Handbags at dawn!

Ken Joseph Jr (never heard of him before!) decided to drop a quick flame on Mr Arudou’s (or is it Arudow?) Facebook page. Read it for yourself and draw your own conclusions, but it looks to me like Mr Joseph was rather drunk when he made these posts.

I must say, however, that I was disappointed to see that my cousin Orudo Debiru is not too popular in that circle.

I did find Mr Arudou’s posting of what appears to be a scanned-in print-out of screenshots rather endearingly quaint, but it was interesting that Mr Joseph’s apologies were not even mentioned, let alone accepted by Mr Arudou during the exchange.

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  1. You aint helping nobody buy yourself you little [iyami deleted]. Now I see where youve baited Debito into being “Fair” and posting hecklers comments on his blog. His blog is his business, and it was doing pretty good until you hijacked it. Stop being a [iyami deleted], [yet more iyami deleted, with prejudice]. Everything else your doing is a waste of time.

    That’s about enough, Jim. You have forced me to channel the Spirit of Debito Moderation with this latest gratuitous personal attack. I think it is time for you to go bye-bye. Nice fake email addy, it says it all about you – and weren’t you the one lashing out at someone for using that same word as an example of how wrong they were?

  2. Jim

    “You aint helping nobody buy yourself you little worm”

    Jim, who are you talking to ?

  3. Jim, you’re spending an awful lot of time complaining about a website on the internet that you accuse of wasting time complaining about another website on the internet.

    Also, have you noticed the contradiction in your argument? You say that Japanese are discriminatory and we “need” Debito to fight for us, since we need to “fight the oppressors” or something. Isn’t it discriminatory to paint all Japanese as oppressive?

    I don’t expect you to make a coherent reply to this question, so however you respond, I’ll let that be the final word.

  4. Jim,

    Your replies are barely coherent, filled with strange grammar, horrid misspellings that can’t simply be attributed to typos, they aren’t addressed to anyone in particular and make no attempt to address salient points raised by yourself and others, being filled with red herrings, straw men arguments, ad hominem attacks, outright lies, and completely out of left field crap.

    One can’t help but continue to wonder why you persist in returning here other than troll for attention you must so desperately desire.

    I applaud our host for having the tolerance to let you continue to post such utter nonsense. I daresay, Debito wouldn’t allow (except in cases such as yourself for toeing the party line) so I suppose you must enjoy a modicum of free speech that wouldn’t likely be found over there.

  5. Jim

    today’s Debito’s word

    “Those posters who have resorted to Tepido.org can’t tell the difference between a criticism and an attack”

    Don’t bring shame on Debito.

  6. No Complaints Received About “Hello Gaijin-San” Nose


    Today’s post on Japan Probe

    I wonder why debito or a debito follower refuse to help their member’s complaint while Japan Probe is willing to help those who complain of it.

    Do Debito followers really want to change it for us? or Are they just whining, even by exaggerations, lies, hatred, and blocking critical, even helpful comments so that they may make Debito look a big shot among the expat community?

  7. Hi Sora-san; how’s it going? I remember making that comment on your blog; I think many regulars on Debito-org can read Japanese. Not all of them, of course, but please don’t see a few commenters who only read English and generalize that they’re all illiterate in Japanese.

    Mark in yayoi complained of racial profiling at Yayoi.
    He was offered to change the situation by asking the police and ward office but he evaded it and didn’t respond. (I don’t know what happened afterwards, and I am not sure why Mark did’t respond)

    I haven’t disappeared; it’s just that I no longer get hassled like I once did!

    In late 2008, I spoke with the Bunkyo Ward office, and with my landlord, and also with a university person in charge of harassment. All said the same thing — they have no control over the police unless the police have actually entered private property (not just standing in front of it, like they were when they stopped people outside my apartment).

    Since it didn’t look like there was any way of stopping this, I chose a different neighborhood when I moved early in 2009, and since then I’ve only been hassled by the police three times (1 in ’09 and 2 in ’10), all far from home. I also don’t work in Chiyoda-ku anymore, which is where Debito experienced four stops in one day (about 80 in that area for me in five years; never more than twice in a day).

    If I start experiencing trouble here too, then yes, I would be interested in discussing things with them officially. But as it is now, I have no complaint with this neighborhood’s police.

    Getting back to the subject, I wish Debito had not banned you from his blog, as I’d be happy to debate with you there. As it is, I’ll stop by your blog from time to time.

  8. Hi Mark in Yayoi

    I haven’t disappeared; it’s just that I no longer get hassled like I once did!”
    “Since it didn’t look like there was any way of stopping this,”

    I have three questions.

    1) Why have you stopped responding on Occidentalism while people were offering to help?
    Did you want to keep the record so that no body else but Debito can speak out about it?

    2) Did you file a formal complaint as suggested on the comments on Occidentalism?

    3)If you think there is no way of stopping it, what’s your advice for the people who still keep complaining?

    I think many regulars on Debito-org can read Japanese. Not all of them, of course, but please don’t see a few commenters who only read English and generalize that they’re all illiterate in Japanese.

    Okay I won’t generalize.

    Some people can, others can’t. Some people like Mark in Yayoi Eido Inoue, David Chart can read and write Japanese.

    Jim can’t.

    It is most likely that Mark Hunter can’t because he was suggested to responded to me on Mike’s blog but he didn’t come; I guess he can’t read Japanese. Can you think of other reason? He responded on Mike’s blog but since the discussion was closed, his comment was blocked and was suggested to visit my blog.

    I doubt Norik can read or write Japanese though she claim she can on Debito’s blog. I picked up her comments on my blog; either she heard the clerk wrong or she misunderstood the word 巧妙. At other times, she lied about Sahel Rosa.

    Of course I might be wrong about them. They just might have the fear of talking to Japanese people. Again I might be wrong.

    But I just can’t believe people who can read and write Japanese are still just whining only in English. I’ve never seen them writing in Japanese on the internet to change the situations for foreigners as they complain in English on Debito org.

    Or probably they can, but they just want to whine for the sake of whining, even by lying on his blog.

    In any case please tell them to visit my blog.

    “I wish Debito had not banned you from his blog, as I’d be happy to debate with you there. “

    Well few people want to join the discussion if they see somebody being counted as a troll when his/her comment is far from a troll.

    Suppose you see lots of examples like the followings.

    Sora :According to “X”, The U.S. is the most racist country.

    Mark in Yayoi :I checked the book X, according to “X”, to the contrary it says on page 100 that “the U.S. is one of most tolerant country”. 

    And your comment is blocked.

    Mark in Yayoi, a regular troll, his comment was blocked.

    Mark in Yayoi:Hey! why is that a troll?

    Mark in Yayoi;Hey! [invective deleted]

    Do you bring yourself to comment on the blog when you know it is most likely you will be trapped like that?

    Besides, given the fact that it’s been suggested that other members set up a similar blog free from Debito’s control of the comment section and yet Debito’s long-time friends haven’t set it up, What do you think of their intention?

    My guess is that they like it, they enjoy it;They want to keep whining in English, even by ignorance, exaggerations, lying, name calling, blocking helpful comments.
    They don’t want to see other people helping foreigners just as in Tsukiji case and Hellow gaijin san’s case (, about which Japan Probe posted today.)

    In other words, they want to keep the myth that “Debito is about the only one out there trying to change it for us”, some day I wlll be a hero like him among the expat community; It is crucial to keep it secret that other people are working to help the foreigners, racism is not as bad as Debito would have you believe, Japan is not X years backward than western countries, many Japanese as well as non-Japanese are willing to listen to, examine your complaints and work together to change it.

    Of course, I might be wrong. But so far every signs point towards that interpretation;it explains their behaviors well. I hope I am wrong.

    Mark san, I do NOT think you are “mean-spirited and amaturish in writing style, retorting” to “base and childish methods” and come “off as a grown man with a frat-boy mentality” to borrow words from Sarah Mulvey on Mike’s blog, but be advised that you are taking a risk of being interpreted that way as long as you turn a blind to the faults of Debito’s blog and participate in it.

  9. racism is not as bad as Debito would have you believe,

    racism in Japan is not as bad as Debito would have you believe,

  10. Mark, an odd question, Debito’s stops while on his bicycle in your old neighborhood seem to have nothing to do with him being a foreigner and everything to do with him being on a bicycle. In fact, as he notes, the cops were stopping everyone on a bicycle.

    Now, not saying it’s not annoying and that at times it wasn’t racially motivated (in fact I’m sure there were times where you were stopped for riding while non-asian), but is it really racial discrimination if they’re stopping everyone on a bicycle and you just happen to be non-asian?

  11. Sora, it’s possible that some of the visitors to Debito’s blog come there because they want to whine. Not everybody, though. I started visiting because Debito addressed an issue that’s close to me. Agreeing with his position on that doesn’t mean that I agree with everything he thinks and writes, and it is unfair of you to lump all commenters into some kind of Debito-worshiping horde. He works on all kinds of issues, and sometimes I agree with him, and sometimes not. Other commenters might agree with him sometimes, and sometimes not.

    I comment on issues because I want to see them solved. Do you really think that most or even some of the Debito regulars weren’t happy that the Tsukiji fish place removed that silly sign of theirs? I think Matt and Ponta (and the other people who worked on it; I forget their names) did a great job.

    You criticize people a lot for not using Japanese enough on the internet, and generalize from that that they must not speak Japanese at all. I contend that people speak Japanese to everyone they deal with in daily life, and see the internet as a portal to the world outside Japan.

    Jerry, I don’t think the bicycle stoppages are motivated by racism so much as a desire to fill a quota, with people towards the bottom of the social ladder and people whom society has deemed not worthy of protection from harassment, such as scruffy backpackers, otaku types, and foreigners, getting picked on the most.

    (Same story for the impromptu bag searches they conducted in Akihabara a few years ago; search Youtube for videos of hapless geeky guys getting their bags rifled through without any grounds whatsoever). With foreign people the police have the demand to see an alien card or passport as their ace in the hole in case their target insists that he’s not doing anything suspicious. If part of this is discriminatory against foreigners, it’s the fact that unlike backpackers and otaku who can shave, get a haircut, and trade their anime T-shirt for a dress shirt, foreign people can’t easily change their appearance and get the cops’ gaze away from them.)

    When they set up their little harassment station outside my house a few times in 2008, I was stopped and prevented from entering my home 11 out of 11 times. But during one one-hour session where I sat on the roof of my building and watched them (I took some photos too), they stopped 37% of the people (10 of 27) that passed them. Every one of them was a man — every woman got to ride right past without incident — and both of the foreign-looking men who passed by were stopped. So no, it’s not just foreigners, but given that you look foreign (and cannot change that), you’re going to get stopped, and it’s no consolation that other people are also being harassed just like you are.

    Keep in mind that my main issue is not that it’s racial discrimination or that I’m being singled out. If the cops picked on some other group of people (people who are exactly 180 cm tall, say, or people with a certain eye color), of which I cannot escape being a member, I would be just as upset. The fact that foreign-looking people are more likely to be picked on is secondary to the fact that people (of any race) are being falsely accused of theft on very flimsy grounds. Society doesn’t benefit from this at all.

  12. Hi Mark

    it is unfair of you to lump all commenters into some kind of Debito-worshiping horde.

    No, I didn’t. Look at what I said here

    I do NOT think you are “mean-spirited and amaturish in writing style….

    And I don’ think Eido Inoue, David Chart and some few others are Debito-worshiper at all;they express opposing opinions.

    sometimes I agree with him, and sometimes not.

    What I am saying is that when you keep turning a blind eye to the faults of the blog—–publishing anti-Japan(ese), ignorant, false, exaggerated and ad hominem posts and/or comments without his comment in boldface while blocking—as Debito wishes—the comments of the truth, criticisms, the offers to help, so much so that for instance, as a result,
    a kid gave up coming to Japan through reading his blog —,
    you are running the risk of being interpreted as endorsing the practice.

    I comment on issues because I want to see them solved. Do you really think that most or even some of the Debito regulars weren’t happy that the Tsukiji fish place removed that silly sign of theirs?

    Then why didn’t they help occidentalism?

    And how about Hello gaijin-san? Japan Probe helped it.Deibito org didn’t.

    How about Fukushima Prefectural Tourist Information website

    I called up the agency and explained and made them change the sign. Look at the Debito’s response.

    Yes, and thank you kentanakachan or whoever you are for taking some action. And fuck you for rendering my name (first name only) in katakana in that blog. Fuck you for gaijinizing me. And for portraying NJ on this blog as unable to communicate properly in Japanes

    Do you think he was sane?

    Notice other guys he is especially campaigning against.

    Tony Lazlo,who helps promote g good relations between Japanese and non-Jpanase.

    Ken Joseph Jr,who provide helpful information for the foreigners in Japan and helpline for the Japanese.

    Mike Guest, who advises English education in Japan.

    Some of Debito’s fans are misled to believe Debito is about only person to change it for us.

    Now it is okay to counter argue against their arguments,but isn’t it obvious that Debito is doing more than that?

    You ARE tuning a blind eye to this kind of activism of his.
    It is like a participant of a hate group like shukenkaifuku no kai who says that the boss sometimes lies and his activism often go extreme, I don’t agree with everything he says and he does, but I participate because I want see my issue solved.

    I contend that people speak Japanese to everyone they deal with in daily life, and see the internet as a portal to the world outside Japan.

    That’s fine. (but you know, I can survive , for instance, in the U.S rarely speaking English as long as I have enough money.)

    What is at stake is why they have been whining for these years only in English, even lying and exaggerating, insulting a person revealing the real name, misleading the newbies while claiming that they can read and write in Japanese but have rarely if not at all made a legitimate complaint and raise awareness in Japanese.

    Why are they rejecting dialog with the Japanese on the internet?

    Why are they satisfied with whining, misleading the newbie?—I have no idea.
    I have no idea why they can’t set up the comment section as the Dude suggested; it will perhaps solve almost all the complaints against his blog and it is not that hard.
    If they keep the activism as they have been doing, isn’t it safe to say that they just enjoy whining, misleading the newbies?

    Incidentally here is a today’s comment

    Guillaume Says:
    November 30th, 2010 at 10:49 am
    It would be appropriate for those listed in this book to sue both the publisher of the book and the Metropolitan Police Department. This is a high profile case, I am sure some lawyers would take the case for free.

    If someone is interested in this issue and reading Japanese newspaper, if he has the ability to google and willing to give imformation he can’t miss the article


    Of course, it might be that Debito didn’t have the time to check it or somebody else will post a comment mentioning it, but being a regular reader of Debito org, I don’t think many of them are catching up with the news in Japanese.
    And because Debito blocks the comments as he wishes, the readers, especially the newbies lose opportunities to access the reality and misled.

    The fact that foreign-looking people are more likely to be picked on is secondary to the fact that people (of any race) are being falsely accused of theft on very flimsy grounds.

    I suspect there are racial profilings in Japan, but I wonder why you didn’t make a formal complaint if you really wanted your issue solved but just gave the story to Debito to reinforce his exaggerated claim.

  13. Why you pick apart every single topic ove there? Why not find a topic and blog about it? I mean what your doing is stuipid. I gain nothing from reading your blog except your view on what somebody else blogged about.

  14. Debito wont be missed until he is long gone from the scene, then his efforts will be noticed, and apprecitated. I do not agree with allot of what he post; some of it borders on being paranoid such as the RFID gaijin cards. There might even be some truth that he is a tad bitter about he renounciation, being that many Americans in Japan hold Japan citizenship and never renounced. I think Debito is hitting a wave, just like many activist do, of hate. Tepido is behind it, making a name for yourself at his expense. What I respect the most about Debito is he keeps on going while the haters try and destroy. Having been through something like this before, I have no respect for that. Tepido, you remind me of that creature in Lord of the Rings, you know the varmit looking thing that was always working his angle? Your just there to knaw away, never really contributing anything. Youll loose in the end.

  15. 空、 why do I get the feeling both Debito and Tepido alike cringe at your extended ramblings on their respective blogs. You’re the batshit-crazy guy at the party everyone instinctively avoids, and when you finally leave, everyone says; “Who was that nut?” I expect to find out your real identity the next time their is a university bell-tower sniper.

    Ezekiel- I pray to god you have nothing to do with English education in Japan, or anywhere else for that matter. Varmits GNAW away, and if you don’t pay attention in English 101, you’ll LOSE in the end.

  16. yes, I saw the “their” as soon as I hit enter, Ezekiel. Do you know why this is odd?

  17. Naw Bobbie, I let the losers like you take on the English teaching jobs. I got a real job, and all the time in Japan, never once had to teach English. Seems your in good company though, plenty of people with low self esteem here, they originate from that industry. They make up for by attacking each other. Always fun to watch :grin:

  18. And Bobby, your comparison of “sora” and the bell tower sniper is unrelated; it shows your ignorance of the subject. The bell tower sniper was a Marine, and as R.Lee Emery said in full metal jacket, a damn good shot. Sora seems more of “made in Japan’ intellectual who has nothing in common with uncles sams misguided children. Do your homework (or time) before you post.

  19. Well, with a name like the one you chose, EW, how could anyone not expect you to be some kind of UFO nutter type?

    Now, does your general dissing of English teaching workers extend to debito or not? Just curious.

    And his name is R. Lee Ermey. Outstanding inattention to detail! Now hit the deck and gimme 50!

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