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Dream hasn’t paid Bibiano after 5 months Monday 16th of August 2010 05:04 PM

By Guilherme Cruz

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TATAME called Dream featherweight champion Bibiano Fernandes this morning to know more about his return to the rings, but was surprised by an unbelievable answer. “Dream called me two days ago to offer me a fight at September 21, but I said I won’t fight until they pay me for my last fight (against Joachim Hansen)”, Bibiano told TATAME, revealing that he hasn’t been paid yet for the fight, which took place five months ago in Japan. “I have family, I have a wife and I can’t work without getting paid. I’ll only fight against when they pay me for my last fight”.


Unfortunately, this is not a new situation when it comes to Dream. In September of 2009, Ronaldo “Jacare” Souza spoke with TATAME and revealed, four months after fighting Jason Miller, he hasn’t received the money yet. The same situation was reported this month, when Gary Goodridge revealed he hasn’t been paid for his fight against Gegard Mousasi, which took place last December. Stay tuned on TATAME to know more about the case.


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