The Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation has slammed the statement Vince Vaughn released this week, in which the actor attempted to defend the
controversial dialogue in his upcoming Ron Howard comedy, 'The Dilemma.' Universal Studios has already
yanked a trailer in which Vaughn's character berates a car by calling it "gay."
In remarks made public on Thursday, Vaughn said that he joins in the outrage over "bullying and persecution of people for their differences." But he insisted, "Comedy and joking about our differences breaks tension and brings us together."
Vaughn added, "Drawing divided lines over what we can and cannot joke about does exactly that; it divides us. Most importantly, where does it stop."
Yesterday, GLAAD countered with a rebuttal, according to the
Hollywood Reporter.
A post on the organization's official website says: "Vince is right. Comedy does bring us together, unless one of us is the punchline. Then it pushes us apart."
Earlier this week, GLAAD reportedly asked its supporters to demand that the studio not only pull the offending trailer, but edit the inflammatory dialogue (from a screenplay credited to Allan Loeb) out of the finished film.
'The Dilemma,' co-starring Kevin James, Winona Ryder and Jennifer Connelly, is scheduled to open Jan. 14.
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Gay used to mean happy.
Gay people will slam anything, any body, any time. These GLAD people need to take a pill and go play with each other. Burn off some energy heterophobics.
Give it a rest already.....People are literally looking for reasons to be offended anymore. It's really quite pathetic, childish and a waste of time.
I agree with GLAAD. Vince Vaughn is marginally talented and he ain't no George Carlin, and Carlin was the master of making fun of humanity.
I agree with you. Vaughn is marginally talented, but that doesn't make GLAAD right on this. Gays are plenty negative against straights, it's just that nobody cares.
My God,it's a line in a movie, for crying out loud. The Gays need to chill out on this.
GLADD needs to take a Midol.....
And YOU, homophobe, need to go take an overdose of cyanide.
Patriot, you need to channel your anger into something more constructive. Maybe some therapy for yourself.
and YOU patriot need to jump off a bridge!
"Homophobe", what about you heterophobe?
I guess the gays have their panties in a twist. The law suit has no standing and shouldn't even be heard in court. In fact they should be fined for bringing a frivolous lawsuit against him. It's a movie. he's playing a part in a movie and just that. The only thing this proves is that people will sue over anything to get undeserved money.
T, would love to have whatever u're on. There is no mention of "lawsuit" in this article. Gays nor Glaad are not suing over the release of this trailer or movie, even though it is filled with people who haven't done anything of merit in years,,,more the crime and will probably not be a huge box office success. Simply put, the word "gay" is used as a pergerative here, not cool. It is playing on sterotypes, something I was raised not to do. Perhaps with better breeding u would know that there r words which hurt, harm and defame people, races and beliefs. The ignorance of these issues and words shows a singular lack of growth, knowledge and awareness, as well as a singular lack of intelligence.
We can't even say the "n" word in public but all the gay slurs are okay? Gay used as a bad term is okay. Sorry, it's not. There is no excuse for it except for the same type of hatred used against, blacks, women, or anyone else that is bullied.
Gays have no sense of humor.Way too sensitive.The Vince Vaughn thing is much ado about nothing.
Using his logic, I think the next time I step in dog S H I T, I'll say, "Oh! Man! I just stepped in Vince Vaughn. Why don't people clean up after their dogs??"
Vince Vaughn is a moron. The phrase is childish, ignorant, idiotic, and homophobic. It should never have been used in the movie in the first place and should be removed.
The Flintstone's had a gay ole time.
I often wondered about Fred and Barney. They did spend alot of time together.
The Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation is the name of the group
i suggest if they dont want people to use the term "gay" as a description, they stop using it to describe themselves.