Peace the message at city garden celebration

PEACEFUL OPENING: Locals braved the rain to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Ikeda Hall Peace Garden. 120910KT4

PEACEFUL OPENING: Locals braved the rain to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Ikeda Hall Peace Garden. 120910KT4

About 300 locals turned out to celebrate the 10th anniversary of Rotorua's unique Ikeda Hall Peace Garden yesterday.

The garden - which features peace quotes from former Prime Minister Helen Clark, former Rotorua mayor Grahame Hall and Te Arawa representative and Rotorua deputy mayor Trevor Maxwell - is unique to Rotorua.

Hundreds braved the rain to attend yesterday's celebrations, which included the unveiling of new peace quotes from Prime Minister John Key, Rotorua mayor Kevin Winters, Rotorua District Council Maori director Mauriora Kingi and Raukura Trust Board chairman Chris McKenzie. It also features quotes by the late peace activist and politician Sonja Davies and Parihaka prophets Tohu Kakahi and Te Whiti o Rongomai.

To start the celebrations, a powhiri (welcome) was held at Waiariki Institute of Technology yesterday morning followed by the official anniversary entertainments at the garden, which is behind the institute.

Entertainment acts included the Auckland Soka Gakkai International peace Buddhist youth brass band and the Rotorua Girls' High School choir.

Speakers on the day included relatives of those being honoured and people who had been affected by war and tragedy.

Mr Hall, who established the garden in September 2000 alongside Buddhist philosopher Dr Daisaku Ikeda, said it was a wonderful way to celebrate the anniversary.

"It was lovely to see so many people there."

Mr Hall said he was proud to be part of such a significant occasion and it was great to see how the garden had developed 10 years on.

"Anybody who hasn't been should ...

it's worth going."

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