
Obama Calls on Americans to Help Others

Updated: 6 hours ago
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Joseph Schuman

Joseph Schuman Senior Correspondent

(Nov. 25) -- President Barack Obama today called on Americans to commemorate Thanksgiving by helping others, in a traditionally festive holiday address from the White House that was tempered by the state of war and economic hardship afflicting the country.

"Today, like millions of other families across America, Michelle, Malia, Sasha and I will sit down to share a Thanksgiving filled with family and friends, and a few helpings of food and football, too," Obama said. "And just as folks have done in every Thanksgiving since the first, we'll spend some time taking stock of what we're thankful for: the God-given bounty of America, and the blessings of one another."
Barack Obama Thanksgiving Day.
Leslie E. Kossoff-Pool, Getty Images
President Barack Obama greets a family as he prepares bags of food for area residents, with the help of his daughter Sasha, center, ahead of the Thanksgiving Day holiday at Martha's Table on Wednesday in Washington, D.C.

In taking stock of the country's current problems, Obama appealed to what he called "that distinctly American impulse to give something of ourselves," noting that many Americans at home are working in soup kitchens to help the less fortunate while others are "standing guard around the world."

"This holiday season, we must resolve once more to do the same," he said. "As long as many of our sons and daughters and husbands and wives are at war, we've got to support their mission and honor their service. And as long as many of of our friends and neighbors are looking for work, we've got to do everything we can to accelerate this recovery and keep our economy moving forward."

Obama, his wife, Michelle, and his daughters on Wednesday afternoon delivered turkeys and bags of food to needy Washingtonians at Martha's Table, a food pantry that helps poor children and families, as they did last year.

A line of families, including many with small children, passed by tables piled with food and received fresh raw greens from Obama's daughter Malia, fruit from the first lady and bags with a turkey, stuffing and pumpkin pies from the president.

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Though today's Thanksgiving speech served as his weekly address, which usually advocates one policy or another and often takes a partisan bent, there was little mention of politics today, other than Obama's standard, if battered, call for Democrats and Republicans to work together to solve the nation's problems and a reminder that he'll play host to leaders from both parties at the White House next week.

And he ended by adding his own presidential thanks.

"To every American, I am thankful for the privilege of being your president," Obama said. "To all our service members stationed around the world, I am honored to be your commander-in-chief. And from the Obama family to yours, have a very happy Thanksgiving. Thank you."
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