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Classic Games
TRADING, SWAPPING OR EXCHANGING ONE OR MORE GAMES WITH US 1. If you think you have games in your collection we might be interested in acquiring, please complete the form you find at the bottom of this page attaching a list of the games you have in your collection. MAKE SURE all your listings or catalogues clearly state the following for every game : - Image Quality Rating, - Language Commentary, - TV channel from which the game was recorded. 2. We will then carefully look at what is in your collection and give you a reply as soon as possible. 3. If we found one or more games in your list that interest us and that we would like to add to our collection, we will inform you as soon as possible.
CONDITIONS IN THE PAST WE HAVE SOMETIMES MET DISHONEST PEOPLE WHO HAVE TAKEN ADVANTAGE OF OUR TRUST. THIS HAS FORCED US TO APPLY A VERY STRICT REGULATION WHERE, UNLESS WE ARE GIVEN A REFERENCE, WE WILL NOT FORWARD YOU ANY GAMES UNTIL WE RECEIVE YOURS FIRST. PRESERVING FOOTBALL HISTORY has now been collecting and archiving games for over 20 years and it has taken a great deal of effort, patience and time to find many of the old games you’ll find in our collection. Accordingly, any of you recent games will be valued according the following ratio :
This is to say that if we agree on aquiring 40 of your games from 2000 onwards, in return you will be able to request : 40 of our games from 2000 onwards, or As a further example, if you want 4 games played in WC78, you will need to send 12 of your currently recorded games. If you have older games in your collection, we will be happy to evenly negotiate a trade according to specific requests.
RECCOMMENDATIONS Since 2000 we have been trading more than 4000 games with collaborators from all corners of the world. This has given us a certain experience when it comes to shipping procedures. However we may not always be aware of what goes on with the different postal services located in your country. This is to say that it is your own responsibility to find out the cheapest, quickest and safest way to mail us the tapes for the trade to take place. We will NOT, under any circumstances, accept a parcel for which we have to pay any fees. It is your own responsibility to enquire and make sure that the parcel will get to us with no extras to be paid for . Since 2005 we have stopped collecting games on VHS. All traded games need to be on DVD or onsome other digital format (HDD etc). Downloading games in DivX from Internet is NOT an alternative. |