of vines clinging to a telephone pole in Louisiana. During the same period, he was found in the worn-out threads of a sock in the U.K.

With so many appearances in unexpected places -- including toast, a Cheeto, a Kit-Kat bar, a household iron, a rotting banana and on Mars -- perhaps Jesus simply stopped at Seanchai Irish Tavern for the same reason as everyone else: to take a load off.

Marc Hartzman is an AOL News contributor and the author of "God Made Me Do It: True Stories of the Worst Advice the Lord Has Ever Given."

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