Sarah Palin's Unfavorability Numbers Hit New High, Survey Finds

22 hours ago
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The number of Americans viewing Sarah Palin unfavorably has hit the highest point since she burst onto the national stage over two years ago, according to a poll out Friday.

The Gallup survey conducted in the days after the Nov. 2 election found more than half of Americans -- 52 percent -- hold a negative opinion of the former Alaska governor. Only 40 percent viewed her favorably, which ties her lowest score from about a year ago.

Palin, the GOP's vice presidential candidate in 2008, is among Republican names being floated as a possible presidential pick in two years time. The poll found she might have a good chance of capturing the nomination: fully 80 percent of Republicans have a positive opinion of her.

She might have a harder time in the general election. Gallup found 81 percent of Democrats and 53 percent of independents viewed her unfavorably -- while fewer than four in 10 view her favorably.

Read the full Gallup report here.

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