Example #1 : Color:On |
Example #2 : Color:Off |
What's the interest to convert a picture to text or html version ?
It's firstly fun :) the picture will look different when you will change size...
It's simple to copy and paste the code of a "virtual picture", into your blog.
Remember it's ALWAYS TEXT, HTML :) that represents a picture.
Exactly, the picture sequence will be converted into ASCII codes.
This code was created to represent text in computer with 128 characters.
Picture after been generated, will be represented as plain Text or as Html Code.
Html is like plain Text but could contain color or not and have tags.
All kind of picture will be converted into ASCII, but we recommend to use picture not too large (ex < 500 pixels),
to focus more on this ASCII effect ;) Avatar will be such a good example to get good result.
And picture should have some dark colors level to see more specifically the colors.
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