Sober Stuntman

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Sober Stuntman
RED Team-colored Sober Stuntman BLU Team-colored Sober Stuntman
Basic Information
Used by: Demoman
Slot: Head
Released: Mann-Conomy Update
Contributed by: Zipfinator
Availability: Drop
Tradable: Yes
Paintable: Yes
Nameable: Yes
Loadout Stats
Sober Stuntman
Level 20
A sticky-jumper's best friend.
How's that feel, ya blockhead?
The Demoman

The Sober Stuntman is a community-created unlockable headwear item for the Demoman. It resembles the American-flag colored helmets worn by stuntmen such as Evel Knievel.

Painted variants

Main article: Paint Can
A Deep Commitment to Purple Aged Moustache Grey Australium Gold Color No. 216-190-216 Indubitably Green Mann Co. Orange Muskelmannbraun
Noble Hatter's Violet Peculiarly Drab Tincture Radigan Conagher Brown Ye Olde Rustic Color Zephaniah's Greed An Extraordinary Abundance of Tinge A Distinctive Lack of Hue


  • This hat is also obtainable from an opened Mann Co. Supply Crate. It can be found, with some luck, within Series #2 Crates.
  • The hat is likely a reference to the similarities between the Demoman's Sticky jump ability and a stuntman being fired from a cannon.
  • The 'Sober' half of the name likely refers to the Demoman's general lack of sobriety and the requirement for stuntmen to be aware and avoid danger at all times.

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