Growth of peace garden celebrated

The 10th anniversary of Rotorua's unique Ikeda Hall Peace Garden will mark an historic day for New Zealand leaders and locals tomorrow.

The anniversary celebrations will include the unveiling of new peace quotes engraved by Prime Minister John Key and Rotorua Mayor Kevin Winters, Rotorua District Council Maori director Mauriora Kingi and Raukawa Trust Board chairman Chris McKenzie.

There will also be quotes by the late peace activist and politician Sonja Davies and Parihaka prophets Tohu Kakahi and Te Whiti o Rongomai.

Former Rotorua mayor Grahame Hall established the peace garden in September 2000 alongside Buddhist philosopher Dr Daisaku Ikeda. The peace quotes make it unique.

Mr Hall said he was proud to be part of such a significant occasion as the 10th anniversary.

"The peace garden is absolutely ideal and a privilege to have in the city because it is the only one of its kind in the world," he said.

"I just hope for fine weather and strongly encourage locals to come along and support."

Senior event co-ordinator Ian Gordon said the garden was a good example of unity between tribes within New Zealand and a good legacy to leave for future mayors and leaders.

"Ten thousand years from now people will be able to read what is written on there and contribute their piece [and] hopefully by then the park will be enormous," Mr Gordon said.

The new peace quotes will be placed alongside those which have been there from the opening in September 2000 by then Prime Minister Helen Clark, Mr Hall and Te Arawa representative, Rotorua's deputy mayor Trevor Maxwell.

Tomorrow there will be a powhiri (welcome) at Waiariki Institute of Technology at 11am and the official anniversary celebrations will begin at 1pm at the garden, behind the institute and will include entertainment by the Auckland Soka Gakkai International peace buddhist youth brass band and the Rotorua Girls' High School choir.

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