Chile's Ghosts Are Not Being Rescued
Wednesday 13 October 2010
by: John Pilger, t r u t h o u t | Op-Ed
Chile's indigenous Mapuche population peacefully protest in Santiago, Chile. (Photo: Patricio / Flickr)
The rescue of 33 miners in Chile is an extraordinary drama filled with pathos and heroism. It is also a media windfall for the Chilean government, whose every beneficence is recorded by a forest of cameras. One cannot fail to be impressed. However, like all great media events, it is a facade.
The accident that trapped the miners is not unusual in Chile and is the inevitable consequence of a ruthless economic system that has barely changed since the dictatorship of Gen. Augusto Pinochet. Copper is Chile's gold, and the frequency of mining disasters keeps pace with prices and profits. There are, on average, 39 fatal accidents every year in Chile's privatized mines. The San Jose mine, where the trapped men work, became so unsafe in 2007 it had to be closed - but not for long. On 30 July last, a labor department report warned again of "serious safety deficiencies," but the minister took no action. Six days later, the men were entombed.
For all the media circus at the rescue site, contemporary Chile is a country of the unspoken. At the Villa Grimaldi, in the suburbs of the capital Santiago, a sign says: "The forgotten past is full of memory." This was the torture center where hundreds of people were murdered and disappeared for opposing the fascism that General Pinochet and his business allies brought to Chile. Its ghostly presence is overseen by the beauty of the Andes, and the man who unlocks the gate used to live nearby and remembers the screams.
I was taken there one wintry morning in 2006 by Sara De Witt, who was imprisoned as a student activist and now lives in London. She was electrocuted and beaten, yet survived. Later, we drove to the home of Salvador Allende, the great democrat and reformer who perished when Pinochet seized power on 11 September 1973 - Latin America's own 9/11. His house is a silent white building without a sign or a plaque.
Everywhere, it seems, Allende's name has been eliminated. Only in the lone memorial in the cemetery are the words engraved "Presidente de la Republica" as part of a remembrance of the "ejecutados Politicos": those "executed for political reasons." Allende died by his own hand while Pinochet bombed the presidential palace with British planes as the American ambassador watched.
Today, Chile is a democracy, though many would dispute that, notably those in the barrios forced to scavenge for food and steal electricity. In 1990, Pinochet bequeathed a constitutionally compromised system as a condition of his retirement and the military's withdrawal to the political shadows. This ensures that the broadly reformist parties, known as Concertacion, are permanently divided or drawn into legitimizing the economic designs of the heirs of the dictator. At the last election, the right-wing Coalition for Change, the creation of Pinochet's ideologue Jaime Guzman, took power under President Sebastian Piñera. The bloody extinction of true democracy that began with the death of Allende was, by stealth, complete.
Piñera is a billionaire who controls a slice of the mining, energy and retail industries. He made his fortune in the aftermath of Pinochet's coup and during the free-market "experiments" of the zealots from the University of Chicago, known as the Chicago Boys. His brother and former business partner, Jose Piñera, a labor minister under Pinochet, privatized mining and state pensions and all but destroyed the trade unions. This was applauded in Washington as an "economic miracle," a model of the new cult of neoliberalism that would sweep the continent and ensure control from the north.
Today. Chile is critical to President Barack Obama's rollback of the independent democracies in Ecuador, Bolivia and Venezuela. Piñera's closest ally is Washington's main man, Juan Manuel Santos, the new president of Colombia, home to seven US bases and an infamous human rights record familiar to Chileans who suffered under Pinochet's terror.
Post-Pinochet Chile has kept its own enduring abuses in shadow. The families still attempting to recover from the torture or disappearance of a loved one bear the prejudice of the state and employers. Those not silent are the Mapuche people, the only indigenous nation the Spanish conquistadors could not defeat. In the late 19th century, the European settlers of an independent Chile waged their racist War of Extermination against the Mapuche who were left as impoverished outsiders. During Allende's thousand days in power, this began to change. Some Mapuche lands were returned and a debt of justice was recognized.
Since then, a vicious, largely unreported war has been waged against the Mapuche. Forestry corporations have been allowed to take their land, and their resistance has been met with murders, disappearances and arbitrary prosecutions under "anti terrorism" laws enacted by the dictatorship. In their campaigns of civil disobedience, none of the Mapuche has harmed anyone. The mere accusation of a landowner or businessman that the Mapuche "might" trespass on their own ancestral lands is often enough for the police to charge them with offenses that lead to Kafkaesque trials with faceless witnesses and prison sentences of up to 20 years. They are, in effect, political prisoners.
While the world rejoices at the spectacle of the miners' rescue, 38 Mapuche hunger strikers have not been news. They are demanding an end to the Pinochet laws used against them, such as "terrorist arson," and the justice of a real democracy. On 9 October, all but one of the hunger strikers ended their protest after 90 days without food. A young Mapuche, Luis Marileo, says he will go on. On 18 October, President Piñera is due to give a lecture on "current events" at the London School of Economics. He should be reminded of their ordeal and why.
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jeeze, can you just let us
Wed, 10/13/2010 - 20:07 — Anonymous (not verified)jeeze, can you just let us be happy for these guys for just a second before you start the doom and gloom again? talk about peeing on the cheerio's before we even get 'em out of the box.
This article, the story, the
Wed, 10/13/2010 - 20:37 — Cynthia Jeannette (not verified)This article, the story, the writing is so great and I have become so much a part of it when suddenly I am thrown off by RED lettering that states: "Stay informed with free Truthout updates delivered straight to your email inbox. Click here to sign up."
I don't want to be informed more than I am in the moment, I don't wish to be distracted by advertising. Please stop placing ads in the middle of such great story! Just Wait till the end of the article, then is when I an absorb the invitation and act on it. You make it feel so commercial when this is alternative media. Please act alternatively in placing the ads, give respect to both reader and writer. I understand and support your growth but don't turn me away by killing exactly why I'm here to begin with. I would appreciate this consideration!
The previous poster is
Wed, 10/13/2010 - 20:52 — Anonymous (not verified)The previous poster is obviously some
twenty-something generation-Z type with
no concept or knowledge of past or present
things. The rape of Chile by the Nixon regime
and the Chicago Boys is one of the darkest chapters
of Western Hemisphere history.
To this day I will not buy Pinot Pinochet at the
wine shop or Winter chilean fruit. Chile let
the mass murderer Pinochet off without
challenge. Yes, salute the miners, but ,
listen up previous poster dweeb, damn the
fascist Chilean oligarchy!
Thanks for the larger story.
Wed, 10/13/2010 - 21:34 — Nick Mottern (not verified)Thanks for the larger story.
This may all be true. But is
Wed, 10/13/2010 - 21:34 — Andrew (not verified)This may all be true. But is this the time to say it? Its unfortunate that John Pilger's need to be first in sharing his knowledge and insight with the world trumps a wisdom that would invite us to celebrate with those who were lost and are found, those who were dead and are alive again. There will ample time in the coming weeks for a more sober assessment of Chilean politics and life.
Just remember that in USA
Wed, 10/13/2010 - 21:37 — Anonymous (not verified)Just remember that in USA that it happened few months back, those coal miners in W Virginia got entombed. You can guaranteed that if it happens in USA, you WILL get killed.
More in line with likes of are better off dead than alive and injured. Mo' money!
I think it is time to stop
Wed, 10/13/2010 - 21:58 — Jorge (not verified)I think it is time to stop fighting the Cold War for Chile. The effort to rescue the miners was a fantastic operation and I thought the entire world was united for a moment of hopeful, uplifting joy, until I received Pilger's bucket of cold water.
Thank you, John Pilger! We
Wed, 10/13/2010 - 22:16 — HeidiStevenson (not verified)Thank you, John Pilger! We NEED to know the truth. Those commenters who are offended by hearing the truth of Chile should be ashamed. It isn't a matter of Pilger's need to be the first to tell the truth - he's been doing precisely that for decades. It's that we need to know the truth behind the effective lie of the miners' rescue.
It doesn't mean you can't rejoice at the good fortune a lucky few - but that you must not allow it to redirect your attention away from the bigger reality. Chile is a horribly corrupt nation that routinely allows miners to be brutally treated, underpaid, and killed for the benefit of the elite.
If Pilger made you uncomfortable, then that's wonderful. You need to be.
@ Andrew: "There will ample
Wed, 10/13/2010 - 22:21 — DaveK (not verified)@ Andrew: "There will ample time in the coming weeks for a more sober assessment of Chilean politics and life."
Uh huh.
There has been "ample time" the past 4 decades since the coup. Who used it to change ANYTHING?
The world is watching and listening NOW. With the World Series and later the Super Bowl, Oprah leaving Chicago, and our own selections coming in November, will YOU and 300 million other Americans be paying attention to Chile by Thanksgiving?
Sorry it pees in "Anonymous'" cheerios; but my guess is things have not been so "cheerio" for the natives -- or the miners -- for hundreds of years.
ANYTIME is a good time to call for justice.
Watching the staged
Wed, 10/13/2010 - 22:26 — Anonymous (not verified)Watching the staged ceremonial images on CBC and CNN it was sickeningly obvious that presidential photo op was all over this spectacle. I was reminded of the right-wing politicians who lined the TV screen in Caracas during the April 2002 coup when big business re-define democracy for Venezuela's citizens. The symbolic message, "See how we care for our workers in Chile?" was betrayed by the polished, rehearsed, and chilling program, the planning of which, was worthy of Joseph Goebbels.
The application of the
Wed, 10/13/2010 - 22:27 — Anonymous (not verified)The application of the "Chicago Boy'" economic policies in the Southern hemisphere were the precursor of the what we are now experiencing in the U.S..
My, my we are sensitive!
Wed, 10/13/2010 - 22:33 — Anonymous (not verified)My, my we are sensitive! Can't stand a bit of truth at a
time when the world is paying attention? What Pilger says is true and well-documented and we need to remember.
I have to agree with several
Wed, 10/13/2010 - 23:06 — shaktinah (not verified)I have to agree with several of the commenters who have questioned the timing of this post. Can't you just let us celebrate for one moment before you start telling us about how bad everything sucks again?
Really, I'm sure that Mr. Pilger is right. In fact, I know he is. But if I were him I would have waited at least until all the miners were safely rescued.
I am a glass half-full kind
Wed, 10/13/2010 - 23:37 — Papá Kokopelli (not verified)I am a glass half-full kind of guy.
As a person with an intimate acquaintance with Chile, I can give you a hundred examples of how Chile has come a very long way since the Pinochet years. Not perfect, but then, what country is?
Sure, the Piñera government is anxious to get some mileage out of this. Who wouldn't?
But it is a fact that they organized and paid for a gigantic effort to get these guys out alive.
It is also a fact that there are responsible parties, and they are being held to account.
It is a fact that there is complete transparency in the coverage of this drama.
Compare all of those facts to the recent coal mine disaster in the USA.
Oh and by the way, the re-opening of the mine was approved by Bachelet government officials, during her pristine government.
Finally, it is GOOD NEWS, for once. Let's enjoy it and empathize with the families and the miners.
Viva Chile, mierda!!!
Thanks Mr. Pilger. No doubt
Wed, 10/13/2010 - 23:50 — jruss (not verified)Thanks Mr. Pilger. No doubt there are adults under the age of 40 who have little to no knowledge of the horrors of 1973 in Chile. As a young adult then, I was riveted on the war in Vietnam--which wouldn't end for another two years. Almost out of the blue came news of the "leftist takeover" of the Chilean government and the urgency of to "restore democracy" there. It would be years later that one could glean from the mainstream media the brutality of the coup and the total complicity of our government directed largely by Henry Kissinger at the behest of Nixon and the rightist faction then in office. Also swept under the rug by the corporate media was the fact that Allende was popular and his election was without fraud. A shameful chapter for our nation.
They say Nero was playing
Wed, 10/13/2010 - 23:59 — Anonymous (not verified)They say Nero was playing his fiddle as Rome burned, celebrating what I wonder? No doubt he was surrounded by people clapping & cheering.....
Nero couldn't have played a
Thu, 10/14/2010 - 00:36 — Anonymous (not verified)Nero couldn't have played a fiddle while Rome burned, it wasn't invented for another 1,500 years.
Piñera privatized the
Thu, 10/14/2010 - 01:18 — Anonymous (not verified)Piñera privatized the pension funds of the workers but not the pension of the military. Why is that privatized pension is good for civilians and not for the military? On the other hand Chile has given a lesson to countries like ours. They saved these 33 miners and we are still in debt with the Katrina’s victims, our veterans and those affected by the impact of 9/11.
I have been riveted to the
Thu, 10/14/2010 - 01:48 — Jennifer carter (not verified)I have been riveted to the rescues I think because they have portrayed raw emotion of the rescued and their loved ones, all GOOD NEWS......which is rare.
Whether it's that the indigenous take a stand in whatever country; Honduras, United States, etc, whether our brothers and sisters in Pakistan, China, Indonesia, or Iran suffer from flooding or are reeling from earthquakes, or that Hungary or the Gulf of Mexico are suffering from human error, take note:
It lacks positive news. Drowning us all in despair are the images and of death and hopelessness...I know that within all of these situations are working people that are focusing on other's lives, their own, and life of the
environment they know so well...
Media lacks the impulse to serve the world, a world that I believe, is aching for stories like these who are rescued, those who dive into floods to save others, children who find themselves rising out of childhood to save themselves or their families..
MEDIA! We need these stories! We need to see ourselves in each other!!
John Pilger is saying what
Thu, 10/14/2010 - 01:56 — Ricky McLeod (not verified)John Pilger is saying what I was thinking as I watched the media circus and PR exercise taking place on TV....good on the rescuers and the great job they did...but call me cynical...Chile is not a great example of a functioning democracy !!!!
It was obvious Chile was
Thu, 10/14/2010 - 02:02 — Anonymous (not verified)It was obvious Chile was waving their flag with this rescue story. The international press swallowed it. They even referred to the Minister of Mining as a superstar. What Chile is doing to their own indigenous Mapuche is reprehensible and goes against conventions of the United Nations High Commission on Indigenous Rights. It is questionable that Allende died by his own hand. For an honest view of those last days of Democracy in Chile, read the biography of Pablo Neruda: I Confess that I Have Lived.....Confieso que he Vivido
Your commentary is mean
Thu, 10/14/2010 - 02:09 — Richard Pigossi (not verified)Your commentary is mean spirited, Mr Pilger, and ill-timed. And your interpretation of history is faulty. How naive to cast Allende as "the great democrat and reformer." Allende destroyed the Chilean economy and social institutions, and the women who marched through Santiago's streets before his fall were common people who suffered greatly under his regime, not of the aristocracy. If you had visited Chile in 1973 as I did and found the restaurants plying customers with wine and bread so they would not notice after a while that there was no food, or tried to hail a taxi with meters tied to the official rate of exchange when the real rate was 10 or 12 times as much, you would know how hollow and destructive Allende's "reforms" were. None of this is to excuse the horrors of the Pinochet regime and its remnants extant until today, but what you miss is that Allende created Pinochet, and without Allende there would not have been a Pinochet. Give the Chileanos credit for what they have accomplished pulling away from both of those terrible eras, and particularly on a day that they have set an example of faith and crisis management for the world to emulate.
Whoever created Pinochet,
Thu, 10/14/2010 - 02:37 — Anonymous (not verified)Whoever created Pinochet, Pinochet was a murderous dictator whose actions have
never been dealt with by Chile. Chile is still
in the dark grip of the dictatorship.
Chile has the trappings of a free government,
but Chile's real government is buried
deeper than the mine shafts, it is in the
lower depths, it is in infernal territory.
Can the USAmericans who are
Thu, 10/14/2010 - 03:11 — Anonymous (not verified)Can the USAmericans who are whining about having their mythology-moment spoilt take note of Pilger's final sentence:
The reason why this article could not wait is that the President of Chile's visit to London, Paris and Berlin is IMMINENT.
So, if you want us to miss an opportunity, then yes, let's let you sit and raise a toast and savour the moment until the moment has gone.
Self-absorbed Americans.
Thu, 10/14/2010 - 06:10 — Indigenous woman warrior (not verified)Self-absorbed Americans. Heaven forbid that your moment of entertainment (disguised as concern) about the miners, be disrupted by the intrusion of ongoing human suffering caused, in large part, by your wasteful lifestyles. So, you want a respite from thinking about suffering -- how quaint. The Mapuches, who have been engaged in constant struggle against invader oppression for over 500 years, receive no respite. So, get over yourselves. I give my thanks to Pilger. I send my solidarity to the Mapuche struggle.
The preposterous right-wing
Thu, 10/14/2010 - 07:19 — Anonymous (not verified)The preposterous right-wing distortions in the comment by Richard Pigossi are quite disturbing to anyone who has studied in some depth what happened in Chile before and after the bloody coup d'etat of 1973. As in Guatemala earlier, the overthrow of a democratic, elected government was planned and "assisted" by the US. Kissinger openly vowed to make Chile's economy scream and he succeeded in totally disrupting life in Chile prior to the coup. It is not surprising that in 1973 there were food shortages. If so, they were "made in Washington" and not by Salvador Allende.
As for Pinochet, first and foremost he was the brutal servant of US corporations who refused to pay fair prices for Chile's copper.
To blame Allende for creating this monster is absurd.
I am ashamed of what the power-mad Kissinger did to Chile and disturbed that - as Pilger has shown us - the country still has a long way to go before fascist elements that are remnants of the past are eliminated.
Pilger is a great journalist. We need to heed what he has observed. Let's urge our President to press for humanitarian reforms in Chile and higher mine safety standards both here and in Chile.
Thanks for the information.
Thu, 10/14/2010 - 13:12 — Anonymous (not verified)Thanks for the information. FYI, if the woman lived, she was not electrocuted!
Richard Pigossi's comment is
Thu, 10/14/2010 - 14:29 — Chileno (not verified)Richard Pigossi's comment is exactly correct. The irresponsible, anti-democratic policies of Salvador Allende created the Pinochet regime.
"Evil flourishes when good
Thu, 10/14/2010 - 16:05 — Dave W. (not verified)"Evil flourishes when good men do nothing." It is to Pilger's credit that he wrote this piece at a time when somebody might see it. How many people are spending even five seconds of their precious time "concerned" about the people of Haiti? They are "old news." Likewise, the Chilean miners, exploited for decades will simply return to the "corrupt" and unsafe mines their accustomed to working in. If Pilger wrote this a month from now how many of the people who read it now would read it then. "Short term memory" syndrome is a rabid plague sweeping America. Many of the post's I've read here indicate many would like to keep it that way. Sorry to pee in your Cheerios. Pour a little sugar on it. It's the American way.
Just because the electorate
Thu, 10/14/2010 - 17:20 — Annie12 (not verified)Just because the electorate of Chile elects leaders who are not resolutely anti-American does not call into question the legitimacy of their democracy. Likewise, Venezuela should not be praised as an "independent democracy" solely because their democratically elected leader spews anti-Americanism. A comparison of Venezuela and Chile shows the former's system of government to be wrought with cronyism, corruption, an overly influential executive and ineffective social programs intended to win the votes of the poor. You tell me whether Venezuelans or Chileans have more "independence."
@Annie12. Where did you get
Thu, 10/14/2010 - 23:54 — Anonymous (not verified)@Annie12. Where did you get your information about Venezuela from? Fox News? or did you have a Tea Party? The same source that disseminates misinformation about Cuba? That country, which has one of the best medical services (better than the USA) and provides medical support to the poor of the world, is kept in poverty by the USA. I have no time for communism and even less for rampant capitalism which cynically uses drug dealers to undermine national governments.
John Pilger manages to shine a light into dark corners where decent people try not to look and from which media manipulators try to distract them.
It is pathetic that the
Fri, 10/15/2010 - 02:35 — Frank (not verified)It is pathetic that the masses of international "journalists" in Chile over recent weeks have not explored other stories, such as the Mapeche hunger strike. They willingly became part of a very skillfully managed Chilean public relations campaign. Ugh!
A truly great example of how
Fri, 10/15/2010 - 05:26 — Noleen (not verified)A truly great example of how a little knowledge can be a dangerous thing. The writer is clearly incapable of impartial writing and seems far too influenced by propaganda himself. Rather ironic.
Thank you, John Pilger, for
Fri, 10/15/2010 - 06:38 — G. Carbonetto (not verified)Thank you, John Pilger, for setting the record straight.
i applaud this article
Fri, 10/15/2010 - 08:41 — Anonymous (not verified)i applaud this article because it honors the miners rescue, while reminding us that this could have been prevented. I felt touched by the rescue and personal stories of the minors, but I couldn't help but asking what would happen to them in the future: will they have to go back to a mine? will the working conditions change? will the company take responsibility and will they be compensated?
These are some questions, after reading this article it infuriates me that the mainstream media can influence our emotions to a point where we conveniently forget Chile's horrible past, and present!
While I appreciate the
Fri, 10/15/2010 - 14:58 — Collie (not verified)While I appreciate the educated article I questioned what was the point in talking about Pinochet when the whole world is celebrating the release of guys we supposed would die. Their story of survival is no doubt a great human story, and in the world in which we live I hope it is they who profit from the bestselling books, T shirts, and movies, that will no doubt be on our screens for years to come. However the last paragraph about the hunger strikers is almost as insulting to those who are refusing to eat, as both Chile and the worlds refusal to take this opportunity to look at their plight. A story that perhaps started with highlighting them in the wake of the miners freedom, and then explaining their plight would have gone far more to moving people to action than a long tirade about Pinochet, Allende, the brits and the Yanks... I am too, very tired of reading what's wrong. I firmly believe if we focus on what is right in our world, the world itself will follow. But hey, don't let me knock you. My point is, history is, the present is the miners and hunger strikers. Give us more, give it to us sooner, the hunger striker story could have been done as an investigation into Chile when the miners story broke, and if the issue Mr Pilger is trying to raise is the hunger strikes, then please target more precisely your pieces. This just comes off as a bitter history lesson from a man who is an eternal pessimist, which I hope is not the case. Many thanks for you continued fight for justice and journalism"
President Allende did NOT
Fri, 10/15/2010 - 16:52 — Arend Rietkerk (not verified)President Allende did NOT die by his own hands. He died because of multiple bullet wounds in his back. !!!!!
Ok, fair enough. There is a
Fri, 10/15/2010 - 18:42 — Martin Gak (not verified)Ok, fair enough. There is a rather systematic neglect of safety standards by government agencies in matters of mining among other industries. This is not new but it is certainly not the monopoly of Chile. The US does not have a very good record. REmember BP?
Now, the media circus which gave us 69 untinterrupted days of Rocky style emotional pornography is not interesting in its relation to the political history of the country but rather as a representation of the present. Bare in mind that the beneficiary of this story of fear, trembling and resurrection was narrated in the context of a new right--neo liberal style--government.
Martin Gak
The Radical Secularist . com
Silly to blame Pinochet. If
Fri, 10/15/2010 - 19:04 — william Hughes-Games (not verified)Silly to blame Pinochet. If you want to find the real villain in the piece, read ''Confessions of an Economic Hit Man'' and ''Hoodwinked'' by John Perkins.
All true as far as it goes,
Fri, 10/15/2010 - 23:32 — Anonymous (not verified)All true as far as it goes, but for the uninitiaed, it would appear that the Pinera government followed Pinochet, thus overlooking 15 years + of socialist governments that have in their own way done quite a lot in Chile.
thanks for giving people a
Sat, 10/16/2010 - 03:34 — Anonymous (not verified)thanks for giving people a dose of the truth.
Great resources will be put
Sat, 10/16/2010 - 04:27 — Anonymous (not verified)Great resources will be put into rescuing a kitten from a drainpipe if the television news gets the story for their 5 o clock. Meanwhile factory farms perpetrate horrible treatment to their "product" and no one cares. Sentimentality is the shallowest of emotions. I salute those that worked so hard to get those miners rescued, and the kitten from the drain. If only all stories that need reporting could have the same appeal.