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File 127212071486.png - (373.87KB , 602x285 , Chatz.png )
3907 No. 3907
Well since chatz is officially shitcanned due to the new crap registration, I think hoarding is now kind of pointless. I for one would much appreciate the Emilyy caps among others.

Regardless, Here is round 3 since the other is unbumppable.
Expand all images
>> No. 3910
heres my share i promised in the other thread^^ of random caps ive gathered along the way, various sources, credit to OCs
>> No. 3911
Was anyone watching Kitty Kats show with her friend just now, very hot. Hero's were in force with there "your being recorded shit" but they said they wanted to be recorded and gave email so people could send them links. They did this a couple weeks ago too. Epic Win - Heros lose. They are british girls. It seems like the Brits tell the hero's to fuck off alot more than Americans for some reason.
>> No. 3914
Why did you upload to one shot site? You know how fast links get pulled around here.

"The file you are trying to access is temporarily unavailable."
>> No. 3921
lol bro try more than once lol
>> No. 3922

>> No. 3923

I got most of them, but thanks for taking the time to up stuff and contribute. Appreciate it man.
>> No. 3928
worked for me no problem, sometimes you gotta keep refreshing for a few minutes on megaupload.
>> No. 3934
Yeah, I finally got it working. Lots of caps I hadn't seen before, so thanks anon.
>> No. 3943
File 127213055798.jpg - (142.27KB , 1500x1042 , ashleybaby.jpg )
can anyone reupload this?
>> No. 3946
Well I guess Chatz is back no password required today. Already win, Kitty Kats and friend. Been on for 3+ hours putting on shows off and on. They even wanted people to record them and send copies, that's a first, never seen that happen before.
>> No. 3947
i didnt just up to one host
but you're right, the problem is how quickly they get pulled, which is why i only posted one of them
but seeing as ppl love zshare so much (no idea why, sucks ass imo)
>> No. 3948
dont talk about how 'epic' a show was, unless you intend on sharing it
>> No. 3956
Sorry, MoralFags are out in force. Re-up please. Got Alice but not Amy.:(
>> No. 3957
>> No. 3965
the megaupload still works - just wait for a while for the temp access crap - just hit f5 every now and then
>> No. 3966
>> No. 3967
any kitty kats? i missed their show
>> No. 3969
can someone please upload emilyy win?
>> No. 3971
I get the "The file you are trying to access is temporarily unavailable" message when I open up the link in my browser, but the link works with no problems using jdownloader, so people could try that.
>> No. 3972
File 127214208158.jpg - (20.85KB , 274x406 , BigDownyMoFo.jpg )
>> No. 3974
Don't break balls...the temporary unavailability is lock due to many hits at the same time or lock for checking shit. It is the there. If the file is gone it will tell you "File Not Found"
>> No. 3976
File 127214295845.jpg - (13.74KB , 267x200 , DownyGirlz.jpg )
>> No. 3977
File 127214365355.jpg - (309.11KB , 1024x1280 , 1266683059377.jpg )
Dizz, I really salute your for trying, dude. And you didnt even lower yourself to name calling when the teasing continued. Just simple, sensible logic.

I think you are spot on when saying that some of these hoarded caps just mean so much more to some people than others, so much so that they feel their worth drops if their vids are released. The vids hold much more value to them if they are teased; they get notoriety and it strokes their ego. It seems, then, that some peoples' live revolve entirely around this little game of cap 'n' go seek.

This is not a bitter post by any means, just an attempt to examine this whole underground 'culture'.

It is fair to say that any of us who share gets something in return. Some are fine with an acknowledgment of thanks. Some are fine with keeping the content and good will flowing through the community. Some require a specific level of win they feel is a good trade to let their videos go. And some will grab what they can take if they can get away with not having to let any of their own valued win go; so even if they are appreciative, they choose not to actively show it.

That is a general tier of mindsets. One can easily transition into another, usually dependent on how happy they are with their return.

For me at least, I imagined rora starting out on the higher end of the tier and eventually moving toward the bottom. His work during 11/16 was pivotal, and I do see him sharing devent caps from time to time, but there now needs to be a greater return by his specific standards for him to contribute in good faith. Essentially, teasing and hoarding, for now, is an easier way to get that return.

If you do indeed read this far into the wall of text, rora, with as little gratitude as you can muster for this community, please refrain from posting previews if you do not have the intention of sharing. It takes surprisingly little to unbuckle good intentions, and if it were not for resilient posters like Dizz, and contributions of others like fuckworldtrade, Chatz Anon and others who choose to stay anonymous, this series of threads would not have made it past round 2.

tldr; don't be a nigger
>> No. 3979
As I recall, Rora made a point of saying that he was done with capping and planned on deleting his entire collection. That was his reason for sharing his emogem and nicole/shay caps a month ago, among others -- to unload stuff so he could delete.

Are you still doing that Rora? You seem to be going full steam ahead with your chatz capping, so I guess you're now un-retired?
>> No. 3983
>>3911 & 3946 why the fuck aren't you sharing then?
>> No. 3986
* "don't be a jew"

niggers can't cap
>> No. 3987
To be honest I have a HUGE amount of caps BUT during the epic few days I provided caps that a)I found in other threads re-named and claimed as others own caps (see thread No. 59852 in the stickam section), caps which I posted during the epic few days, and B)People get abused for taking their time or not providing screencaps (something I've never done because I'm just too fucking lazy). Therefore, if someone asks for a particular cap that I happen to have I upload it. It's only VERY rarely do I upload other people's stuff and then I always acknowledge the original capper. I like sharing my stuff but the other side of the the coin is that I intensely dislike some of the ignorant cunts on here who complain but have never uploaded anything of theirs ever.
>> No. 3992
Can someone upload some caps from hannah ox please?
I couldn't find any links.
Thanks in advance.
>> No. 3994
I doubt you have as many as me js
>> No. 3999
Coke I aint getting into a pissing contest with you because to be fair you're pretty much an irrelevance to me anyway
>> No. 4000
Does it really matter how many caps you say you have if you'er not gona post them . I can say i have more caps then all of you(100gig) , but i know i dont and i dont really care. Point being if you'er not gona post , then shut up and to all of those who have post ( dizz , fuckworldtrade , chatz and all anons) , many many mnay thanks , you keep this place going.
>> No. 4002
are you seriously fighting over who has the most cp?
>> No. 4003
You're welcome!
>> No. 4005
My point exactly- I'm not arguing over who has the most caps- I really don't give a flying fuck- if someone wants something I have I post it- simple as that really- Coke and the other shit-witted Anonymous's attempts at getting a rise out of me fail so hard you could break a tooth on it.
>> No. 4007
I have more than you
>> No. 4009
Sorry, wasn't intended as gloating- I was merely trying to make a point!
>> No. 4010
post ur proof of how much u have guys....means absolutely nothing to any of us till u prove it.
>> No. 4011
OK, you start
>> No. 4012
Mods really need to just delete these Chatz threads. The sharing was good while it lasted but it's well and truly over now.
>> No. 4014
Dizz I do apologise and I have the utmost respect for posters like yourself, some respect for posters like r0r4 and (begrudgingly) a little respect for Coke but it seems to me that the problem with these threads lies not with the cappers but with the shit-witted motherfuckers who are either too lazy to cap or too greedy to share that drag these threads into the gutter. Unfortunately people like myself and Coke who are genuine contributors get dragged into it or dive in head-first, whatever, when all we should be doing is sharing win.
>> No. 4015
Since when is Coke a "genuine contributor"?
>> No. 4017
Doesn't matter. I'm not pissed off or upset or anything, the whole situation is funny more than anything. I can't say that i understand the mindset of some Anon's, cause i got no fuckin' idea. If people wanna hoard their own caps then that's their choice though, what can you do? Sites like this and threads like this will die though, but i guess that doesn't matter to them when they'd all be on private trading sites. I tried though, i tried late last year too and all i got was flamed for it. Only made that thread last year and posted that screencap RAR to hopefuly get others to do the same so we could all see what eachother had and then that'd hopefully make everyone share what they got. I wanted to edit my caps first so it was gonna take me a few weeks to post, but i was getting flamed within 24 hours cause people were demanding i post it all right away. Looks like it wouldn't have mattered even if i did, woulda been same old hoarding shit. So i'm not pissed or or anything, but my interest in posting my stuff here anymore is dead. I got no problem being generous, but of course i want stuff in return. We all want caps in return. I'd rather it be in a sharing way where you give and know that you'll get stuff in return rather than a trading way.....i guess that's where i fail! :-(
>> No. 4022
Aah that was you! The mistake you made was that you made an anouncement before you were ready to post. Even if you had a few caps to get the ball rolling you would've been fine but you just didn't have your shit together in time. No worries- you're one of the good guys in my book! I've NEVER been a member of a private trading site, nor a little clique of traders. The only thing that REALLY pisses me off is that cunt in the stickam section who is reposting caps I posted in the Epic threads months ago re-named as his own. When I flagged it up he claimed he had got them from a "really ethical capper" and I got flamed for it. Well fuck 'em, what's mine is mine and shall only be shared upon specific request. LOL!!! ;-)
>> No. 4023
since when is r0r4 a contributor? I've seen anons contribute more than him.
>> No. 4026
BTW if anyone has a decent copy of Kitty vs Lotti from tonight I'd REALLY appreciate it (fuck off Coke before you start ;-)). My version of Camtasia is fucking up- time to visit theBay of Pirates for a new one methinks!
>> No. 4028
is chatzppl a dead site now that they made registration so difficult?
>> No. 4029
can someone please re-up the chatz packs posted by dizz in the other thread! i had to work all day and i missed out on them. thank you!
>> No. 4031
Thanks for trying Coke, even if your fail-cap has 0 nudity.

Is that really your only Chatz oc? LOL
>> No. 4033
chatzppl backed off the registration requirement today, might reinstate it later, who knows. did you see what they were asking? email and passwords, post a photo of yourself holding up a sign, lol. i bet they had 20 users instead of 500. still, the locked cam function sucks.
>> No. 4047
>> No. 4048

Deleted. Please reup.
>> No. 4050
I have more caps than coke.
>> No. 4052
but the same pea sized brain obviously
>> No. 4055
it isnt epic it isnt even win but its better than nothing

>> No. 4057
does someone have chazza?
>> No. 4058
heres the rest of the links - once these go, someone else reup
>> No. 4059
bigger balls, though
>> No. 4060
many thanks
>> No. 4062
to small wins from yesterday
no pass
>> No. 4063
>> No. 4064
What's the password?
>> No. 4066
just leave now if you cant figure it out
>> No. 4067
File 127219842697.jpg - (78.79KB , 1303x1039 , j7ti1h.jpg )
post this whoever has it
>> No. 4069
>> No. 4072
>> No. 4076
Does anyone have the chazz cap from Saturday , pls post , and thank very much
>> No. 4077
>> No. 4078
and again , thanks fuckworldtrade
>> No. 4081
File 127221010653.png - (110.84KB , 1440x860 , greenshot_2010-04-25_16-38-45.png )

They had 5. The camwhores dino and kidnap among them obviously.

Also there is a fairly easy to get around the registration requirements (also lets you view as many cams at once as you want) so if they bring them back ill post instructions.

Also I have been working on a tool which lets you view all private messages a user is sending to another user, who they are viewing, who is viewing them and drop in to private rooms all invisibly. Only thing left is cam support but I don't have much time to work on it right now so it will probably be at least a few weeks until I get round to finishing it. Also works for JTv and Stickam.
>> No. 4082
if you have problem ripping off red5 sxource, contact phoenix, hes a mad coder.
>> No. 4089
which caps are you talking about in particular? and i don't think you read the post..i said i know the dude, and he doesn't steal caps..he didn't say shit, except you should troll somebody else
>> No. 4091
I'm not here to pick on Chatz, but I did want to explain why some people don't cap. I get up to got to work at 3:00AM and go to bed 9:00PM. So I'm missing the time when girls get on cam(for the most part). I definitly appreciate ALL that post thier caps. I realize that it takes a lot of time and effort to cap so I just wanted thank you and explain why some don't cap. Peace
>> No. 4096
File 127222033426.gif - (174B , 15x15 , icon_smile.gif )
Can a kind anon look beyond all the faggotry in this thread and please, please post the Emilyy caps?

Pretty please, with sugar on top. Me love you long time.
>> No. 4097
Does anyone remember lalaxx from months back. Doesnt she look alot like maylin_3 , just a little older?
>> No. 4098
File 127222394879.jpg - (52.77KB , 200x281 , dowant.jpg )
I second this request.
>> No. 4099
Thanks! Got anymore of her?
>> No. 4107
"connection failed the media server might be down or firewall might be blocking the connection!"

I keep getting this error when trying to join chat
>> No. 4109
disable javascript
>> No. 4112
>>4081 inb4 virus
>> No. 4115
Thanks for the explanation, but no one cares. Really.
>> No. 4117
I do
>> No. 4118
They brought back the registration crap. Your instruction in this matter would be awsome.
>> No. 4120
go to blogtv junior, enter a room that has hardly any viewers and get them to make a sign for you!
>> No. 4121

I will post it tomorrow.

Would some kind anon do a megapost of the best win from chatzppl? Only came across it a few weeks ago and all the links in the other threads are dead.
>> No. 4122
File 127224357826.jpg - (46.61KB , 460x496 , MCyrusJuice041209_02-full.jpg )
>> No. 4123
File 127224394012.jpg - (17.13KB , 384x288 , nigger cam.jpg )
>> No. 4124
File 127224478430.jpg - (69.64KB , 420x292 , ahmand-420x0 Kopie.jpg )
>> No. 4126
i don't know about you guys but this is something i'd really like to see. chatz anons unite this one time (instead of fighting each other) and fake register the shit out of chatzppl. everone get a funny pic like mj or that iran guy and register there till they learn their lesson and pull that register crap forever.
>> No. 4131
i with u i will spam the site to they take this down i work 3rd shift i have plenty of time to kill
>> No. 4132
Guys, seriously, This thread was not made for everyone to discuss how to get into chatz, it is for chatz win vids that are already capped, if you want to all continue making 2 paragraph comments about how to access the site, make a chatz thread in the discussion section of Stickam Girls and Camwhores.

Let's get back to the subject at hand, win vids.
>> No. 4134
File 127224847533.jpg - (56.89KB , 640x480 , 127138829831.jpg )
>> No. 4135
i spammed it 4 times in between my call of dutty games keep up spamming
>> No. 4136
Missed it. Any chance of reup?
>> No. 4138
File 127224919352.jpg - (35.56KB , 393x512 , Nixon.jpg )
>> No. 4140
Anon's, get to work!

>> No. 4145
It doesn't matter if you can get past the registration anyways. I don't think it would even be worth it. The couple of girls that would be there wouldn't do anything after giving out all there personal info to register. The only reason Chatz produced so much win is ANONYMITY. Without that there won't be anything worth capping. Hopefully some other site will come along to replace it. Not many places you can see anything from flash to full brush bate at any given time, without the girls getting banned in 2 minutes. Oh well R.I.P Chatz
>> No. 4146
yeah didn't even stop to think like that good shit anon, besides what u said i think many of them girls put on a show cause there were some many people in them rooms but now there probably only 50-60 in them rooms.Quick question why does every site other than this one want u to be members is it for ad sales ???
>> No. 4151
I think chatzppl is run by Chris Hanson, we'll see the special series this fall on MSNBC.
>> No. 4164
Well its 4am and im still on chatz , i havent crashed or been booted yet or closed my window , but man its so dead ,21 ppl and all they'er doing is complaining how boring it is , 1 girls even said she prefered it with pervs, hahahaha .
>> No. 4167
File 127227733476.jpg - (17.72KB , 345x414 , im a bitch too.jpg )
guys dont give up u makeing me all sad here u have too move on too the nest chat here one just like lame ass butt fuck chatzppl and girls or on it all the time too so u can thank me later go have fun like i did too night, http://www.teen-video-chat.com/ ha ha love my fake pic too hand maid
>> No. 4168


yes i am
yes i was
and i failed

cant keep away, what can i say :/

hey now heres an offer somebody post complete ~20 minutes sexychixs93 and i will post all i have of kitty kats (screens attached)

cuz my sexychixs93 is only 5 minutes :(
>> No. 4170
File 127227788416.jpg - (19.15KB , 424x283 , ConfusedBusinessman.jpg )
>> No. 4172
so much drama in this motherfucking thread.
U fucking ladies are having fun?
>> No. 4175
rora has tainted and continues to taint the good sharing nature of these threads. It makes me sad. :(
>> No. 4176
post emily
>> No. 4177

yeah well thats dandy but for once i want to get something out of sharing my work other than vicious anons insulting me

(and i havent downloaded a single cap from these threads so far)

and i will even throw in one bonus cap anon requested from me, just cuz im damn nice <3
>> No. 4178

that was funny
>> No. 4179
Every file link in this thread is gone....ganked by moralfags. <sigh> I'm getting "File removed" messages from all of them.
>> No. 4180
It's all well and good if someone posts the sexychixs93 cap, but if not, it's just another tease, really. Thankfully a good anon posted what he had of kittykat in this thread already (and without asking for anything in return, mind you).

With all due respect, I just think the threads worked well without the trading games, but I guess it's your right to play it that way if you wish. Neverthless, I hope you get what you want, even if you've managed to discourage or chase off selfless posters like Dizz and such.
>> No. 4185

fuck it im going to up that shitty lagfest of an emilyyy cap

my token of good faith, im presenting it

up in 5 minutes
>> No. 4186
here the best part of Kitty Kat from the other day no reupping once link goe's down unless people share http://www.megaupload.com/?d=WKUS5HFE
>> No. 4189
here's one of chazza to bet she couldn't stick 4 fingers up in her so she proved me wrong

>> No. 4191
File 127228456128.jpg - (307.96KB , 1500x1066 , emilyyy_avi_thumbs_[2010_04_26_14_13_48].jpg )
pass r0r4_pureheartt

now please up sexychixs93 kthx
>> No. 4192
black barbie tits nothing great figured i add in case you like big ol' titties

>> No. 4193
alittle more of kitty kat this was like the big finale of her 14 hour show kinda weak imo

>> No. 4194

sharing is caring and all but, dude.. CRAM codec wtf

oh well as soon as sexychixs93 has been upped i put up my vastly superior kitty kat caps so no worries
>> No. 4196
yea sorry im alittle behind in the times if you can give em any good software ill gladly take the advice
>> No. 4198

for screen capping use camtasia 6 with xvid video codec and mp3 for audio
>> No. 4199
>> No. 4200
thanks haven't capped in like 2 years ill try that stuff out
>> No. 4204
moar natt caps please

and thanks to all uploaders! you truly are heroes
>> No. 4205
When I went to bed last night KidnapMe was getting extremely close to bating, did she and did anyone cap this?
>> No. 4206

i think natt was a 1 time deal
>> No. 4207
please sexychixs93
>> No. 4208

no she did stuff last year too
>> No. 4209
Natt got naked in private, because someone streamed the cap in tinychat and it was different to the ones already posted
>> No. 4210
i only seen pics of her with her tits out and bating under panties shes a mean bitch but shes cute as hell i love to see more
>> No. 4211

i watched her for a bit last night when she was sort of doing this competition thing with pretty maylin<3.. theyd make the cutest ever couple, i think
>> No. 4212
maylin never does anything good she probably did last night but she probably did last night since i was banned
>> No. 4213

she was in bra last night.. meh, i dont mind if she shows or not shes cute as hell thats good enough for me

girls like her, or mil3y, or the magnificent flop^3.. they are above showing.. cuz they awesome like that <333
>> No. 4215
"4186, 4189, 4192, 4193"

Thanks a lot for the caps and atleast contributing to the thread, but MS-CRAM really is a codec you wanna avoid. It'd be rule #1 in capping pretty much. Any cap you take will be pixelated to all fuck and about 10x the size of an XVID cap. Having said that, everyone has started out capping in it and those who say they didn't are liars. My first few caps were like 800+MB, one was like 1.3GB, lmfao! I totally fuckin' failed, lol. Even capping in TSCC is a better option, but only barely. XVID is the way to go man. Download K-lite Codec Pack, install it and select XVID as your codec in your capping program. Set the XVID options on about 4.00 quality. Anyone can set it on the highest quality and get perfect caps, but it's about finding a balance between quality and small size. For me 4.00 is great quality and small size. Set frame rate on about 5, certainly not higher than 10 because cam sites with their laggy frame rates just don't justify anything higher than that. It's just a waste of MB's to me. Evenryone has to learn how to cap properly, i did. It's just best if you're gonna cap then you learn how to do it properly so that every cap you take is good quality and worth keeping. Thanks again for the effort.

Thanks also for the Emilyyy cap r0r4, nice work.

>> No. 4216
this is a private win im posting it in hopes everyone will share their wins also i have a lot more so post yours and ill keep posting mine

>> No. 4218
>> No. 4219

>> No. 4220

can someone reup those plz?
>> No. 4224
anyone know the girl on this vid
>> No. 4225
File 127230330655.jpg - (12.04KB , 320x264 , Dontpmme.jpg )
>> No. 4226
thats a very nice screencap!
>> No. 4227
Hoarding is the new gay. requests have been fulfilled. So up the sexychix93, faggots. jeez.
>> No. 4228
Dear Anonymous,

Please post that.


>> No. 4229
someone post the 4225 4224 girl vidz plz
>> No. 4231
i love ur cap
and ur a kind of good man many thanx

>> No. 4232
nice work, dude. thanks. Any of her with face?
>> No. 4233
have plenty of her and other girls but i want others to share first
>> No. 4234
login without reg possible right now
>> No. 4235
>>4186 >>4189 >>4192 >>4193
I lol'd.
>> No. 4237
please post.
>> No. 4240
i freaking wish i did someone said they were gonna put it on but i doubt it
>> No. 4241
any chance of a reup of the chazza 4 fingers cap?
>> No. 4244

Thank you very much for Emilyy. Now, will someone please post sexychixs93? Please?
>> No. 4245
No read my mind
>> No. 4247
So we have another troll? how come nobody has posted this yet. I don't understand how people get off on showing a screancap and then not posting.
>> No. 4250

obvious photoshop is obvious

cuz i had that cap lol.. it was highly dull
>> No. 4251
File 127234367258.jpg - (218.30KB , 1024x914 , Dontpmme Screencap.jpg )
Obvious screencap is obvious.
>> No. 4252
lol wow

i fail

guess it was a different show lol
>> No. 4254
can we expect delivery, my good man?
>> No. 4255
File 127234453092.jpg - (339.85KB , 1500x1059 , penguinsfan29 chatzppl 10feb10_wmv_thumbs_[2010_02.jpg )
lol found it, not the same show indeed
>> No. 4256

No, Chatz threads stopped being sharing and posting threads a few threads ago, now they're just screencap posting/hoarding threads. Sorry.
>> No. 4257
For some reason this girl did not wanna show her tits. I capped the win show, but I don't have it anymore.
>> No. 4258
OMFG time to post.
>> No. 4259
fair enough dude, but can you do us a favour and not tease? Some anons are still trying :/
>> No. 4260
rora, I think you can reignite some good sharing vibes if you deliver on those caps you teased with

just sayin
>> No. 4261

Not trying to tease actually, just proving a point. We can all play nice and win, or we can all act like hoarding faggots and lose, right r0r4?
>> No. 4262

i showed good intentions by upping emilyyy

now i want sexychixs93 (full show) and i will continue posting
>> No. 4263

dude i can unload a shitload of screenshots here that will have anon requesting for years to come

so lets not go there
>> No. 4264
Continue posting? screens?
>> No. 4265

You may aswell. These Chatz threads are no longer for posting actual win, so knock yourself out.
>> No. 4266
Granted, that was good of you. But I still don't think you get how you pissed people of by teasing, and you know yourself that you only really share insofar as you get the particular vid you want.

Win was free flowing before, becaused it thrived on free sharing and not particular trading agendas.

I'm saying you have the power to make these threads return to epic. Think about it at least.
>> No. 4267
No offence r0r4, but your logic is pretty fuckin' flawed. If you're here for 1 on 1 trades, why aren't you doing that on MSN or on a private site? Cause i'd bet my left nut that you'd be on one, correct? Why you here then? I'm serious too, i really wanna know. You say you've downloaded no files from this thread or the last one, so you aint here to leech. You aint here to share, atleast not seriously share. What's up then? To post the odd screencap to show us what we aint getting? If you want nice caps then that's fine, but you've pretty much killed these Chatz threads. Before you started posting your screens a few threads back, the win was flowing daily, now it's as dry as a nun's cunt. If you just wanna trade then surely you're wasting your time here and you, Coke and all the other cool, epic, legendary Anon capper's can get back to trading in private and leave us noob, newfag Anon's to share our pathetic caps here. As i said, your logic is fuckin' flawed man. Thing is, you could actually up all the screencaps you posted in a RAR and you would more than likely get Sexychixs93 for in return. I'd gladly post it for you if i had it, but i don't. I know that this "4251" would be posted cause i'd post the link right away. That aint gonna happen though is it? so mods.....time to delete a failed thread, pl0x!
>> No. 4268

hardly a 1 on 1 trade when ive already upped 3 or 4 quality caps here and i offer 3 nice kitty kats caps in return for sexychixs93.. which i freakin already have all the win bits of anyway but i just want the first 10 or so minutes even when nothnig happens there cuz cute girls are cute

as for 4251 i dont care about that it looks boring as fuck i mean if id want epic bates id just watch one of the many karah chatz shows or her tiny ones, whatever

>> No. 4269


please share.

I'm not gonna bash anyone or cry about hoarding. I upload what I can when I can, whether it be OC or just something I have that is requested. I would much appreciate anyone with these 2 vids to kindly post them, it's not as though they are gonna grant you eternal life or infinite money by keeping them to yourself. It's not even like this girl is someone you are dating. Please just up them, at least the 1st one.
>> No. 4271
then I see no problem to it being posted ;)
>> No. 4272

lol i said before that i deleted it long ago

maybe homer will up it was his cap anyway

some brief nudity in it iirc
>> No. 4273
you responded by further bragging?

It seems like rora is pretty oblivious.

At least coke knows what he's doing when he's pushing buttons.

Rora just seems lost in his ego. I'm starting to feel a little sorry for him, to be frank. He's beyond reasoning.
>> No. 4274
good effort, guys, but I think r0r4 is far too lost in himself for him to even understand what you guys said...
>> No. 4276

I'm not the one who posted the screen cap but I apparently had it kicking around as well. Credit to the original capper of course and enjoy my fellow anons.

>> No. 4277



please don't repost to keeps links alive
>> No. 4280
> Password verified and working.

and yet i predict anons questioning the validity of this statement, in the very near future
>> No. 4281


>> No. 4282
h@@p://sharebee.com/dead2eb4 Size:9.22MB



** change HERE with selena

Password verified and working.
>> No. 4283
Thank you very much sir

Thank you, this is a perfect example of getting the ball rolling again, right after that nice cap above was posted you contributed as well.

I hope this gets it started again :)
>> No. 4284


>> No. 4286
Someone have moar of this girl(nn)



>> No. 4287



***change HERE with amber
>> No. 4288

cute, and new to me
>> No. 4289
I thought this originally had sound, does anyone know?
>> No. 4290

>> No. 4291
thx Beefcakes!
>> No. 4292


>> No. 4293



*****change HERE with tzzppl
>> No. 4294

I remember having the one with sound but deleted it. It was just girls talking from one of the other cams the capper had open at the time.

If I remember correctly, the girl in this cap made almost no noise herself. I believe her mother or someone was in the next room and she was attempting to be quiet.
>> No. 4296
File 12723568003.jpg - (29.20KB , 400x390 , tumbleweed.jpg )
>> No. 4297
File 127235695678.jpg - (13.03KB , 360x360 , Toilet roll.jpg )
>> No. 4298
File 127235767262.jpg - (3.52KB , 137x137 , cin.jpg )

>> No. 4300
how do u know that the pws work since ur not downloading?

respect for ur mindgames :P
>> No. 4301
thanx appreciated here
>> No. 4304
thanks you
>> No. 4305
r0r4_pureheart if you have all the win parts of sexychicks93 why didn't you share it in the first place everyone just wants to see win why act like you don't have it when you really do
>> No. 4307

cuz i want the first ten minutes

i post win bits now nobody will care for those earlier parts cuz anon obsesses over nudity and those parts have none of that and they will never be posted :(
>> No. 4308
I see what your saying but its very unlikely anyone has the first 10 minutes cause nobody caps really for non nudity i can literally give you 1000's of minutes of girls just sitting there if you want
>> No. 4309
hey now!

im going to upload those kitty kats vids i posted screens of

up in 20 mins or so
>> No. 4310
can anyone even get on chatpplz i haven't been able to in 2 days
>> No. 4311
File 127237047922.png - (14.40KB , 810x202 , Image1.png )

registration has been off since yesterday, no problem here
>> No. 4312
does this happen alot where it goes down for days at a time?
>> No. 4313

i know people that havent been able to logon for weeks.. for no obvious reason

tried proxies different comps cleaning caches etc etc

no luck

and then suddenly it started working again

and it wasnt a ban either

>> No. 4314
hahaha shitty server probably i got banned and haven't been able to get on since Sunday.
>> No. 4315

lol i was banned for a whole week earlier this month

for being in that smelly zshare room

idc, i can get on anyways
>> No. 4316
how you able to get on?
>> No. 4317


password webpagenotavailable

somebody put this on multi or whatever cuz it prolly wont last long

i wanted to put it on ayame but file was too big
>> No. 4318

lol neighbors wifi mostly
>> No. 4320
Thanks! Nice quality!
>> No. 4321
few old files i figure i upload in case anyone missed and if anyone has any of Karah or Natt please post

>> No. 4322
http://www.megaupload.com/?d=M2TGDZQH danni x

http://www.megaupload.com/?d=WICTU039 yumjellonaps

http://www.megaupload.com/?d=ZH4A7HBR popsicle bate

http://www.megaupload.com/?d=R17M5YTE morbidloli

http://www.megaupload.com/?d=5AEE3DYH look3 bate

http://www.megaupload.com/?d=4AA6W629 buffyx33 bate
>> No. 4324
>> No. 4325
any chance of the other danni x clips?
>> No. 4326
re-up danni x please
>> No. 4327

allready down, re-up?
>> No. 4329
Can someone reup this please. Reup it to a multi and then give out one mirror at a time.
>> No. 4330
Rora, what is it going to take for you to share your Gegee and freedom caps?
>> No. 4331

i will reup tomorrow unless one of the 240 downloaders (as of one hour ago) beats me to it


would be nice if my sexychixs93 request was filled i guess.. or some more actual quality oc itt, not these tired old reposts and crappy encodes that seem to be the norm
>> No. 4332

Please reup this one.
>> No. 4333
babe_x on chatz right now is a sassy little thing
>> No. 4334

Multi's really need to be used or else the links are gonna get taken down way too quickly. Re-up please.
>> No. 4335
did gabby ever show anything?
>> No. 4336

supposedly.. never saw proof tho

she made a big deal about only showing for her bf the other day, fwiw
>> No. 4339
hey rora do you think babe_x will show?
>> No. 4340

she just might.. it wouldnt surprise me lol
>> No. 4343
lol fail
>> No. 4347
Chatz is closed registration again after 5 chicks were showing at once, place was going nuts.....Chatz couldn't keep up with the pace! I managed to get Polish and Metal. I hate it when there's heaps of chicks showing at once, hard to decide who to cap ffs. Usually the way it goes, either 0 chicks showing and boring or 5 on and showing all at once. :-/
>> No. 4348
>>4293 ...

Am I the only one having problems with sharebee? The site wont load for me.
>> No. 4349
wtf i missed that since >>4339 failed and i went on stickam...lol
>> No. 4350

>> No. 4360
File 12724053319.jpg - (12.32KB , 316x260 , Ieva.jpg )
>> No. 4362
Did anyone catch forever over the past few days?
>> No. 4366
Think about it, the whole sites been suss from day one. They let guys and girls get naked on there and do whatever they wanted for months and months. Then they semi cracked down by banning people in private, i know i got banned a heap of times when i was on the verge of getting chicks naked. I missed out on epicness with 3 chicks on cam and another with 2 who woulda done some leso stuff for sure. So they ban guys in private who are trying to get chicks naked, yet guys can be naked in the main lobby and chicks can show whatever they want in the main lobby and no one gets banned. Surely if they were serious about "cleaning" the site up they'd just ban anyone with a dick out, any chick that flashes tits, any person that asks to see dicks or tits? I'm pretty sure the site would be cleaned up in 10 minutes. Suss site was always suss, but packed full of win! :-D
>> No. 4368
is pretty obvious its run by german czech pedos for a german site theres not much germans if any and now their getting people to make profiles gaining access to emails, addresses, and whatever details dumb people send to them. the sites registered to a 50+ czech woman who stays not far from prague the sex capital of europe and run off a server just over 100 miles away in Germany. all ads are aimed at adults, theres no visable mods and only since complaints to agency's are they making it look like theyre cleaning it up. Lastly at times when the site has when down (not all times) the mods have theyre own special WIN most of yous are just perves but these dude are REAL PAEDO@S
>> No. 4369
Who ever created chatz created it for the same reason we use it for , but know they have gone to the extreme and making it a registered chat room.If you actually got to its main login page it does say that it is a 18+ chat room ( http://chatcity4u.tk/ ) , room 2 is chatzppl chat room and it clearly says 18+. He/she is just using it to collect caps also and i believe in my opinion they only made the regerstration part to fool interpol. Anyone agree?
>> No. 4370
did she show? do want
>> No. 4372
I'm guessing about 1000 caps have come from that site, so it really doesn't matter if it stays open, shut, modded, unmodded.
>> No. 4374
Well according to www.whois-search.com/whois/chatzppl.com the chat room expires in june anyways so why make it a registered chat when it's not going to be around much longer.
>> No. 4376
You're assuming it won't cross their minds to renew the domain then?
>> No. 4377
can we get a reup??

>> No. 4378
>>4067 bump
>> No. 4389

"prague the sex capital of europe"
new to me, and I am from europe


I don't agree. a lot of blah blah blah and speculation.
>> No. 4390

>> No. 4413
>> No. 4415
yea sorry dude but she is a fake or a loop she sits there on the couch for a few minutes not responding to anyone then she out of nowhere shows tits and then goes oh i should go did it last week and the week before but whoever is doing it is awesome cause they pick the perfect time to get the girls all excited to show
>> No. 4417

Any chance you could re-up these to multi sites?
>> No. 4615

Any chance of re-up of these? Preferably on a multi site to avoid fags reporting?
>> No. 10444
Could someone please re-up the dontpmme bate vid?
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