New Games |
London Chess Classic
London, England
Dec 6-15
This year's event is the strongest yet, featuring Anand, Kramnik, Carlsen, Nakamura, and the top English players Adams, Short, McShane, and Howell. Garry Kasparov will be a guest commentator on the final round. We'll be broadcasting the games live each day at our Live Broadcast Page.
Women's World Chess Championship
Antakya, Turkey
Dec 2-25
Top seed is India's Humpy Koneru. Other players include Pogonina, Paehtz, Kosteniuk, Cramling, Yifan Hou, and both Kosintsevas. Discussion forum now open.
Ajedrez UNAM Quadrangular
Mexico City
Nov 23
A rapid knock-out involving Judit Polgar, Topalov, Ivanchuk, and Manuel Leon Hoyos. Judit Polgar won the whole event including a King's Gambit in the final round.
60th Russian Women's Superfinals
Moscow, Russia
Nov 16-27
This year's lineup includes Alexandra Kosteniuk, Nazi Paikidze, Alisa Galliamova-Ivanchuk, Tatiana Kosintseva, and Natalia Pogonina. There was a three-way tie for first among Galliamova-Ivanchuk, Kosintseva, and Pogonina, all with 7 out of 11.
16th Asian Games (Men Teams)
Guangzhou, China
Nov 18-27
Rustam Kasimdzhanov won the rapid event; the team events are now under way. Discussion forum now open.
16th Asian Games (Women Teams)
Guangzhou, China
Nov 18-27
Hou Yifan won the rapid event; the team events are now under way. Discussion forum now open.
World Blitz Championship
Moscow, Russia
Nov 16-18
All of the players in the Tal Memorial plus a dozen more strong GMs (Carlsen, Svidler, Movsesian, et al) played to determine the world's best blitz chess player: Aronian.
Tal Memorial
Moscow, Russia
Nov 4-18
Aronian, Mamedyarov, and Karjakin tied for 1st with 5.5 out of 9. Also playing were Kramnik, Grischuk, Gelfand, Shirov, Eljanov, Nakamura, and Wang Hao.
Lubbock, Texas
Oct 28-Nov 7
The 2010 SPICE Cup (Susan Polgar Institute for Chess Excellence) involved Zoltan Almasi, Alexander Onischuk Wesley So, Georg Meier, Ray Robson and Eugene Perelshteyn. Onischuk won under the special scoring (3 points for a win, 1 point for a draw.)
SPICE Cup (Group B)
Lubbock, Texas
Oct 31-Nov 7
Group B winner was GM Gergely Antal.
Unive Tournament
Hoogeveen, NL
Oct 22-30
Maxime Vachier-Lagrave took first ahead of Shirov, Giri, and Tiviakov.
Nanjing Pearl Spring Tournament
Nanjing, China
Oct 18-30
This 10 round double round-round featured Carlsen, Topalov, Anand, Gashimov, Bacrot, and Wang Yue. GM Carlsen won the event with 7/10.
9th Cap d'Agde (Group A)
Cap d'Agde, France
Oct 22-31
Ivanchuk beat Nakamura in the final to win the event. Group A was composed of Judit Polgar, Anatoly Karpov, Hikaru Nakamura, Bu Xiangzhi, Ngoc Truongson Nguyen, Romain Edouard, Nadezhda Kosintseva, and Sophie Milliet.
9th Cap d'Agde (Group B)
Cap d'Agde, France
Oct 22-31
Ivanchuk, Pelletier, Le Quang Liem, and others compete in the B group.
European Club Cup
Plovdiv, Bulgaria
Oct 16-24
A total of 135 GMs, 57 IMs, 47 FMs, and 243 titled players have signed up for the strongest club event of the year. Discussion forum now open.
European Club Cup (Women)
Plovdiv, Bulgaria
Oct 16-24
53 all-female teams have registered for the most prestigious club event of the year. Discussion forum now open.
Bilbao Masters
Bilbao, Spain
Oct 9-15
Kramnik beat out Anand, Carlsen, and Shirov in this four player double round-robin.
39th Chess Olympiad
Khantiy Mansiysk, Russia
Sep 19-Oct 4
The Ukraine took the Gold Medal, Russia team 1 took the silver, and Israel took the bronze on tie-break from Hungary.
39th Chess Olympiad (Women)
Khantiy Mansiysk, Russia
Sep 19-Oct 4
Russia team 1 took the gold in the women's with a round to spare; China took the silver, and Georgia took the bronze.

Happy Birthday To: |
Johannes Terho, Anthony Santasiere, Stefan Szabo, Sigmund Wolk, Nikolay Novotelnov, Jiri Podgorny, Felix Sacarello, Yury Isakovich Kots, Abraham Sztern, Mark Izrailovich Dvoretsky, Christina Domsgen Hoelzlein, Guillermo Garcia Gonzalez, Guillermo Garcia Gonzales, Brian G Campbell, Dejan Antic, Alexey Gubajdullin, Dalibor Stojanovic, Ernesto Inarkiev, Hikaru Nakamura, and Ivan Rozum!
Van Dalfsen P, N McKelvie, Karl-Heinz Bachmann, Detlef Lange, Christian Mariette, Vladimir Polyakin, Dusan Treybal, Boris Ciglic, S Milivojevic, Dr. Jana Malypetrova Hartston Miles Bellin, Martin Boehm, F Batres, S Sokolowski, Peter Kercher, Frantisek Korenek, Aleksander Ursic, Ralf Schlehoefer, Marco Antonio Marino Bravo, Georg Gross, F Jochinger, Geir Ivar Henriksen, Xavier Parmentier, Z Stubicar, Ondrej Sykora, Gerhard Niebergall, Martin Gebigke, Robert Loncarevic, Runar Gunnarsson, Martin Matthiesen, Abdul Sattar Abdul Ahmed, Kawaciukova Zuzana, G Leruste, Michael Hochstrasser, Diana Malina, Irina Kazarova, Jochen Maurer, Pablo Della-Morte, Lukas Cernousek, Rick Lahaye, Tamas Balla, Eszter Remete, Trond Ferkingstad, Catherine Lip, Irina Naiditsch, Rodriguez Gonzalez,I, and Michal Kopczynski!


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What's New
· Member Robin01 won the Summer Leg of the Chessbookie Game with 22,216
"chessbucks". The Fall Leg is starting now--and we've already deposited 1000 chessbucks in your account to get your started!
· GM Natalia Pogonina has accepted the Chessgames Challenge. The game will officially begin at 2:00 PM
(USA/Eastern) August 31st. Sign up now--the world needs you!
· Our new Hot Games feature shows you what games people have been interested in lately. The list appears to the right, below "Example Searches."
· Show off your love for chess with our beautiful high-quality garments available exclusively from
the Chessgames Store!
· Our database ratings of active players have been updated by the official FIDE ratings list that was just released in July.
· ChessBookie! gambler "Winter" won the Spring Leg with 22,924 chessbucks, and a premium membership to Chessgames for one
year. The Summer Leg has just begun, and we'd already deposited 1000 chessbucks in your account to get you started!
· Chessgames members (and staff!) had a wonderful time broadcasting every round of the 2010 World Chess Championship
with special guest commentator Nigel Short. Thanks to everybody who participated.
· The fourth season of the ChessBookie Game ended on March 25th. This
year's winner is Barok Espinosa, who wins a $100 Amazon Gift Certificate, a free one year premium membership,
and a high quality T-shirt sporting the Chessgames logo. The new season is beginning now. See our
ChessBookie Help Page for more information.
· The FIDE rating list for March 2010 has been released. Magnus Carlsen retained the top position, ahead of
Veselin Topalov. Topalov's Linares performance isn't included, but even if it had been, it still wouldn't have been
enough to overtake Carlsen.
· Congratulations to "Barok Espinosa" whose wild last-minute wagers rocketed him to the #1 spot in
the ChessBookie Game. He wins a free year of premium membership
and qualifies for the ChessBookie Championship which started on January 1st, 2010.
· The 3rd Annual Chessgames Holiday Present Hunt is now over.
Congratulations to the winners! You can still see the Clues Page.
· A new Chessgames Challenge, the Battle of the Brains 3 is now
open for registration. In this game, two teams of over 100 chessplayers each will do battle without the aid of
computer-engines. The game will begin on November 26th, 2009.
· In June-July 2008, Chessgames helped a research study for University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur,
Malaysia. The results of this study are now available to the public. Please read The Chess Aesthetics Research Survey Results to learn their findings.
[requires Adobe Acrobat Reader.]
· Chessgames broadcasted live games from the
2009 Pearl Spring Tournament in Nanjing, China.
WGM Natalia Pogonina provided excellent coverage and we hope to
have her back in the future.
· Our Pun Submission Page is back online,
along with our Pun Voting Booth.
Note that this is now a permanent site feature and no longer a contest.
· The new "My Favorites" feature allows you to track
your favorite Chessgames members.
· Think you've got what it takes to become a professional
chess gambler? Find out with our fun, free, multiplayer online gambling
simulation! Our unique The ChessBookie Game
is just starting a new leg, so now's a great time to start playing.
· For the entire month of June we showed top entries
from our 2009 Pun Contest for the Game of the Day feature. Congratulations
to member tpstar for his winning pun, "Holy Queen Sac, Basman!"
· The Rinus Scholarship gives free premium Chessgames memberships
to people who contribute their efforts to the Chessgames Challenge, and all proceeds are placed in a special fund
designated to hire grandmasters for upcoming Chessgames Challenges. If you are able, consider making a donation and help support chess learning worldwide.
· Congratulations to our member "holland oats", the 2009 Chessbookie Champion of the World! He will
win a $100 Amazon Gift Certificate, and two free years to Chessgames Premium Services.
The next season of the The Chess Bookie Game will begin in just a few days.
· We now have over 13,000 Game Collections
compiled by our members.
· Chessgames will be broadcasting all games from the 18th
Annual Amber Tournament daily. The final round starts at 7:30am (USA/Eastern) on March 26th. Our new customized software allows you to see three
games simultaneously while you discuss them with other members. Each day, after the first two blindfold sessions, the
action will continue on the Amber Rapid Tournament Page. Everybody
is invited to participate; just look for the "live chess graphic" on the New Games sidebar to the left.
· Grandmaster Arno Nickel is the first player to have ever survived an encounter with the
formidable Chessgames World Team! After 42 moves, Nickel offered a draw which was accepted by
60% of the opposing team. See the game and leave
Arno your congratulations.
· Chessgames was proud to include special guest commentator
GM Nigel Short during
our live broadcast of the Topalov-Kamsky Candidates Match.
· The FIDE January ratings list is out and player pages have been updated
· Former World Correspondence Champion Mikhail Umansky has taken the
Chessgames Challenge. This could prove to be the biggest fight that the world has had to date! Register today and meet your team mates.
· Chessgames member "Chnebelgrind" came in first place in the ChessBookie Fall Leg,
and the Championship Leg is just beginning.
For more information on the ChessBookie game see
our ChessBookie Welcome Page; now is a
perfect time to get started.
· Little Chess Partner now has an "Analysis Mode" which lets you
play the game from any specified position.
· Congratulations to World Chess Champion Viswanathan
Anand for defending his title against Vladimir Kramnik in the 2008 World Chess Championship.
· We now have completed our History of the World Chess Championship,
a historical overview of the most coveted title in chess.
· Chessgames is proud to be sponsored by
New in Chess,
publishers of "the best chess magazine in the world."
· The October 2008 FIDE rating list has been published and incorporated into our database. Topalov is now the highest rated player at 2791, and Morozevich is a close second at 2787.
· The chessgames members have defeated
former World Correspondence Champion Gert Jan Timmerman.
See the Chessgames Challenge and enjoy the dancing rook!
· Chessgames now has over 100,000 registered members! We thank every
single one of you for helping us become the best chess site on the internet. If
you're not a member yet, invest a minute to register
a free account. It's easy, confidential, and will give you access to
some of our coolest features.
· What does the future hold? Find out with our new Chess Forecast feature.
This is the blue pie-chart you see to the right; it predicts the outcome of an upcoming or current
chess game based on data collected from our ChessBookie Game.
· We now have new powerful hardware to better serve our members. Thanks
to all of the premium members who made this
upgrade possible.
· The Chessgames "World Team" has defeated grandmaster
Yury Shulman at the Chessgames Challenge.
Well done!
· Chessgames is proud to introduce a revolutionary new chess training
tool, Guess-the-Move. It's almost
like playing a grandmaster! Non-premium members can try our free sample game.
· Give the gift of Chess! Chessgames Activation Codes
make it easy and fun.
· Our new Game Collections Page allows you
to search for game collections by keyword.
· Each day, you can sample the powerful Repertoire Explorer for free!
Just click on the Player of the Day, and follow the links by the magnifying glass
to fully explore his or her openings. For
more information on premium membership, please see our Premium Membership Page.

Sponsored Links
Chess Forecast
London Chess Classic: Rd 2: Carlsen vs Adams

Member predictions based on the ChessBookie Game
Example Searches
A lot to say about Alekhine
Talkin' Tal
Chess author Bruce Pandolfini
Gioachino Greco
Morphy vs Maurian
Kasparov vs Karpov
Fischer employs the Najdorf Sicilian
Kasparov's quickest defeats (30 moves and less)
Great Match-Ups: Topalov vs Kramnik
Great Match-Ups: Morphy vs Maurian
Explore the tricky Blackmar-Diemer Gambit
Chigorin had a funny way to fight the French Defense
Morphy miniatures
How not to play the Sicilian Dragon
Game Collection: Multiple Queens
Game Collection: Fischer-Spassky, Reykjavik '72
"Taimanov's Select Games" by Mark Taimanov, Alexei Shirov
"My 60 Memorable Games" by Fischer
"100 Best Games of 20th Century" by Andrew Soltis
"Survival Guide to Competitive Chess" by John Emms
- R Wilms vs H Fraas, 2007
- McShane vs Carlsen, 2010
- P Leepin vs Alekhine, 1941
- Short vs Kramnik, 2010
- The World vs N Pogonina, 2010
- Adams vs D Howell, 2010
- Anand vs Nakamura, 2010
- T Kosintseva vs Y Dembo, 2010
- Jobava vs H Hernandez, 2008
- A Zatonskih vs M Sebag, 2010


Recent Kibitzing |
M Dziuba vs V Onischuk, 2008 |
Louis F Stumpers |
Kibitzer's Café |
C Dupre vs D Van Foreest, 1884 |
Anand vs Nakamura, 2010 |
McShane vs Carlsen, 2010 |
R Wilms vs H Fraas, 2007 |
Viswanathan Anand |
Gligoric vs H Westerinen, 1971 |
London Chess Classic (2010) |
[LIVE] Carlsen vs Adams, 2010 |
P Leepin vs Alekhine, 1941 |
Paris Chess Club |
Hikaru Nakamura |
Kenneth Rogoff |
Euwe vs Alekhine, 1937 |
Luke McShane |
The World vs N Pogonina, 2010 |
Arthur F Brameld |
Natalia Pogonina |
Magnus Carlsen |
Dan Joelson |
Leitao vs F Caruana, 2010 |
Hans Arild Runde |
Wesley So |
Paul Morphy |
Eugenio Torre |
Ljubojevic vs A Giri, 2010 |
Women's World Chess Championship (2010) |
Adams vs D Howell, 2010 |
Short vs Kramnik, 2010 |
I Hatem |
Paulo Bersamina |
T Kosintseva vs Y Dembo, 2010 |
Duras vs Rubinstein, 1909 |
Alexandra Kosteniuk |
Karpov-Fischer World Championship Match (1975) |
Miles vs Browne, 1982 |
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 142 registered members online, plus 586 anonymous users.

Quote of the Day


Chess is a game of skill for two played with figures or men of different
kinds which are moved on a chequered board.
| --- Chambers 20th Century Dictionary |
