The Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation has slammed the statement Vince Vaughn released this week, in which the actor attempted to defend the controversial dialogue in his upcoming Ron Howard comedy, 'The Dilemma.' Universal Studios has already yanked a trailer in which Vaughn's character berates a car by calling it "gay."

In remarks made public on Thursday, Vaughn said that he joins in the outrage over "bullying and persecution of people for their differences." But he insisted, "Comedy and joking about our differences breaks tension and brings us together."

Vaughn added, "Drawing divided lines over what we can and cannot joke about does exactly that; it divides us. Most importantly, where does it stop."

Yesterday, GLAAD countered with a rebuttal, according to the Hollywood Reporter.

A post on the organization's official website says: "Vince is right. Comedy does bring us together, unless one of us is the punchline. Then it pushes us apart."