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account, alcoholics, anonymous, meeting, person

Narrative Essay # 127874
AA Meeting: Third Person Account

Narrative Essay # 127874
AA Meeting: Third Person Account

$ 26.95

An account of an Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) meeting.
Written in 2008; 750 words; 4 sources; APA; $ 26.95
Paper Summary:

This paper describes a meeting of AA that took place last month at 4280 Clairemont Mesa Blvd in San Diego at 12 pm. The description includes a discussion of one of the steps in AA's 12 Step Recovery program as well as the overall impressions of the meeting. The paper concludes with how attending such meetings would be helpful to nurses.

From the Paper:

"McGee describes Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) as a worldwide million-member organization that has assisted countless alcoholics to achieve sobriety through a spiritual program of recovery from alcoholism. This paper describes a meeting of AA that took place last month at Clairemont Mesa Blvd in San Diego at The description includes a discussion of one of the steps in AA's Step Recovery program as well as the overall impressions of the meeting. The paper concludes with how attending such meetings would be..."

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