Some insults are so outrageous, they can't be ignored. This week, a star on TV's most-watched new sitcom, 'Mike & Molly,' says a controversial dig at their series, and at overweight people in general, will be referenced on their turkey-day-themed episode airing Monday.
After a post called
'Should Fatties Get a Room?' appeared on Marie Claire magazine's site last month, 'Mike & Molly' fans were in an uproar about the opinions of the blogger, who wrote that she wasn't a viewer, but felt "grossed out" seeing or even imagining plus-size people romancing one another. In other words, the premise of the series -- two Overeaters Anonymous members begin dating -- bothered her. 'Mike & Molly,' a hit for CBS, averages more than 12 million viewers.
'Mike & Molly' creator Mark Roberts originally said he wanted to ignore the slam in future scripts. But he did admit the incident simply struck him as cruel: "I'm really not that angry. I'm hurt for my two friends [stars Melissa McCarthy and Billy Gardell] who had to read horrible things that some woman said about them," he told
EW.com in October. "I feel more sad."
Now, Gardell (who plays Mike) tells EW that in the Nov. 22
episode, he gets to make a
"tiny nod" to the brouhaha. "It's a very eloquently put thing that I get to say at the Thanksgiving speech, that kind of says everything we feel," says Gardell.