"I think so at times. It's always, you know, a race factor," he replied.
That short answer sparked a lot of discussion, including a great deal of criticism, from fans and media members alike. After all, playing the "race card" seemed like a cop-out, especially for those whose criticism of James was directed at the manner in which he revealed his decision -- a self-aggrandizing television special -- than his actual decision to leave the Cleveland Cavaliers.
Complicating matters was the fact that James refused to clarify his comments the next day. "I'm not going to go back on my words,'' James said. "People are looking too far into it. I said what I had to say and I'll continue to move on.''
On Tuesday, James may have unintentionally offered some long-awaited context to his answer, retweeting an offensive and racist message directed to him on Twitter -- an edited screenshot of which can be seen below.
(If the search engine cache expires, you can view a screenshot here, with the same caveat that it contains highly offensive language.)
James followed his retweet with a message of his own: "U see world how people feel! Just use it as extra motivation in whatever u do best! No one can stop your dreams from becoming reality!"
After Miami's practice on Wednesday, James further explained why he shared the message. "I just want you guys to see it also," James said, as cited by Brian Windhorst. "To see what type of words that are said toward me and towards us as professional athletes. Everybody thinks it is a bed of roses and it's not."
Even though James didn't connect his decision to share the racist tweet with his response on CNN, it's likely that this isn't the first time someone has directed such venom in his direction. Twitter's "@replies" are publicly viewable, but usually only when directly searching for them, which makes it easy to overlook the volume of hateful messages James, or any prominent athlete, may receive.
James is often perceived to be insulated from outside criticism, perhaps oblivious to the more nuanced objections to his actions. But Twitter offers a direct, unfiltered connection to the general public. So regardless of whether you agree with the notion that race has influenced the mainstream media's reaction to James' decision to sign with Miami, it's impossible to deny that James hasn't been exposed to blatant racism via social media.
Comments (Page 1 of 8)
Lets stop using racial threats as an excuse for being a jerk
lets stop using DENIAL as a reason to be racist
Is he a jerk for exercising the same rights in a workplace the you and I and all americans enjoy?
How about Brett "the greedy one Favre"? Any complaints about him?
haha that guy on twitter making the threats said that LeBron wouldnt wake up alive in the morning? does that make any sense to you guys?
When you are a celebrity (like James is), all the kooks will come out of the woodwork. So why is this "tweeter" such a big surprise? Gee, Ethel. I didn't know there were racist people on the internet. Give me a break. Not only is Lebron playing the "racist card" but he's also playing the "victim card". Let's examine every tweet ANY athlete receives (of any race) and I will guarantee you some looney toons will be spitting out hatred, racial slurs and cuss words.
Poor Lebron. We should all love you now because they are picking on you and calling you names. So now the dude needs artificial motivation?? I don't think so. Next topic.
@Kim - And *that's* not a racist response at all. Not all Black people have pulled the race card, just as not all White people are racists. To apply such a broad statement is to fall into the same category that you decry.
Kobe Bryant and Ben Roethlisberger, both rapist, and you people treat them better than you treat Lebron James, who only made a workplace decision. Lebron James do not deserve this type of madness. Unlike Kobe and Ben, Lebron James did not physically hurt anybody. LEAVE JAMES ALONE.
Lebron didn't reveal the race of the person who wrote that. That guy could have been Black or White? Doesn't mean anything.
Go Get'em Lebron..Rip their heads off..The more attention they give you (Negative or Positive), the more money you make..
How is race related at all to Lebron's decision to play basketball in one city or another? We've passed pathetic and now we are entering absurd. This guy's ego is so big that he thinks he needs a press conference to tell us where he's taking his next job, and so dumb that he thinks race is a factor. Wow. That's crazy stupid.
uhhh...the guys pic is there---he's white ...lol
Cleveland fans need to move on. He decided to play somewhere else which is his choice. I for one didn't agree with the manner in which Lebron made his decision, and I was feeling bad for Cleveland fans, but to make racist comments and threaten the man's life is making me feel that he was justified in doing what he did. Cleveland fans are now looking like a bunch of whinning babies. Move on and support your team. The best revenge is to cheer your team to victory when Miami comes to your town.
Give everybody a break LeBron....your whining is giving us all a headache...Grow up!
"Wahhh......mean old whitey is racist against me, so feel sorry for poor little picked-on Lebron."
You don't have to be a racist to be ignorant. You just proved that
The guy that tweeted LeBum is an idiot, and probably a racist. Some people are just stupid. I dislike LeBum intensly, for his arrogance, his ignorance, his actions, and his attitude, and if a white guy were just like him, I would dislike him too. The world has a lot of racists from every race, including black. In fact, there are many blacks who hate whites as much or more than this guy hates LeBum. So what? LeBum thinks all of his critics are racists, when the vast majority of us just hate him personally.
You HATE Lebron? For what? For being exceptionally talented in something and then doing something that DID NOT (should not have) affect you personally? He didn't hurt any women, children or animals with the way he went about his decision (albeit boring), but you can still find it in your heart to hate him? Get your life in order. Figure out what's irking you in your own life, then try to fix it. You will find that the more secure you are in your own life, the less you will feel hatred towards trivial matters such as this.
Sooooo you know him personally???? ok. (btw) a "racist" is a person who has the power to inflict injury upon another person and does so on the basis of the persons race.