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PCI bus connector pinout

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The PCI Bus is a high performance bus for interconnecting chips, expansion boards, and processor/memory subsystems.

PCI Universal Card 32/64 bit
|    PCI         Component Side (side B)                         |
|                                                                |
|                                                                |
|                                                optional        |
|    ____     mandatory 32-bit pins            64-bit pins  _____|
|___|    |||||||--|||||||||||||||||--|||||||--||||||||||||||
         ^     ^  ^               ^  ^     ^  ^            ^
       b01   b11  b14           b49  b52 b62  b63          b94
PCI 5V Card 32/64 bit
|                                                optional        |
|    ____     mandatory 32-bit pins            64-bit pins  _____|
|___|    ||||||||||||||||||||||||||--|||||||--||||||||||||||
PCI 3.3V Card 32/64 bit
|                                                optional        |
|    ____     mandatory 32-bit pins            64-bit pins  _____|
|___|    |||||||--||||||||||||||||||||||||||--||||||||||||||

The PCI specification defines two types of connectors that may be implemented at the system board level: One for systems that implement 5 Volt signaling levels, and one for systems that implement 3.3 Volt signaling levels. In addition, PCI systems may implement either the 32-bit or 64-bit connector. Most PCI buses implement only the 32-bit portion of the connector which consists of pins 1 through 62. Advanced systems which support 64-bit data transfers implement the full PCI bus connector which consists of pins 1 through 94. Three types of add-in boards may be implemented: 5 Volt add-in boards include a key notch in pin positions 50 and 51 to allow them to be plugged only into 5 Volt system connectors. 3.3 Volt add-in boards include a key notch in pin positions 12 and 13 to allow them to be plugged only into 3.3 Volt system connectors. Universal add-in boards include both key notches to allow them to be plugged into either 5 Volt or 3.3 Volt system connectors.

Universal PCI Bus Pinouts

                    Rear of Computer
               -12V |- B1     A1 -| Test Reset
         Test Clock |- B2     A2 -| +12V
             Ground |- B3     A3 -| Test Mode Select
   Test Data Output |- B4     A4 -| Test Data Input
                +5V |- B5     A5 -| +5V
                +5V |- B6     A6 -| Interrupt A
        Interrupt B |- B7     A7 -| Interrupt C
        Interrupt D |- B8     A8 -| +5V
            PRSNT1# |- B9     A9 -| Reserved
           Reserved |- B10   A10 -| +V I/O
            PRSNT2# |- B11   A11 -| Reserved
           Reserved |- B14   A14 -| Reserved
             Ground |- B15   A15 -| Reset
              Clock |- B16   A16 -| +V I/O
             Ground |- B17   A17 -| Grant
            Request |- B18   A18 -| Ground
             +V I/O |- B19   A19 -| Reserved
         Address 31 |- B20   A20 -| Address 30
         Address 29 |- B21   A21 -| +3.3V
             Ground |- B22   A22 -| Address 28
         Address 27 |- B23   A23 -| Address 26
         Address 25 |- B24   A24 -| Ground
              +3.3V |- B25   A25 -| Address 24
             C/BE 3 |- B26   A26 -| Init Device Select
         Address 23 |- B27   A27 -| +3.3V
             Ground |- B28   A28 -| Address 22
         Address 21 |- B29   A29 -| Address 20
         Address 19 |- B30   A30 -| Ground
              +3.3V |- B31   A31 -| Address 18
         Address 17 |- B32   A32 -| Address 16
             C/BE 2 |- B33   A33 -| +3.3V
             Ground |- B34   A34 -| Cycle Frame
    Initiator Ready |- B35   A35 -| Ground
              +3.3V |- B36   A36 -| Target Ready
      Device Select |- B37   A37 -| Ground
             Ground |- B38   A38 -| Stop
               Lock |- B39   A39 -| +3.3V
       Parity Error |- B40   A40 -| Snoop Done
              +3.3V |- B41   A41 -| Snoop Backoff
       System Error |- B42   A42 -| Ground
              +3.3V |- B43   A43 -| PAR
             C/BE 1 |- B44   A44 -| Address 15
         Address 14 |- B45   A45 -| +3.3V
       M66EN/Ground |- B46   A46 -| Address 13
         Address 12 |- B47   A47 -| Address 11
         Address 10 |- B48   A48 -| Ground
             Ground |- B49   A49 -| Address 9
          Address 8 |- B52   A52 -| C/BE 0
          Address 7 |- B53   A53 -| +3.3V
              +3.3V |- B54   A54 -| Address 6
          Address 5 |- B55   A55 -| Address 4
          Address 3 |- B56   A56 -| Ground
             Ground |- B57   A57 -| Address 2
          Address 1 |- B58   A58 -| Address 0
             +5 I/O |- B59   A59 -| +V I/O
 Acknowledge 64-bit |- B60   A60 -| Request 64-bit
                +5V |- B61   A61 -| +5V
                +5V |- B62   A62 -| +5V
           Reserved |- B63   A63 -| Ground
             Ground |- B64   A64 -| C/BE 7
             C/BE 6 |- B65   A65 -| C/BE 5
             C/BE 4 |- B66   A66 -| +V I/O
             Ground |- B67   A67 -| Parity 64-bit
         Address 63 |- B68   A68 -| Address 62
          Address 61|- B69   A69 -| Ground
             +V I/O |- B70   A70 -| Address 60
         Address 59 |- B71   A71 -| Address 58
         Address 57 |- B72   A72 -| Ground
             Ground |- B73   A73 -| Address 56
         Address 55 |- B74   A74 -| Address 54
         Address 53 |- B75   A75 -| +V I/O
             Ground |- B76   A76 -| Address 52
         Address 51 |- B77   A77 -| Address 50
         Address 49 |- B78   A78 -| Ground
             +V I/O |- B79   A79 -| Address 48
         Address 47 |- B80   A80 -| Address 46
         Address 45 |- B81   A81 -| Ground
             Ground |- B82   A82 -| Address 44
         Address 43 |- B83   A83 -| Address 42
         Address 41 |- B84   A84 -| +V I/O
             Ground |- B85   A85 -| Address 40
         Address 39 |- B86   A86 -| Address 38
         Address 37 |- B87   A87 -| Ground
             +V I/O |- B88   A88 -| Address 36
         Address 35 |- B89   A89 -| Address 34
         Address 33 |- B90   A90 -| Ground
             Ground |- B91   A91 -| Address 32
           Reserved |- B92   A92 -| Reserved
           Reserved |- B93   A93 -| Ground
             Ground |- B94   A94 -| Reserved


Same with descriptions:


Pin +5V +3.3V Universal Description
A1 TRST     Test Logic Reset
A2 +12V     +12 VDC
A3 TMS     Test Mde Select
A4 TDI     Test Data Input
A5 +5V     +5 VDC
A6 INTA     Interrupt A
A7 INTC     Interrupt C
A8 +5V     +5 VDC
A9 RESV01     Reserved VDC
A10 +5V +3.3V Signal Rail +V I/O (+5 V or +3.3 V)
A11 RESV03     Reserved VDC
A12 GND03 (OPEN) (OPEN) Ground or Open (Key)
A13 GND05 (OPEN) (OPEN) Ground or Open (Key)
A14 RESV05     Reserved VDC
A15 RESET     Reset
A16 +5V +3.3V Signal Rail +V I/O (+5 V or +3.3 V)
A17 GNT     Grant PCI use
A18 GND08     Ground
A19 RESV06     Reserved VDC
A20 AD30     Address/Data 30
A21 +3.3V01     +3.3 VDC
A22 AD28     Address/Data 28
A23 AD26     Address/Data 26
A24 GND10     Ground
A25 AD24     Address/Data 24
A26 IDSEL     Initialization Device Select
A27 +3.3V03     +3.3 VDC
A28 AD22     Address/Data 22
A29 AD20     Address/Data 20
A30 GND12     Ground
A31 AD18     Address/Data 18
A32 AD16     Address/Data 16
A33 +3.3V05     +3.3 VDC
A34 FRAME     Address or Data phase
A35 GND14     Ground
A36 TRDY     Target Ready
A37 GND15     Ground
A38 STOP     Stop Transfer Cycle
A39 +3.3V07     +3.3 VDC
A40 SDONE     Snoop Done
A41 SBO     Snoop Backoff
A42 GND17     Ground
A43 PAR     Parity
A44 AD15     Address/Data 15
A45 +3.3V10     +3.3 VDC
A46 AD13     Address/Data 13
A47 AD11     Address/Data 11
A48 GND19     Ground
A49 AD9     Address/Data 9
A52 C/BE0     Command, Byte Enable 0
A53 +3.3V11     +3.3 VDC
A54 AD6     Address/Data 6
A55 AD4     Address/Data 4
A56 GND21     Ground
A57 AD2     Address/Data 2
A58 AD0     Address/Data 0
A59 +5V +3.3V Signal Rail +V I/O (+5 V or +3.3 V)
A60 REQ64     Request 64 bit ???
A61 VCC11     +5 VDC
A62 VCC13     +5 VDC
A63 GND     Ground
A64 C/BE[7]#     Command, Byte Enable 7
A65 C/BE[5]#     Command, Byte Enable 5
A66 +5V +3.3V Signal Rail +V I/O (+5 V or +3.3 V)
A67 PAR64     Parity 64 ???
A68 AD62     Address/Data 62
A69 GND     Ground
A70 AD60     Address/Data 60
A71 AD58     Address/Data 58
A72 GND     Ground
A73 AD56     Address/Data 56
A74 AD54     Address/Data 54
A75 +5V +3.3V Signal Rail +V I/O (+5 V or +3.3 V)
A76 AD52     Address/Data 52
A77 AD50     Address/Data 50
A78 GND     Ground
A79 AD48     Address/Data 48
A80 AD46     Address/Data 46
A81 GND     Ground
A82 AD44     Address/Data 44
A83 AD42     Address/Data 42
A84 +5V +3.3V Signal Rail +V I/O (+5 V or +3.3 V)
A85 AD40     Address/Data 40
A86 AD38     Address/Data 38
A87 GND     Ground
A88 AD36     Address/Data 36
A89 AD34     Address/Data 34
A90 GND     Ground
A91 AD32     Address/Data 32
A92 RES     Reserved
A93 GND     Ground
A94 RES     Reserved
B1 -12V     -12 VDC
B2 TCK     Test Clock
B3 GND     Ground
B4 TDO     Test Data Output
B5 +5V     +5 VDC
B6 +5V     +5 VDC
B7 INTB     Interrupt B
B8 INTD     Interrupt D
B9 PRSNT1     Reserved
B10 RES     +V I/O (+5 V or +3.3 V)
B11 PRSNT2     ??
B12 GND (OPEN) (OPEN) Ground or Open (Key)
B13 GND (OPEN) (OPEN) Ground or Open (Key)
B14 RES     Reserved VDC
B15 GND     Reset
B16 CLK     Clock
B17 GND     Ground
B18 REQ     Request
B19 +5V +3.3V Signal Rail +V I/O (+5 V or +3.3 V)
B20 AD31     Address/Data 31
B21 AD29     Address/Data 29
B22 GND     Ground
B23 AD27     Address/Data 27
B24 AD25     Address/Data 25
B25 +3.3V     +3.3VDC
B26 C/BE3     Command, Byte Enable 3
B27 AD23     Address/Data 23
B28 GND     Ground
B29 AD21     Address/Data 21
B30 AD19     Address/Data 19
B31 +3.3V     +3.3 VDC
B32 AD17     Address/Data 17
B33 C/BE2     Command, Byte Enable 2
B34 GND13     Ground
B35 IRDY     Initiator Ready
B36 +3.3V06     +3.3 VDC
B37 DEVSEL     Device Select
B38 GND16     Ground
B39 LOCK     Lock bus
B40 PERR     Parity Error
B41 +3.3V08     +3.3 VDC
B42 SERR     System Error
B43 +3.3V09     +3.3 VDC
B44 C/BE1     Command, Byte Enable 1
B45 AD14     Address/Data 14
B46 GND18     Ground
B47 AD12     Address/Data 12
B48 AD10     Address/Data 10
B49 GND20     Ground or request 66MHz bus
B50 (OPEN) GND (OPEN) Ground or Open (Key)
B51 (OPEN) GND (OPEN) Ground or Open (Key)
B52 AD8     Address/Data 8
B53 AD7     Address/Data 7
B54 +3.3V12     +3.3 VDC
B55 AD5     Address/Data 5
B56 AD3     Address/Data 3
B57 GND22     Ground
B58 AD1     Address/Data 1
B59 VCC08     +5 VDC
B60 ACK64     Acknowledge 64 bit ???
B61 VCC10     +5 VDC
B62 VCC12     +5 VDC
B63 RES     Reserved
B64 GND     Ground
B65 C/BE[6]#     Command, Byte Enable 6
B66 C/BE[4]#     Command, Byte Enable 4
B67 GND     Ground
B68 AD63     Address/Data 63
B69 AD61     Address/Data 61
B70 +5V +3.3V Signal Rail +V I/O (+5 V or +3.3 V)
B71 AD59     Address/Data 59
B72 AD57     Address/Data 57
B73 GND     Ground
B74 AD55     Address/Data 55
B75 AD53     Address/Data 53
B76 GND     Ground
B77 AD51     Address/Data 51
B78 AD49     Address/Data 49
B79 +5V +3.3V Signal Rail +V I/O (+5 V or +3.3 V)
B80 AD47     Address/Data 47
B81 AD45     Address/Data 45
B82 GND     Ground
B83 AD43     Address/Data 43
B84 AD41     Address/Data 41
B85 GND     Ground
B86 AD39     Address/Data 39
B87 AD37     Address/Data 37
B88 +5V +3.3V Signal Rail +V I/O (+5 V or +3.3 V)
B89 AD35     Address/Data 35
B90 AD33     Address/Data 33
B91 GND     Ground
B92 RES     Reserved
B93 RES     Reserved
B94 GND     Ground

Notes: Pin 63-94 exists only on 64 bit PCI implementations.

+V I/O is 3.3V on 3.3V boards, 5V on 5V boards, and define signal rails on the Universal board.

PCI is a synchronous bus architecture with all data transfers being performed relative to a system clock (CLK). The initial PCI specification permitted a maximum clock rate of 33 MHz allowing one bus transfer to be performed every 30 nanoseconds. Later, Revision 2.1 of the PCI specification extended the bus definition to support operation at 66 MHz, but the vast majority of todays personal computers continue to implement a PCI bus that runs at a maximum speed of 33 MHz.

PCI implements a 32-bit multiplexed Address and Data bus (AD[31:0]). It architects a means of supporting a 64-bit data bus through a longer connector slot, but most of todays personal computers support only 32-bit data transfers through the base 32-bit PCI connector. At 33 MHz, a 32-bit slot supports a maximum data transfer rate of 132 MBytes/sec, and a 64-bit slot supports 264 MBytes/sec.

The multiplexed Address and Data bus allows a reduced pin count on the PCI connector that enables lower cost and smaller package size for PCI components. Typical 32-bit PCI add-in boards use only about 50 signals pins on the PCI connector of which 32 are the multiplexed Address and Data bus. PCI bus cycles are initiated by driving an address onto the AD[31:0] signals during the first clock edge called the address phase. The address phase is signaled by the activation of the FRAME# signal. The next clock edge begins the first of one or more data phases in which data is transferred over the AD[31:0] signals.

In PCI terminology, data is transferred between an initiator which is the bus master, and a target which is the bus slave. The initiator drives the C/BE[3:0]# signals during the address phase to signal the type of transfer (memory read, memory write, I/O read, I/O write, etc.). During data phases the C/BE[3:0]# signals serve as byte enable to indicate which data bytes are valid. Both the initiator and target may insert wait states into the data transfer by deasserting the IRDY# and TRDY# signals. Valid data transfers occur on each clock edge in which both IRDY# and TRDY# are asserted.

A PCI bus transfer consists of one address phase and any number of data phases. I/O operations that access registers within PCI targets typically have only a single data phase. Memory transfers that move blocks of data consist of multiple data phases that read or write multiple consecutive memory locations. Both the initiator and target may terminate a bus transfer sequence at any time. The initiator signals completion of the bus transfer by deasserting the FRAME# signal during the last data phase. A target may terminate a bus transfer by asserting the STOP# signal. When the initiator detects an active STOP# signal, it must terminate the current bus transfer and re-arbitrate for the bus before continuing. If STOP# is asserted without any data phases completing, the target has issued a retry. If STOP# is asserted after one or more data phases have successfully completed, the target has issued a disconnect.

Initiators arbitrate for ownership of the bus by asserting a REQ# signal to a central arbiter. The arbiter grants ownership of the bus by asserting the GNT# signal. REQ# and GNT# are unique on a per slot basis allowing the arbiter to implement a bus fairness algorithm. Arbitration in PCI is hidden in the sense that it does not consume clock cycles. The current initiators bus transfers are overlapped with the arbitration process that determines the next owner of the bus.

PCI supports a rigorous auto configuration mechanism. Each PCI device includes a set of configuration registers that allow identification of the type of device (SCSI, video, Ethernet, etc.) and the company that produced it. Other registers allow configuration of the devices I/O addresses, memory addresses, interrupt levels, etc.

Although it is not widely implemented, PCI supports 64-bit addressing. Unlike the 64-bit data bus option which requires a longer connector with an additional 32-bits of data signals, 64-bit addressing can be supported through the base 32-bit connector. Dual Address Cycles are issued in which the low order 32-bits of the address are driven onto the AD[31:0] signals during the first address phase, and the high order 32-bits of the address (if non-zero) are driven onto the AD[31:0] signals during a second address phase. The remainder of the transfer continues like a normal bus transfer.

PCI defines support for both 5 Volt and 3.3 Volt signaling levels. The PCI connector defines pin locations for both the 5 Volt and 3.3 Volt levels. However, most early PCI systems were 5 Volt only, and did not provide active power on the 3.3 Volt connector pins. Over time more use of the 3.3 Volt interface is expected, but add-in boards which must work in older legacy systems are restricted to using only the 5 Volt supply. A keying scheme is implemented in the PCI connectors to prevent inserting an add-in board into a system with incompatible supply voltage.

Although used most extensively in PC compatible systems, the PCI bus architecture is processor independent. PCI signal definitions are generic allowing the bus to be used in systems based on other processor families.

PCI includes strict specifications to ensure the signal quality required for operation at 33 and 66 MHz. Components and add-in boards must include unique bus drivers that are specifically designed for use in a PCI bus environment. Typical TTL devices used in previous bus implementations such as ISA and EISA are not compliant with the requirements of PCI. This restriction along with the high bus speed dictates that most PCI devices are implemented as custom ASICs.

The higher speed of PCI limits the number of expansion slots on a single bus to no more than 3 or 4, as compared to 6 or 7 for earlier bus architectures. To permit expansion buses with more than 3 or 4 slots, the PCI SIG has defined a PCI-to-PCI Bridge mechanism. PCI-to-PCI Bridges are ASICs that electrically isolate two PCI buses while allowing bus transfers to be forwarded from one bus to another. Each bridge device has a primary PCI bus and a secondary PCI bus. Multiple bridge devices may be cascaded to create a system with many PCI buses.

This section is currently based solely on the work by Mark Sokos.

This file is not intended to be a thorough coverage of the PCI standard. It is for informational purposes only, and is intended to give designers and hobbyists an overview of the bus so that they might be able to design their own PCI cards. Thus, I/O operations are explained in the most detail, while memory operations, which will usually not be dealt with by an I/O card, are only briefly explained. Hobbyists are also warned that, due to the higher clock speeds involved, PCI cards are more difficult to design than ISA cards or cards for other slower busses. Many companies are now making PCI prototyping cards, and, for those fortunate enough to have access to FPGA programmers, companies like Xilinx are offering PCI compliant designs which you can use as a starting point for your own projects.

Signal Descriptions:


Address/Data Lines.


Clock. 33 MHz maximum.


Command, Byte Enable.


Used to indicate whether the cycle is an address phase or a data phase.


Device Select.


Initialization Device Select




Initiator Ready


Used to manage resource locks on the PCI bus.


Ground when card runs in 33 MHz. Pulled high if card requests 66MHz bus. If all comonents (chipset and other cards) can run on 66MHz then PCI bus speed will be two times faster than on ordinary frequency. Defined since PCI 2.1 for 3.3v cards only.


Request. Requests a PCI transfer.


Grant. indicates that permission to use PCI is granted.


Parity. Used for AD0-31 and C/BE0-3.


Parity Error.




Snoop Backoff.


Snoop Done.


System Error. Indicates an address parity error for special cycles or a system error.


Asserted by Target. Requests the master to stop the current transfer cycle.


Test Clock


Test Data Input


Test Data Output


Test Mode Select


Target Ready


Test Logic Reset

The PCI bus treats all transfers as a burst operation. Each cycle begins with an address phase followed by one or more data phases. Data phases may repeat indefinitely, but are limited by a timer that defines the maximum amount of time that the PCI device may control the bus. This timer is set by the CPU as part of the configuration space. Each device has its own timer (see the Latency Timer in the configuration space).

The same lines are used for address and data. The command lines are also used for byte enable lines. This is done to reduce the overall number of pins on the PCI connector.

The Command lines (C/BE3 to C/BE0) indicate the type of bus transfer during the address phase.

C/BE Command Type
0000 Interrupt Acknowledge
0001 Special Cycle
0010 I/O Read
0011 I/O Write
0100 reserved
0101 reserved
0110 Memory Read
0111 Memory Write
1000 reserved
1001 reserved
1010 Configuration Read
1011 Configuration Write
1100 Multiple Memory Read
1101 Dual Address Cycle
1110 Memory-Read Line
1111 Memory Write and Invalidate

The three basic types of transfers are I/O, Memory, and Configuration.

PCI timing diagrams:

            ___     ___     ___     ___     ___     ___
CLK     ___|   |___|   |___|   |___|   |___|   |___|   |___

        _______                                   _________
FRAME          |_________________________________|

                ______  _______  ______  ______  ______
AD      -------<______><_______><______><______><______>---
                Address  Data1    Data2   Data3   Data4

                ______  _______________________________
C/BE    -------<______><_______________________________>---
                Command   Byte Enable Signals

         ____________                                   ___
IRDY                 |_________________________________|

         _____________                                  ___
TRDY                  |________________________________|

         ______________                                 ___
DEVSEL                 |_______________________________|

PCI transfer cycle, 4 data phases, no wait states. Data is transferred on the rising edge of CLK.

                         [1]              [2]        [3]
            ___     ___     ___     ___     ___     ___     ___     ___
CLK     ___|   |___|   |___|   |___|   |___|   |___|   |___|   |___|   |__

        _______                                                  _________
FRAME          |________________________________________________|

                                   A               B               C
                ______           ______________  ______  _____________
AD      -------<______>---------<______________><______><_____________>---
                Address           Data1           Data2   Data3

                ______  ______________________________________________
C/BE    -------<______><______________________________________________>---
                Command   Byte Enable Signals

         ____________                                    _____         ___
IRDY                 |__________________________________|     |_______|

                        Wait            Wait
         ______________________         ______                         ___
TRDY                           |_______|      |_______________________|

         ______________                                                ___
DEVSEL                 |______________________________________________|

PCI transfer cycle, with wait states. Data is transferred on the rising edge of CLK at points labelled A, B, and C.

Bus Cycles:

Interrupt Acknowledge (0000)

The interrupt controller automatically recognizes and reacts to the INTA (interrupt acknowledge) command. In the data phase, it transfers the interrupt vector to the AD lines.

Special Cycle (0001)

AD15-AD0 Description
0x0000 Processor Shutdown
0x0001 Processor Halt
0x0002 x86 Specific Code
0x0003 to 0xFFFF Reserved

I/O Read (0010) and I/O Write (0011)

Input/Output device read or write operation. The AD lines contain a byte address (AD0 and AD1 must be decoded). PCI I/O ports may be 8 or 16 bits. PCI allows 32 bits of address space. On IBM compatible machines, the Intel CPU is limited to 16 bits of I/O space, which is further limited by some ISA cards that may also be installed in the machine (many ISA cards only decode the lower 10 bits of address space, and thus mirror themselves throughout the 16 bit I/O space). This limit assumes that the machine supports ISA or EISA slots in addition to PCI slots.

The PCI configuration space may also be accessed through I/O ports 0x0CF8 (Address) and 0x0CFC (Data). The address port must be written first.

Memory Read (0110) and Memory Write (0111)

A read or write to the system memory space. The AD lines contain a doubleword address. AD0 and AD1 do not need to be decoded. The Byte Enable lines (C/BE) indicate which bytes are valid.

Configuration Read (1010) and Configuration Write (1011)

A read or write to the PCI device configuration space, which is 256 bytes in length. It is accessed in doubleword units. AD0 and AD1 contain 0, AD2-7 contain the doubleword address, AD8-10 are used for selecting the addressed unit a the malfunction unit, and the remaining AD lines are not used.

Address     Bit 32      16   15           0

00          Unit ID        | Manufacturer ID
04          Status         | Command
08          Class Code               | Revision
0C          BIST  | Header | Latency | CLS
10-24            Base Address Register
28          Reserved
2C          Reserved
30          Expansion ROM Base Address
34          Reserved
38          Reserved
3C          MaxLat|MnGNT   | INT-pin | INT-line
40-FF       available for PCI unit

Multiple Memory Read (1100)

This is an extension of the memory read bus cycle. It is used to read large blocks of memory without caching, which is beneficial for long sequential memory accesses.

Dual Address Cycle (1101)

Two address cycles are necessary when a 64 bit address is used, but only a 32 bit physical address exists. The least significant portion of the address is placed on the AD lines first, followed by the most significant 32 bits. The second address cycle also contains the command for the type of transfer (I/O, Memory, etc). The PCI bus supports a 64 bit I/O address space, although this is not available on Intel based PCs due to limitations of the CPU.

Memory-Read Line (1110)

This cycle is used to read in more than two 32 bit data blocks, typically up to the end of a cache line. It is more efficient than normal memory read bursts for a long series of sequential memory accesses.

Memory Write and Invalidate (1111)

This indicates that a minimum of one cache line is to be transferred. This allows main memory to be updated, saving a cache write-back cycle.

Sources: Inside the PCI Local Bus by Guy W. Kendall, Byte, February 1994 v 19 p. 177-180
Sources: The Indispensible PC Hardware Book by Hans-Peter Messmer, ISBN 0-201-8769-3

For a copy of the full PCI standard, contact:

PCI Special Interest Group (SIG)
PO Box 14070
Portland, OR 97214

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Source(s) of this and additional information: Hardware Book, TechFest PCI description, from Hardware Book, Phil Toms, "Encyclopedia of IBM PC hardware"
Contributor: , Shamil
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