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7.9 out of 10

Generally favorable reviews- based on 204 Ratings

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  1. Negative: 33 out of 204

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  1. Aug 18, 2010
    Lets start this by saying that I have played EVERY racing game ever made since 1973.Simulation or not,Pole position to Gran Turismo to burnout to Forza 3 and nothing and I mean nothing is even close to this game that has ever been made!The only games that even compare to this game is Forza 1 & 2.This game has it all and it's so deep and perfect in its quality that you will be popping this in 10 years from now to play,to compare and just to remind yourself how much this game is so good and how much ahead of there time they are.Over 400 cars and great selection of cars.Gran Turismo 4 has over 700 cars but it's not about how many or this or that,it's about the guality and how you bring it all together and Forza 3 does that perfectly.Mark my words,when Gran Turismo 5 comes out in November of 2010 it will have NOTHING on Forza 3.They think because they will have over 1,000 cars and better graphics that they are gonna have a better game well they don't have the first idea of how to make a driving game come together like forza 3.Remember people Forza started just 5 years ago in 2005 and look were there at today just 5 years later.If one game ever deserves a perfect 10 it's this game! Expand
  2. Maxie
    Jan 21, 2010
    I like this game is perfect, nice graphic, nice car huge options, and i like the new first person camera is more real. 400 cars nice number and my favorite part is upgrade the cars and custom options.
    • 0 of 0 users said yes
  3. RicardoL.
    Jan 31, 2010
    great game... large enough for spending weeks on. achievements are easy and downloadable content is cheap.
    • 0 of 0 users said yes
  4. gregm
    Jan 8, 2010
    It has the best tracks and customization in a sim racer ever. The rumble is the best and is relevant for its feedback and it has awesome online modes
    • 0 of 0 users said yes
  5. RobertA
    Nov 2, 2009
    As a long time fan of racing games on ALL systems my opinion of Forza 3 is that it's come closer to providing a real racing experience than most other sim type games. Gran Turismo may look better but it still tends to feel like you're racing a succession of moving obstacles rather than other drivers. The AI in Forza 3 is among the best I've seen in racing games and manages to combine the tight, thrilling racing of Grid with some of the simulation aspects of GTR and LFS. It's very impressive, as are the amount of customisation options. On the downside some of the car stats are just plain wrong and as a single discipline straight out racer it starts to feel quite repetitive when compared with some of the recent arcade releases like PGR4, Dirt 2 etc. It's also not the best looking game out there but it's still very attractive and the cars look very good (just somehow lacking that GT5 quality). Overall it's a great edition to any racing fans collection. Expand
    • 0 of 1 users said yes
  6. BobC
    Nov 3, 2009
    Great looking, great playing game. Career mode is fun, and storefront is awesome. Multiplayer is hard but fun, and will only get better as they add more classes online.
    • 0 of 0 users said yes
  7. JoeE
    Nov 3, 2009
    Amazing game. The controls feel perfect, the cars look great, the tracks and scenery are beautiful. Wonderful job Turn 10. You have a solid hit. Best racing game I've played since the old GT days.
    • 0 of 0 users said yes
  8. FPSMaster
    Nov 6, 2009
    This game can be fun for a couple of days, but it gets boring fast. 3 Forza's in a little over 4 years and no matter what they do to them each new one always gets boring faster than the last. It seems with each sequel more time is put into behind the scenes stuff like decals, vinyls and upgrading while racing and physics along with sense of speed and excitement take a back seat. In-car view (and half done at that) is the only new feature othe than the rewing button. Graphics are overrated and are just more colorful than Forza 2, but no better. Race Pro is still more realisitc and PGR4 is still more exciting, so it leaves this exclusive series stuck somewhere in between in no man's land with bland racing and too many features that make it less a racing game and more a car and design creation/auctioning tool. But the actual racing is flat out boring and the physics are still ridiculously off for a so-called sim. Bring back PGR, and bring back Bizarre Creations to Xbox for exciting racing games please. Expand
    • 0 of 0 users said yes
  9. WiliamJ
    Dec 31, 2009
    Forza 3 is a very polished and accoplished game. Its an upgrade of forza 2. It has some loading and pop in problems, so minor but still catches the eye. Multiplayer component has been smoothed out, less lag and stuff. Make sure you have gold membership. This isn't a 10 game because of the bugs and pop in.
    • 0 of 0 users said yes
  10. PeterD
    Dec 4, 2009
    All in All a great Racing-Game!!! Beatiful graphics, a huge size of cars & tracks, good career and so on. The Online-Gaming needs some improvements, but it´s fun. Good work, Turn 10!
    • 0 of 0 users said yes
  11. HarveyB
    Oct 27, 2009
    wow. well let me get started by saying that forza Motorsport 3 is an incredible racing experience. Having played GT 5 prolouge a lot im surprised to see how realistic this game is. every car feels different and each course just as well. those of you who are physics junkies like myself will be pleased. then there is the plethora of upgrades and tuning options. i can' say how good GT 5 will be but forza 3 as of now is the king of racing sims and you as a racing sim player or even a casual gamer owe it to yourself to play this game. Expand
    • 0 of 0 users said yes
  12. Niki
    Oct 27, 2009
    There is honestly not really anything I can criticize about this game! You want a fantastic sim with endless tuning possibilities and customization - it's got it. You want an accessible racer that you can pick up and play without needing any driving ability - it's got it. You want to have a fantastic online community with millions of tuning set ups, designs and cars up for sale - it's got it. Whatever aspect of racers or cars you are looking for, it's got it. Just a phenomenal game, I can't recommend it enough. Expand
    • 0 of 0 users said yes
  13. markman5000
    Oct 28, 2009
    Very addictive and flashy forza motorsport 3 shines and flourishes where other racers fall short and that is content. Forza has more quality content than you can shake a stick at and it all user created and driven. The graphics are top notch and get even more gorgeous the closer you get to the cars not a blemish in site. The driving is superbly done. And very approachable to that of all ages because of the assists. the mentor has become the master as forma motorsport 3 has the crown as top dog in the genre not normal will we see a racing game hit for a possible game of the year but this might just impress the masses enough for the award. Expand
    • 0 of 0 users said yes
  14. Samm
    Nov 7, 2009
    Im just gonna compare it to Forza 2, Gampley: it feel completely as FM2, no major changes, the cars feels more the same now, they don't have the unique feeling of each car, turn 10 kind of made this game more arcady, and that a let down. Value: the game ships with 400 cars and 19 Environments with a total of 90 Track layouts. the career mode is very good and it take some time to finish it. Graphics: Minor improvements, like slightly better lights, more polycounts, but over all if compare the two games ( FM2 and FM3) they look the same, the damage modele are not as good as the damage in Forza 2. The good: Online, good Carree mode, and more cars The bad: outdated damage models, weak AI, feels more arcady. Expand
    • 0 of 0 users said yes
  15. L.M.
    Dec 10, 2009
    I'm not exactly sure what Gran Turismo 5 is going to offer but needless to say that's the only game in it's path from me saying this is the best racing game this generation. Long has the excellence of Gran Turismo been under the hood but it's helped formulate an good set of competition with Forza flexing it's racing muscle, Dirt, and GRID. While most of Forza 3�39;s new features aren't pedestal's that are later on borrowed from other series, it's a bit more of vice versa this go round. It completely enhances the casual driving game player with the best sets of "baby steps" towards being a better videogame driver and helps add things like cockpit view (which is more of a racing fan's feature) and a deeper set of customization + and online modes which makes this the most accesible driving game to the young/old, casual/hardcore, or awkwardly femine/possibly Canadian. While matchmaking's a bit off and the AI can fall asleep at times, these flaws are minor but only stand out more because of how excellent the game is. Expand
    • 0 of 0 users said yes
  16. NiklasA.
    Dec 12, 2009
    I was never a real fan of racing games. But I bought Forza Motorsport 3 in hopes that Microsoft would be able to satisfy me another time, and thankfully I was thrilled with the game. There are a few details that bug me, such as the static tire barricade on the road side, and how fast you come to a stop when driving on grass. Multiplayer isnt to great, but ONLY because im horrible at it. I have been destroyed multiple times online, so I stick with single player. to avoid the humilitation. I congratulate Microsoft with their well thought investment in Turn 10. Expand
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  17. anonymous
    Dec 10, 2009
    Forza Motorsport 3 is a racing simulator video game developed for Xbox 360 by Turn 10 Studios. The game includes over 400 customizable cars from 50 manufacturers and over 100 race track variations. Look at the video Teaser here:
    • 0 of 3 users said yes
  18. CamK
    Oct 27, 2009
    This game is simply immense in all areas, a massive improvement that can hold it's own on it's own legs. Very deep game, very finished and well structured game too, but most of all the physics are beautiful. Very little could be improved, and none of those things (lighting model etc) matter to me.
    • 0 of 0 users said yes
  19. KamukR
    Oct 27, 2009
    Certain other titles really have their work cut out for them. I am sure that with all future DLC this game will be, against my first thoughts, as the director said - the definitive racing game of this (console) generation. Don't get lost in incorrect interpretations of definitive like certain fanboys do...
    • 0 of 0 users said yes
  20. Margareta
    Oct 27, 2009
    Wonderfully crafted game, a highly refined and comprehensive sim aimed at absorbing anyone and at any skill level. Jack of all trades.. ..and suprisingly the master of most. Powerful realistic physics are what push this title that extra kilometre to be the lead in its class - though we could expect in the very least a reasonable effort based upon previous iterations. 'Quality' is Turn 10's middle name. Expand
    • 0 of 0 users said yes
  21. EddieM
    Oct 27, 2009
    I could write paragraphs on how good this game is and what it offers to the player. But instead I'll just say that this is the best racing game of all time and it shouldn't be missed even if you're not a fan of the genre. Enough said.
    • 0 of 0 users said yes
  22. JohnS
    Oct 28, 2009
    The 'Roll and Roar' before every race is horrible and gets old after eight hours or so. The online matchmaking system is horrible. The Turn 10 servrs decide what you race and on what track and for how many laps with NO choice in WHO you want to race with. For that you have to create a PRIVATE room and invite people. Good luck with that. And on top of that the Turn 10 website is now removing critical reviews of the game from their forums, leaving the illusion that all is well with the game, that everyone enjoys what they have produced. Expand
    • 0 of 0 users said yes
  23. WilliamH
    Oct 28, 2009
    2 minor issues for me: when you got it floored, lacks a little of the heart pounding feeling that NFS gives you. NFS also had a "grittiness" to it and Forza feels a little to sterile and neat. This coming from someone who purchased NFS and ripped it a new one in the comments. I know I'm knit picking, that's why I didn't give it a lower score...Forza's a ten in my book...unless there's a car sim out there that has photo realistic cars and environments and an even more realistic car physics system....Forza's as good as it gets or is going to get w/o a serious hardware upgrade. Forza will go 12 rounds w/GT and may even come away w/the split decision. Expand
    • 0 of 0 users said yes
  24. RonaldS
    Oct 28, 2009
    Great game but can't read the information on the screen . I liked that about FMS 1 . FMS 2 was not as good as one but still readable but this Three version is a joke ! White background with light gray letters , and the font is very small .
    • 0 of 0 users said yes
  25. SimonR.
    Oct 28, 2009
    I really think that to change the time shouldnt be in a Racing sim and if than it should be limited. So you can use it just ONCE in a Race and not infinite. Another Reason is because its lacking of Weather Effects. Its not standard but its something what would be cool. Its a little to Arcady in my eyes. I know a lot of people like that but I dont. Amazing is the Tireflex. The Graphic is above standard but not overwhelming and the Sorrounding feels kind of empty. Physics are good but I expected more. its not a 100% Hardcore Sim you dont have to use the features which make the game easier but I dont like compromises. Online Features are wonderfull its a really really good racing sim but I am not as overwhelmed as I wanted to be. Expand
    • 0 of 0 users said yes
  26. JeremyM
    Oct 28, 2009
    Amazing games, pretty, handles great, best with a wheel. If you like racing games, its a must buy, if you dont hate racing games, still a must buy, if you hate racing games, rent it. Multiplayer is fun, single player is well built season play,, and why are you still reading these reviews? just go buy it already
    • 0 of 0 users said yes
  27. MikeT
    Oct 29, 2009
    Pros: -Assists and varying difficulty settings -Clean Interface -Fun Driving Physics -Large selection of customizable cars (paint, body kits, parts) -Online community content blends seamlessly into the game Cons: -Long loading times (specially if not installed) -Damage is not amazing, but understandable considering there are over 400 cars to model -No weather/night driving Overall, this game is awesome and the Pros far outweigh the cons. I got this game for $40 (buy 3 get 1 free deal at Best Buy), and it is worth 2x that price. The sheer amount of cars, tracks, customization and online features will make any racing fan happy. Expand
    • 0 of 0 users said yes
  28. WillB
    Oct 30, 2009
    A really phenomenal game. It's a lot better than Forza 2. Fantastic driving (it really does feel great the whole way through). Excellent online and community stuff (i sold a painting today!). Loads of content, they really have hit this one out of the park and it's will last you a looong time too.
    • 0 of 0 users said yes
    Nov 14, 2009
    Every Aspect of FM3 that has been implemented as a new addition to FM2 sucks. This game is completely lifeless and full of bugs! Stay with Forza Motorsport 2(Two!) if you like racing games on the 360!
    • 0 of 0 users said yes
  30. KevT
    Nov 2, 2009
    For the Xbox 360, it hands down the best racing game for those looking for a more serious racing game. Those looking for something like Burnout, keep looking. People complaining about the "rewind" feature because it is not realistic can are missing the point that it is your option to use it. If you want to be ultra realistic when it comes to racing, do not use the feature. The game offers enough driving aides most gamers will be fine playing this. My wife is really bad at driving games and all the driving aides still did not make it so she any good, so there will be some who cannot play FM3. If you are moderate gamer like me, this is an outstanding game. If you are a hardcore racer, you wil still be able to enjoy this, but I am sure you will complain about something. GT5 on the PS3 is months away, but when that day comes, I think FM3 will hold up well, but GT will most likely be the better game. Expand
    • 0 of 0 users said yes
  31. KarlM
    Nov 2, 2009
    This game is broken. Why would they not polish it to a shine rather than releasing it now with the screen tearing and last gen chugging graphics when the action gets really hot? I am so disappointed with this purchase. The controls are sluggish and you would think that the most powerfull console ALIVE could do better. This is a definite GS trade-in. And to think, I bought a $100 wheel to go with this game. D minus at best. Expand
    • 0 of 0 users said yes
  32. ec
    Nov 29, 2009
    Forza 3 is an average looking and feeling sim racer that moves along at a snail's pace, and is low on the "fun" factor. Car customization is less significant than in other similar games. Well constructed, but very run of the mill.
    • 0 of 0 users said yes
  33. JamesF
    Nov 30, 2009
    Honestly, as a racing fan this game represents all that is great and good with the xbox 360. Turn 10 have delivered big time on the racing sim genre. Whether you are a novice racer or a seasoned pro, this game will provide you with countless hours of entertainment both off and online. Loads of beautifully presented cars? Check. Real life circuits? Check. Wonderfully thought out original tracks? Check. More customisation options that you can shake a stick at? Check. Enough reading about, go out there and enhance your life by purchasing a copy of Forza Motorsport 3. NOW!! Expand
    • 0 of 0 users said yes
  34. JohnF.
    Nov 3, 2009
    I am not a huge fan of racing games, but this one is making me change my mind. I hadn't bought a racing game since Mario Kart for GameCube and the exceedingly difficult F-Zero GX, but I decided to give this one a try and I'm glad I did. It is very friendly to newcomers but can also deliver the challenge to veterans if they so choose. It's got lots of tracks and different things you can do, and the online storefront where players can buy and sell their custom designs is addicting and fun. The look and feel of the game is smooth and slick, although load times are a bit long. It's hard to be all things to all people, but Forza 3 at least comes pretty close. One of the best games of 2009. Expand
    • 0 of 0 users said yes
  35. PhillipMurphy
    Nov 4, 2009
    The graphics are very good.... the end There are far too many championships for the game, they have taken out the tournaments what glued me to the last one, and i jsut feel a little disapointed, The only thing said about the new forza is "what amazing graphics" but thats all anybody can really say tbh compared to number 2
    • 0 of 0 users said yes
  36. blazeww
    Nov 7, 2009
    Why the blazing hell did they change the MP? It's a huge downgrade imo and i've lost faith in those supposedly 'reliable' sites like IGN and Gamespot for choosing to ignore it. Another minor complaint - the graphics are decent, but SOOOOO inconsistent!!
    • 0 of 0 users said yes
  37. DaveB
    Dec 5, 2009
    Forza 3 is like driving though treacle, sluggish, unresponsive and dull. The worse thing about this abortion is the fact that they tried (and failed miserably) to copy GRID with the rewind feature. How they managed to mess that up I will never know. If you want a slick racer, stick to GRID.
    • 0 of 1 users said yes
  38. rayw
    Dec 6, 2009
    if its a 6 cylinder it sounds like every other 6 in the game same for 8's and 4's and all engines there seems to be only 6 engine tones to cover there entire "400" car range. with is just a statistical lie. a good 10% of the cars are the exact same car just from a different racing team meaning content wise its the exact same car with a new paint job. any of the recant cars that came out this year that you drool over are locked unless u by the damn near 80 dollar version. if rwd it handels like all other rwd's same again for front and awd. the cars have no caracteristics of their own. when fully build only power and drivtrain determin the feel of the car. the driver assist make you all but invinceble and the match making its retarded at best. congrats to turn 10 for taking a hardcore sim racer and making it an arcade game. i guess loyalty to your fans dies in comparason to accesability to everyone. i pass the controler to my 3 year old sister and let her do the races for me and ill just buy and build a bunch of cars with drivetrains that dont belong in them and numb feeling. 60 bucks well spend Expand
    • 0 of 0 users said yes
  39. TonyP
    Oct 27, 2009
    I'm a huge Forza fan and have always preferred the Forza games over other simulators so I kind of went into this game thinking it would be good. But WOW! This game is Amazing! So many cars of different types not just 20 different variations of Civics to boost numbers. Your favorite car is in this game, I guarantee it. So many things to talk about in this game! First off my only complaint is that it starts out slow showing you the feeling of how the game work and has you doing a lap or two in an R8 they give you. Kind of annoying as it amounts to nothing but I see why they did this for the casual gamer so it wouldn't be too daunting. But once you get past that the floodgates open with TONS of stuff to do! There's the auction house, which if you've played Forza 2, they added Way more search features and added in buying liveries, decals, paint job designs, etc. The auction house is a place where you can just lose track of time looking through all the beautiful designs people have put on their cars from typical car paint job, to movie references, to internet memes, to just about anything! Seriously it's Photoshop for cars! Then there's the customization and tuning. So many parts, so much tweaking, it's just crazy! It's also cool they put an auto-upgrade for the non-hardcore crowd to make it simpler to upgrade for later. The online is amazing as well with official tournaments that are an awesome way to show your stuff off and show others up! The pick up and play is also amazing! If you play with other friends playing online, the game asks you if you want to join their room right when you hit multiplayer so it's ridiculously easy to get a room with friends going! Drags are also extremely fun! And the game just looks beautiful! I mean how did they do all this in just 2.5 years time?! Every car has damage and looks and feels exactly as it should before, and after you damage it! Except totaling your car is harder that it should be if I'm honest. I could go on to talk about how amazing this game is but I don't want to right an essay. Bottom line, buy this game if you like, sim racers, cars, racing games, or heck, games at all! There's no excuse you shouldn't buy this! Oh! Get a racing wheel! I have the official Microsoft wheel and it's amazing! It feels exactly like a real car! Or if you've got the money, spring for the Porsche wheel with clutch, 6 speed shifter, and drift LED, and with a Playseat. Just google it. I would upgrade myself but it's soooo expensive! Expand
    • 0 of 0 users said yes
  40. EduardoB
    Oct 27, 2009
    Without a doubt, the best racing game money can buy TODAY. I don't know if that will remain true when GT5 comes around, but I wonder what Polyphony Digital can do to top this amazing game. Everything from the blisky 60fps action on screen to the houndreds of cars, dozens of tracks, racing seasons, tuning, modding, painting, etc etc etc is top notch. Online racing is the best ever, with total customization. Assists make the game accessible to all gamers. Graphics are fantastic. Sounds are amazing. Really, Forza 3 comes on top. For now, at least. Expand
    • 0 of 0 users said yes
  41. AnttiJ
    Oct 27, 2009
    I felt this was a bit of a disappointment graphically. The demo had the nicest looking track on it, naturally. Some of the tracks don't look good at all. Otherwise, it's a good game. But Forza 2 was already a good simulation, only thing it was lacking was current gen graphics. A little more effort from Turn 10 would have been in place, because it shoud not be that hard to make a closed track (meaning you can't drive to the distance to see that fake background scenery closer) look good. In many tracks they succeeded, but in equally many they failed more or less. Car's look great, but it's the scenery and road we look at when we drive, not the car. Expand
    • 0 of 0 users said yes
  42. JamesM
    Oct 27, 2009
    Well..... All I can say is, Forza 3 is a great game. It's graphics are nice, gameplay is nice, and the customization is great..... BUT!!! As turn10 said themselves, it could be better. But instead of focusing on the bad, I do have one opinion that I believe should be heard. No matter how many people dis it, Forza 3 does have something that's a step above the rest. You're able to paint almost anything you want on the cars. And that adds an INCREDIBLE amount of customization right there. Who doesn't like custom paint jobs? Expand
    • 0 of 0 users said yes
  43. siborg
    Oct 27, 2009
    Nice progression from Forza 2. Very polished product. Only negatives so far are the music isn't as good as the last release, and the rewind feature doesn't play nice with a wheel.
    • 0 of 0 users said yes
  44. DanielT
    Nov 15, 2009
    amazing game. its incredibly realistic with tons of customizable features. the difficulty level can be tweaked for both amateurs and pros. this will give gran turismo a run for its money.
    • 0 of 0 users said yes
  45. JamesW
    Nov 16, 2009
    I would like to start by saying that the single player career mode is just fine and the core physics are intact just as well as it as always been. But there is an issue that needs to be addressed, Online Multiplayer. Those who have already played this know exactly what I mean. Am I the only one who sees the flaws with the multiplayer system? I was a longtime Forza fan...they have compromised the core of the gameplay's purpose. I want to race in a lobby where I can actually choose the race.You cant even load your setups before a race once in the lobby. Who was in charge when making these decisions? Other players have noticed this as well and I believe that the truth must be brought to light. Turn 10 Studios will realize their mistake in due time. Until then, goodbye Turn 10 and may others (and hopefully yourselves) realize this size of this mistake alienating your loyal fans in an effort to "appeal to the masses". Expand
    • 0 of 0 users said yes
  46. PhillipN
    Dec 22, 2009
    This is one of the best racing games ever. The presentation is a bit sterile, Under Control really needs slashed from the soundtrack, and the backdrops are hit and miss, but otherwise it's hard to complain here.
    • 0 of 0 users said yes
  47. Aug 21, 2010
    There's not really much to add, but suffice to let me state facts. 100% of the Critic reviews are 'Positive'. Just over five in every seven user reviews are positive. It's obviously popular, and not without reason, like other popular games that betrayed us.
  48. Aug 26, 2010
    FM3 is an awesome racing game, maybe one of the best simulations up to date. The graphics are great and the cars available are simply WOW! Once you start racing, you won't hang up that easy, especially on the 2 player mode. As for my part, the only thing missing is more urban circuits, like in towns or cities. Else, it's a great piece of game. I recommend it.
  49. Oct 23, 2010
    A great racer. Even better then Forza 2 in several different ways: More cars, more tracks (And it even includes point-to-point races), great graphics and amazing sound effects (With the addition of tuning the volume to your desire, with the collisions being my favourite). Lots of settings, including difficulties, painting, tuning, buying and upgrading cars. It makes the recommendations for buying DLC for Forza 2 obsolete. Expand
  50. Oct 29, 2010
    Without doubt, this game is the best ever Racing Sim ever to hit a console! The car list is now at over 500 (as from late 2010) and there are a perfect mix of cars to suit everyone from British sportscars, American and Australian muscle to Japanese drifters and tunables. A great range of tracks, great graphics and some awesome features (Film creating and car paint and vinyl editing really add!) provide something great into an overall package. Our negatives are more with the company than the game, so we shant criticise them here however we recommend buying the October 2010 released 'Ultimate collection" as it includes ALL DLC (worth over £30) and a copy of the game (originally £40 at release) for just £24.99 upon its new release - It also includes some new stunning cars and some other extras marking a new partnership with the much loved Top Gear! Do we think this move will influence or buy over the massive Gran Turismo fanbase....Not at all, there is already a Playstation 3 market large enough waiting for this game which is guaranteed to make it sell better than FM3 without new 360s and extra copies of forza being sold. Besides, GT5 is bound to be a massive hit with its stunning visuals and long car list. Let's hope it will be released some time soon though! Well done Turn 10 but we would prefer to see Forza Motorsport 4 be an improved FM3 with more cars than a new experience to work upon the new kinect peripheral. Expand
  51. Nov 24, 2010
    Giving this just because xbox fanboys are flaming the reviews of GT5. No offense to the game itself, just want to make sure that fanboys get what they asked for.
  52. Nov 25, 2010
    This is the best racing game of this generation. Everything just feels "right" when I play it. The cars handle like they should (I know as I have had several of them) and the single player is engaging enough to keep you trying to get more cars and more upgrades. The tracks are varied and interesting, and I haven't got bored of them. The graphics are such an improvement over FM2 that's it's kind of ridiculous. This is a great game. If you have an Xbox 360 and you like cars, this is your game. Expand
  53. Nov 25, 2010
    Saw what MasterChef did, so following likewise... No offense to the game itself...but yeah, just to balance up things a bit. Sorry. They flamed the user reviews for GT5 without even trying it out. Well, I haven't tried Forza 3, wanted to...but judging from the IGN review screencaptures, I guess I'll stick to GT5, unless F3 is free.


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Universal acclaim - based on 90 Critics

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 90 out of 90
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 90
  3. Negative: 0 out of 90
  1. Forza Motorsport 3 has more of what made the second game so great, but also with better visuals, and a more balanced control.
  2. We could nitpick the small things (returning courses, the developers force players to repeatedly race on the same tracks), but none of those issues affect an otherwise incredible racing experience. Forza Motorsport 3 is without question one of the best racers and a surefire contender for 2009 game of the year.
  3. 90
    Forza 3 is a brilliantly engineered, if somewhat cold, racing game.