Leach was terminated last Dec. 30 in the wake of accusations that he mistreated injured wide receiver Adam James, the son of ESPN college football commentator Craig James. Among other allegations, Leach reportedly ordered Adam, who was recovering from a concussion, to stand alone in a dark closet on two occasions during the 2009 season. James shot video of his confinement, and the controversy came to a head when the footage was posted online.
Leach's lawsuit also names Spaeth Communications, a Dallas public-relations firm that Craig James hired when his son's complaints about Leach went public. The suit claims that Spaeth, which orchestrated the "Swift Boat" campaign against 2004 presidential candidate John Kerry, played a central role in leaking the video footage and accuses the firm of "creating public opinion hostile to Leach."
In an email to FanHouse, an ESPN spokesman said the company has "not seen the lawsuit and therefore it would be inappropriate for us to comment." Spaeth did not return calls or emails seeking comment. Rebecca Shaw, the firm's executive vice president, told the Associated Press that Leach's suit is "the predictable strategy of a man who is desperate to avoid accountability for his own behavior."
Ted Liggett, Leach's attorney, said the 49-year-old former coach simply wants to clear his name. "His reputation has taken a severe hit and been tarnished," Liggett told the Associated Press. "On a daily basis we're still seeing stories across the country with accounts Leach claims are counter to the truth."
Leach is already pursuing litigation against Texas Tech. His suit against the school, which charges the university with libel, slander, and breach of contract, is now in Texas appellate court after a lower-court judge ruled that the school does not have "sovereign immunity" from breach of contract claims. Last month, lawyers for Leach and Texas Tech appeared before a three-judge panel, which will decide whether Leach's suit can go to trial.
The 12-page complaint against ESPN and Spaeth includes a letter sent by Leach's lawyer to ESPN on Dec. 28 of last year -- two days before Leach was fired -- that paints an unflattering picture of Craig James, one of the network's top color commentators. The letter states that Craig James repeatedly called Texas Tech coaches because he was upset with his son's lack of playing time, and later sent emails to the school's "highest administrative officials" in an effort to get Leach fired. James' "vindictive" campaign, according to the letter, was particularly unprofessional because he served as an ESPN analyst on several Texas Tech games in 2009.
Leach was fired just before his team's appearance in the Alamo Bowl last Jan. 2. (Texas Tech won the game, 41-31, over Michigan State.) James was scheduled to work the game for ESPN, but was replaced by another broadcaster.
This season, Leach has had his media pulpit, working as a color commentator for CBS College Sports and appearing frequently on sports radio. He's scheduled to call the Tulane-Marshall game this Saturday for CBS. It's his final broadcast of the season for CBS, which signed him to a one-year contract. A CBS spokeswoman declined to comment on Leach's broadcasting future with the company.
Comments (Page 1 of 2)
I'm glad he did and I hope he takes them for everything he can. Mike Leach is the coach of Texas Tech. Texas Tech decided to get rid of the most winningest caoch in the schools history and bring in an overated coach. Look at Tech's record now. Tubberville hasn't shown the fans anything but a losing season. Yes, Tech is bowl eligible but Tech needs to bring the pirate back. Even if they did I don't blame Leach for telling them to kiss his butt. I hope the Craigs are real happy anf that no good son of theirs who thought taking the video would be a good prank. Well he has even admitted to taking the video as a prank and still Texas Tech and ESPN has still not apologized to Leach. I hope his lawsuit draws as much as possible. Maybe then the regents will think twice before listening to a cry baby and his ignorant father. Go Leach and I hope you get everything you can. Loyal Leach fan I am.
You said you hope the Craigs are happy and no good son. Who are the Craigs? You don't have a clue what you are talking about!
Everyone knows Leach is a leech and if he is ever to coach again he should learn to have some respect for his players!!!
The Craigs ? You must be one of those inbesils
Like this!
Looks like the other lawsuit is n't going so well huh Mike?
Oh well... keep pursuing the American dream.. if you can't earn it.... sue someone for it.... way to go!!!!BTW, your behavior does not endear you to potential employers. Best of luck.
Not going well??? He has already won his attempt to sue, now Tech is appealing. He has already won the media war. I hope he takes Tech for as much as they have. This is same Tech that hired a basketball with a history of abusing players. There should be a changing of the guards at Tech as it is evident they mishandled this case and their football record shows it.
Tom, I didn't know Tech hired a BASKETBALL, what's next a tennis ball or baseball. How would you draw up the contract????????
James should have kicked his ass if what they say went down really did. Leach is a loser along with many other ego maniacs on the side lines. ND is 6-5 with their savior. Watch the Stoops brothers rip the players heads off with cussing & yelling the entire game. Look at the clown at Nebraska. These guys are miss using their authority. LOSER.....
Jeff 11-25-2010 12:30AM
I'm glad he did and I hope he takes them for everything he can. Mike Leach is the coach of Texas Tech. Texas Tech decided to get rid of the most winningest caoch in the schools history and bring in an overated coach. Look at Tech's record now. Tubberville hasn't shown the fans anything but a losing season. Yes, Tech is bowl eligible but Tech needs to bring the pirate back. Even if they did I don't blame Leach for telling them to kiss his butt. I hope the Craigs are real happy anf that no good son of theirs who thought taking the video would be a good prank. Well he has even admitted to taking the video as a prank and still Texas Tech and ESPN has still not apologized to Leach. I hope his lawsuit draws as much as possible. Maybe then the regents will think twice before listening to a cry baby and his ignorant father. Go Leach and I hope you get everything you can. Loyal Leach fan I am.
How about if it had been your son, would you be the ignorant Father! So what, Tech has a losing damn season; at least they made a bowl game. Matter of fact, they could have a no win season and still make a bowl game now day's; there's too damn many!
I just turn the channel when Craig James is on ESPN. He is the worst example of a doting parent and I blame him for ruining Mike Leach's career. I guess the James family and it's arrogance is a potent weapon when they don't get their way. The unfortunate thing is that the children in the James family now think their deserving of special privilege.
Leach is just that...a Leech. Go find another career moron. here let me get you started..."Would you like fires with that?". Now run along sonny, you're irrelevant!!
Noone in their right mind would take Adams side.or espns
Espn is a mouthpiece for Tech as is the Lubbock Avalanch Journal ,Kent Hance is the main culprit in Tech, as is Craig James,whether or not Leach wins this case, Texas Techs reputation and ESPNs will be forebver tied to this, Tech and ESPN were not just happy to ruin this mans reputation, they have gone out of their way to destroy it. This is a perfect example of using the media to the max, the Alamo Bowl game coverage is a perfect example of it, the announcers tried and convicted Leach during the game. Iam a lifelong resident of Lubbock and have been a fan for over 50 years of Texas Tech, Iam embarrased now to be one.
Get a life Leach !!!!!
get a million dollars . go get em man
Just might be some substance to this lawsuit. Craig James was way out of line pushing for his son to get more playing time he had not earned, and at the time, I thought the criticism of the use of the black room for a concussion was mostly spin. The kid is a crybaby like his dad. I think it is a technique used by more than Mr. Leach. I hope Mr. Leach receives favorable judgement and is made whole financially, and James needs to be appropriately disciplined.
Not a big Leach fan but all you have to say is "Swift Boat" to understand something evil and under handed is going on. Leach's point on some of what's gone on is valid. On the other hand I wouldn't want my son involved in a program he was part of. Winning is a good thing, winning at all costs isn't. Especially if it means demeaning others.
Give me a break! Kerry lied about his service and the things that happened to him while in Vietnam. So his Swift boat company called him on it in the public eye. He was not "Swift boat'ed" like liberals incessantly call it. Thats a poor excuse for the reason why Kerry lost to Bush in 04. Get over it, he lost on his merit alone!! I hope leach gets some money out of this. Craig James and ESPN definatly made this story and the subsequent firing of Mike Leach possible by blowing something up that happens more than anyone might imagine. Is it right? No. If i was cuncussed id definatly want to be in a dark room. Not in a storage closet, but if I were whining about it thats where i would expect to end up.
Part of competing in sports at the college level is having players 'grow up'
beyond the behavior of their high school years. Coaches at that level may have a few 'rough edges'; but so do the leader types the young men will encounter in the business world when they leave college. Mike Leach and Bobby Knight are not 100 % 'good', or 100 % 'bad'. Craig James, and other parents, should be teaching their kids to 'man up' and deal with a real
life situation.