Reports of DREAM's fighter payment woes continue to surface

Add undefeated bantamweight Joseph Benavidez (9-0) to the list of fighters frustrated at Japanese-based promotion DREAM due to their painstakingly long delays in paying fighters.

After ( first reported currently unprocessed payments to Jimmy Ambriz and Todd Moore, Benavidez's management company issued a statement providing a further example of DREAM's payroll challenges.

Benavidez fought for the organization in July, but was not compensated for his services until September.

Jeff Meyer, President and CEO of MMA, Inc., shared the details of his dealings with DREAM with

Our company manages undefeated bantamweight, Joseph Benavidez (8-0). In June 2008, Joseph signed a two fight deal with DREAM. He was to fight Kid Yamamoto at DREAM 5 on July 21, 2008.

Kid was subsequently injured and Joseph fought Junya Kudo instead. Per the terms of Joseph's contract, he was to be paid within two weeks of the bout via wire transfer. The transfer did not occur on time.

In the later part of August and early September, our company sent several demands for payment. DREAM provided no response to our demands whatsoever. Finally, about 30 days after the agreed due date, the payment was made with no explanation as to the delay.

Meyer said he and Benavidez terminated the two-fight deal with DREAM based on "the lack of timely payment." Benavidez has since signed with the WEC, and is scheduled to face Danny Martinez at "WEC 37: Torres vs. Tapia."

Benavidez, Ambriz and Moore are not the only fighters to claim issue with DREAM's payment practices. Lightweight Nick Diaz first brought attention to the issue when he went nearly five months without receiving his promised fight purse.

Mike Kogan, the U.S. representative for DREAM's parent company Fight Entertainment Group, recently told the issues were due to simple oversights by the company's accounting department.

"In Nick Diaz's case, I don't know who, but obviously there's a lot of people that work for FEG in our accounting department," Kogan said. "And half of them don't even know what Nick Diaz looks like. They're just paper-pushers. Well somebody apparently filed his (account) as paid. So as far as our accounting was concerned, he was paid."

Based in California, MMA, Inc., also represents Dan Henderson, Urijah Faber, James Irvin, Scott Smith, Mark Munoz and Charlie Valencia, among others.

(Pictured: Nick Diaz) Discussions

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ezx248 on Nov 24, 2008 at 11:03 am ET
Thats got to suck for the fighters to have to wait for there pay checks

dr058 on Nov 24, 2008 at 12:04 pm ET
I really hope DREAM can sort this out, hopefully it's just teething problems and DREAM can continue adding quality fighters to its roster and one day emulate the good old days of PRIDE FC.

It's difficult to accept that someone had just filed Nick Diaz as being paid and the company didn't notice though...

JustMe on Nov 24, 2008 at 1:35 pm ET
Just to let people know, UFC owns MMA!

ragefightingwear on Nov 24, 2008 at 8:18 pm ET
Another one bites the dust!

victorpoprock on Nov 25, 2008 at 11:47 am ET
You act like you're happy that DREAM is having problems. Have you ever watched their show? It's awesome. I hope they do whatever they need to do to get on top of their finances. I want to keep watching DREAM on HDNet.

BTW, if you were a real mma fan, you wouldn't be rejoicing in the demise of an mma organization.

DPK on Nov 24, 2008 at 11:05 am ET
If a fighter has a choice, he is probably going to pick the promotion that might pay him a little less, but at least he can count on getting paid.  Dream needs to get on top of this or they are just going to keep screwing themselves.

CopperHeart on Nov 24, 2008 at 11:29 am ET
No wonder Nick looks angry!

WebGarden on Nov 24, 2008 at 11:35 am ET
That pic of Diaz...I can't help but laugh every time it's used here on Junkie.

jw216 on Nov 24, 2008 at 12:37 pm ET

ray2 on Dec 29, 2008 at 10:45 am ET
Nick is an okay guy, believe me. I just wonder why he's always getting f...cked for the money he's owed.

mmablaster on Nov 24, 2008 at 11:51 am ET
I hope Dream can stay afloat.  They've put on some good shows. 

mma101biz on Nov 24, 2008 at 11:56 am ET
Man!!  This is like a bad DREAM!

prodigyfan on Nov 25, 2008 at 1:40 pm ET
Great pun... not

LivingDedMan on Nov 24, 2008 at 12:00 pm ET

drdunk on Nov 24, 2008 at 12:00 pm ET
This is beyond unacceptable, and Kogan's response is a joke.  Even my AP Dept. could have resolved the issue in less than 5 months.  It is not too difficult; was he paid or not, and there will be a check or wire transfer # to evidence payment. 

The Yakuza or whoever regulates MMA in Japan should require the promotions to post bonds to cover the fighters's salaries.  Least they could do for these guys.

Trsigley on Nov 24, 2008 at 3:39 pm ET
Companies that are so late making payments usually do so because they don't have the money at time of payment. $0$0 $0 $0DREAM = another MMA bankruptcy.$0

CobraKai on Nov 24, 2008 at 3:52 pm ET
Are you serious about the Yakuza comment?  You really think that they regulate MMA?  Why would organized crime require a promotion to post a bond to cover the fighter's salaries? 

drdunk on Nov 24, 2008 at 5:43 pm ET
Not serious, just an attempt at humor

Brick on Nov 24, 2008 at 12:03 pm ET
OK, let's get to work figuring out how we can blame all of this on Dana White.

-Hammer- on Nov 24, 2008 at 12:12 pm ET

This is all Dana's fault, he ran a successful promotion, put his competition, namely Pride out of buisness. Then bought their falsified assets from them, and then was denied a TV deal because of "Yakuza Involvement" in the promotion he just bought and couldn't exapand into Japan as a result. 

This forced the ex-owners of Pride to then to start up Dream and not pay their fighters. This is all Dana's fault for not only driving bad business owners who ran Pride out of business, but also for not managing to get Pride back off the ground despite the promotion having so called links to "Organized Crime" and for letting these ex-bad business owners start the Dream promotion, where they could not pay their fighters.

Now that is a post worthy of the logic of a Dana White/Zuffa hater.

ThonolansGhost on Nov 24, 2008 at 11:44 pm ET
Hammer, that was great.

rew0045 on Nov 24, 2008 at 12:19 pm ET


drdunk on Nov 24, 2008 at 12:23 pm ET
Very good one!  Where's Nick?

abc0331 on Nov 24, 2008 at 1:42 pm ET
"OK, let's get to work figuring out how we can blame all of this on Dana White."


So true.

mmawizard on Nov 24, 2008 at 12:12 pm ET
i wonder if aoki or and of the homeland fighters are not getting paid on time

nebra50601 on Nov 24, 2008 at 1:15 pm ET
seems like they do. even inoue after diaz beat his ass, probably got paid before him. maybe even more $.

rew0045 on Nov 24, 2008 at 12:21 pm ET

Stuff like this just gives Dana White more reason to be the way he is sometimes. He can tell fighters to do what he wants or go somewhere else and get treated like sh*t and not get paid.

I like the UFC and Dana White, but after the UFC there is really nothing else even close.

abc0331 on Nov 24, 2008 at 1:53 pm ET
Thats because Zuffa has mma at the forefront of their minds. Not just one individual fighter, or division of fighters.

Whats good for the company will eventually end up for more pay and bonus's for the fighters.

If one guy gets a bad break we all hear that its always Dana's fault, he should rot in hell and never has made a good decision once.

But time and time again Dana White proves people wrong, and still there to piss off the new people that come along and play Mr. McMahon with him.

I've worked at a Race Track the past year....EVERYBODY hates the promoter. Its in the job.
They all have little petty reasons to hate them but none really matter to the outsider, but the track was successful, had good clean races, everyone when not pissed at the promoter had a great time working and our name and business grew leaps and bounds when we had someone willing to force people what they do not always want to do some times. We all do even as fighters these guys have to do what their boss tells them.

Don't like it leave....but people don't hate wal-mart for this reason?

The fact is that everybody hates their boss.
Do not take every little word a fighter runs to the press with to attack matter how big whites mouth is....because if anything he knows how to get people to talking about is always good press.

Mangament is obviously not doing its job if the fighters are not getting paid.

What would people rather have?

An A$$hole?
Or an incompetent nice guy who does pay....?

jrvanhook on Nov 24, 2008 at 12:28 pm ET
So I thought Benevedies (undoubtedly spelled wrong) was a bantamweight and then everyone jumped all over me saying he was a featherweight. I believe Sherdog has him listed as a featherweight but this article calls him a bantamweight so which is it? I realize he probably fights at both weights but maybe we can just call him whatever he fought at last. Just trying to avoid the confusion.

jrvanhook on Nov 24, 2008 at 12:31 pm ET
Sherdog lists him as featherweight but I think his last fight in Dream was at 135 (could be wrong on that one).

kingofabuelos on Nov 24, 2008 at 12:42 pm ET
Also, when his manager calls him a bantamweight, it's probably a safe assumption that's where he's fighting.

mmaatc on Nov 24, 2008 at 2:18 pm ET
Was that a subtle way of saying F

kingofabuelos on Nov 24, 2008 at 5:40 pm ET
Lol!! Not at all. Can you imagine how tough it is for them to keep everybody's weight class up to date, especially considering how some fighters tend to bounce around a little from time to time? Almost impossible to keep everyone's info accurate at all times!!

boris on Nov 24, 2008 at 12:57 pm ET

TongPo on Nov 24, 2008 at 12:57 pm ET
This is the same crap that happened with PRIDE.  I heard, supposedly, that DREAM was better because it's owned by K-1?  Why can't they pay their fighters on time, again?  Weird.

CubanLinx on Nov 24, 2008 at 4:09 pm ET
i dont appreciate them only not paying tha American fighters, also. when those guys come over and play in the MLB they not only get paid a sh-tload but they get paid on time. (that was a little off-topic) but you know wat i mean.

also, not knowing what Nick Diaz looks like is a ridiculous exscuse, not to mention they should all know what he looks like considering hes one of the biggest names in the org.

MMASupreme on Nov 24, 2008 at 4:34 pm ET
You are so wrong with everything it is unbelievable.

1) Accountants don't give a s*** about fighters or employers.
2) People are getting payed, it is just being delayed. It is not like they are getting screwed, although they should fix this problem.
3) Nick Diaz is NOT on of DREAMs biggest names. Maybe to Americans. Definitely NOT to the Japanese.

larrinho on Nov 24, 2008 at 5:04 pm ET
they probably know the man that gogoplata'd Gomi!

ku on Nov 24, 2008 at 7:04 pm ET
What a surprise,

NickHavok doesn't have a thing to say about another orgs F**k up,

I bet some mediocre news about the UFC would have netted 10 replys by now.

unregistered on Nov 24, 2008 at 9:55 pm ET
Glad to see I'm not the only one who noticed.

ThePsycho on Nov 24, 2008 at 8:41 pm ET
WVR > Dream

I reall hope Dream fails. If they want to learn how to run a promotion just take a look at their closest and rival competition.

unregistered on Nov 24, 2008 at 9:49 pm ET
What a load of BS. There is no excuse for Dream delaying fighter's paychecks like this. Any competent account would have been able to figure out the mistake in two minutes and correct it by writing a check. Obviously Dream isn't competent.

bignerd on Nov 24, 2008 at 11:19 pm ET
This is why commissions investigate before the event to ensure the promoter actually has the funds to pay the fighters.  It's all that damn government oversight here in the States.

Let's not blame Dana on this one yet.  Still if UFC 96 is in Japan than it's time to worry.

Shotokan_BJJ on Nov 25, 2008 at 7:53 am ET
A few errors in this article, the main one, is that it wasn't Nick Diaz who fought in Dream and received his payment with a 5 months delay, but rather Eddie Alvarez.

Also, that wasn't a big delay if you ask me, even with the promoter clearly exaggerating to justify his breach of contract, which I don't blame him, considering the lack of respect with the stalling to pay, the fighter still received his payment within a month, nevertheless if you can only pay a fighter in a month instead of two-weeks because of cash flow or a 'japanese tax-audit thing', you should tell them, anyone who has fought knows purse money is all commited.

kingofabuelos on Nov 25, 2008 at 12:28 pm ET
It was not Eddie Alvarez. It was Nick Diaz. He and Cesar Gracie commented publicly on the site

kingofabuelos on Nov 25, 2008 at 12:29 pm ET
"No, Nick will not be fighting Sakurai anytime soon because DREAM has still yet to pay Nick for his last fight with the company. I'm hearing that they haven't paid quite a few fighters and we do not feel like doing the 'checks in the mail' thing any longer."

"I wouldn't say we won't do business with them again, once we receive the check then we are done." stated Gracie regarding the no payment from DREAM. "After that if they want us to fight Sakurai than we will get paid right before he steps on the mat. We want the show money at least. DREAM is in breach of contract because that were suppose to pay within 30 days of the fight but it's been like three months so that is a little disappointing."

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