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File 127244077683.png - (367.40KB , 602x285 , Chatz.png )
4414 No. 4414
I guess these threads become unbumppable after an alotted time. Here is the new one.

Please Continue :D
Expand all images
>> No. 4419
It's actually more like round 11, but yeah.
>> No. 4422
>>4415 (from previous thread)
Do you have a vid capped of said loop? Would love to see it even if so
>> No. 4429
>> No. 4431
i actually do but i don't feel like shrinking it down or uploading it. It was just tits and alittle bit of touching of them last maybe 20 seconds
>> No. 4435
File 127247623468.png - (7.50KB , 277x266 , Untitled.png )
boring day needs comedy - i present it

(from btv just now)
>> No. 4439

stickam wtf

and everybody has this

and its not even the full version

i declare fail

(also highly inappropriate (too drunk to spell that correctly))

>> No. 4440
BTW-Anyone know thier names? Bump for sexichixs93! Peace
>> No. 4441

rudolph and andre, im pretty suree
>> No. 4442
Sorry rora. Forgot it's a Chatz thread. Duh! Maybe if you post your sexichixs93 I can see what's appropriate:)
>> No. 4443

negative, sweet prince

im the only one posting quality oc in this thread, all the rest is ghetto encodes and old junk that has been downloaded over 9000 times already

fill my COMPLETE sexychicx93 request and i will continue sharing my wins gegee freedom etc etc

>> No. 4444
Worth a try! LOL! Again, sorry about the stickam, I do have the full:) Peace Out!
>> No. 4445
File 127248081578.jpg - (159.63KB , 730x802 , gegee.jpg )

This gegee? or is there another im missing?
>> No. 4446
File 127248100791.jpg - (309.47KB , 1500x1057 , gegee chatzppl 29mar10_avi_thumbs_[2010_04_01_15_0.jpg )

mine is much nicer

cuz it celebrates out her epic prettiness <3

caps that cut right to the action are fail, always
>> No. 4447


sry my english ;/
>> No. 4448
Yea yea, yours is nicer...so post it fgt!
>> No. 4451
stop bragging and post that shit
>> No. 4454
natt :)

she always cracks me up

yes shes live now

(did i tell u guys about that time i made her laugh?)
>> No. 4455
u showed her a screencap? lol
>> No. 4456
amazin, not only this thread instantly turned into troll shit again as well but rora playing the biggest part in it.

rora, i can remember talking to u a few weeks ago. u apologized for the mistakes u made in the past because you were new to everything and had no experience. but u are trolling the shit out of the chatz threads since days, posting pics to tease anon and now you even intend to post geegee? even u should have some standards now so u should know she seriously isn't suitable for this place.
>> No. 4457
Share it, or stop wasting our time
>> No. 4458
post it,thanks in advance because girls seems sooooooooooooooo pretty,again thanks
>> No. 4459
I have all GG but in several parts and unedited. Ill take a look at them tomorrow morning and if there is nothing i need to cut then ill post them as they are and if you want you can fix them yourselves and end up with the same file r0r4 has
>> No. 4461

i posted 3 very nice kitty kats oc yesterday

(250 downloads before being taken down)

and i fully intend to post gegee!

(and more)

but first i want my sexychicx93 COMPLETE cap,
before i wil post anything else

(cuz u know it makes sense)
>> No. 4462

thanks dude

its not complete, but 3 minutes more than what i had at least

i will up gegee right fucking now

gimme 20 mins
>> No. 4463

They were on and off all night so someone may have more but they wouldn't let me view their cam anymore. That was my first post so glad to know its appreciated.
>> No. 4464

ah so they had their cam locked.. that explains why that shit is so hard to find

well i hope somebody will post even more, then i will up freedom (both lobby and passworded room session) and some more stuff i havent trolled with yet

(8 minutes to go on gegee)
>> No. 4465
at least troll some screencaps for this stuff so we know what we need to match to get it.
>> No. 4466
yours = 102 MB runtime 38:24 + lots of unnecessary shit ppl can't fap to
>>4443 = 29.07 MB runtime 23:23 + fappable material start to finish (pretty much)
>> No. 4468
>> No. 4471

its not all about fapping, my friend

i have nn caps i consider epic, js

but, anons arent usually blessed with advanced tastes, so dont worry about it
>> No. 4472
Thanks Rora! Longer is always better. Peace
>> No. 4473
Obvious creepy pedo is obvious. Get the fuck outta here with the ''celebrates out her epic prettiness'' shit.

(i hate being a moralfag)
>> No. 4474
Temporary unavailable.
>> No. 4475
"The file you are trying to access is temporarily unavailable." <==I appreciate your sharing but could you possibly up your vids to a multi-uploading site in the future, megaupload always has this stupid message and requires f5'ing for sometimes upto 20 minutes.
>> No. 4476
refresh dude, i got the same thing
>> No. 4477
Two small caps of polish angel and Maya I was able to cap yesterday.
pass = littlechatzw1n
>> No. 4478
too many downolader,wait,insist and you will find your slot
>> No. 4479

i like mega, is why i use it

just steal a premium and you wont get that shit



and i didnt even mention her skin delicate like silk :o
>> No. 4480
guess i was wrong about you then rora. you are back to your old habits. so i bet you lied about several other things as well and nothing we traded is safe any longer.

hf supporting the anon pedos. enjoy the fame... again.
>> No. 4481

wtf this my fucking oc!

who r u
>> No. 4482
>and i didnt even mention her skin delicate like silk :o

I agree. It would be fun to take a straight edge to her face and watch the blood drip down that silkiness mmmmmmmmm
>> No. 4483
r0r4..appreciate the sharing BUT i would suggest you look into the proper use of codecs when capping and reduce that file size significantly..a cap don't hafta be huge to be good quality
>> No. 4484

storage is cheap

and i use the same settings for everything i cap, xvid 400kbps 15fps

convenience and all that
>> No. 4485
i dont know if id go that far, but i wouldn't mind punching and spitting on her.
>> No. 4486

k now thats disgusting, that and the post u quoted

i wast just having some fun here OBVIOUSLY

fuck it i take mah cap down.. somebody reup idgaf but this is creepy

>> No. 4488
someone re-up gegee total missed it yesterday and wanted to see it also if anyone has sexychicx93 that be awesome to im gonna load some stuff up later of winz i have
>> No. 4489
pls reup that vid. i was downloading then it got cutoff....:(
>> No. 4490

Link is down. Can we get a reup?
>> No. 4491
gege re-up please
>> No. 4492

blame the faggots

there were 120 completed downloads when i nuked it so.. reup will happen im sure (then again nobody bothered to reup my kitty kats oc from yesterday after it got reported)

fuck it this is too much.. some clown suggesting this isnt my oc, and now this creepy shit..

bye anon

(thanks to the anon who posted sexychicx tho, i hope at least u managed to download my gegee)
>> No. 4493
....would some kind anon reup geegee? I'd love to see it.

More Polish Angel would be delightful too.
>> No. 4494

yeah thanks for polish angel btw.. shes nice
>> No. 4496
can't take similar faggotry that you deal out? bawwwwwwwww
>> No. 4497
re-upping as we speak.

Would love to see more of polish angel.
>> No. 4498
Last thread.


Re-up to these multi's. Why fucking post if the links are only going to be up for 10 minutes? Do you fail that badly? I thought people were supposed to get bans for not posting to multi sites. I guess this thread is not only hoarded but also incompetent!
>> No. 4499
part 1 of r0r4 kitty kat show upload part 2 now

>> No. 4500
i got a idea instead of crying and being alittle bitch why don't you go and post some vids on multi sites and show us how faggot
>> No. 4502

lol i dont get bans on anon dude.. i AM anon
>> No. 4503

as usual threatened by my presence eh, coke-san
>> No. 4504
a nigger's still a nigger
>> No. 4505
i like you r0r4 your the only one that actually post but yet they all bitch about how you do it instead of doing it themselves
>> No. 4506
kitty kat part 2

>> No. 4507
The file you are trying to access is temporarily unavailable.
>> No. 4508
Can you please reup 4322 from last thread too.
>> No. 4509
and now this creepy shit.. ?

so a 50yr man like you, sitting there allday in only his underpants capping 10yrolds isn't creepy?
>> No. 4510
why is there always so much drama just post and thank and shut up.. this is why newsgroups own none or this talking bs... anyways alot of stuff needs reupping from past threads if anyone feels like doing so. thanks.
>> No. 4513

im only 49 and i RARELY wear underwear

k my last post itt.. coke<3 the floor is yours
>> No. 4514

re-up of gegee

Staying up until it's done...not 5 min.
>> No. 4515
R0ra cannot quit, because without the internet he is a nobody!
>> No. 4516
I give it a day at the most
>> No. 4518
kitty kat part 1 and 2


Credits to OC
>> No. 4519
>> No. 4520
Same pass as before.
>> No. 4521
lol whats up with all the retards thanking r0r44 repeatedly for "sharing". Hes teasing with pics only to get some caps he wants and to troll then keeps making new excuses for not sharing, posts a alleged gege link, takes it down after 2 min and blames others for it. Its all a big joke. That man is a liar and a creepy pedo so I suggest we ignore him.
>> No. 4522
although it does annoy me that he teases, to call him a pedo and still browse this thread is completely hypocritical, not to mention this thread is made up of ephebo's not pedos. Get your terms right and if you to feel the need to name call, how bout you don't ironically contribute to the thread dipshit.
>> No. 4523
credit to rora
>> No. 4524


Credits to OC
>> No. 4525
r0r4 is the only one in the last 3 days posting anything new so even if he teases he still is posting things unlike 98% of you that don't post shit and just whine that its not on multisite
>> No. 4526
wrong wrong, rora is actually a good anon (still ♡ emilyyy), he actually posted all his screens so why do u argue with him?

thanx rora for ur work
keep teasing and then sharing
>> No. 4527
this cap is old and non-win. don't bother if you are just gonna repost NN bullshit or lame shit from 3 months ago.
>> No. 4528
Stop putting videos in rar's! some people want to view it on zshare before they download

>> No. 4529
I belive I just said that this video is 3 month old NN bullshit.
>> No. 4530
File 127249318531.jpg - (21.49KB , 457x345 , 2010-04-28_232006.jpg )
non-nude? you need some new glasses!
>> No. 4531
>> No. 4532
what was the pass to gegee?
>> No. 4533
my apologies, that's the failcap that has nudity but is still 3 months old.
>> No. 4534
need password to gegee please anyone
>> No. 4536
>>4522 >>4526
O look how protective pedos become with other pedos when it comes to the point. Luciderous fuckworldtrade and r0r44 - the pedo club of anonib how nice
>> No. 4537
capture-1.avi (I'm pretty sure)
>> No. 4538
File 12724945168.jpg - (16.89KB , 298x432 , CryMoar.jpg )
>> No. 4539
Something like this.

>> No. 4540
A pic of the child you raped lately? Man thats awful, hope its your own lol.

And keep sucking his dick he may reward you with some private hoards, maybe who knows...
>> No. 4541
>> No. 4542
this is a more hardcore version of polish but without the face

>> No. 4543
Sorry didnt know the original post would disappear (faggot). I believe capture-1.avi is right.
>> No. 4544
>> No. 4545
please, could one of u cool anons reup these from the last thread:


popsicle bate


look3 bate

buffyx33 bate

lol....they were gone quick! thanx in advance all u dudes rock!!
>> No. 4548
what was 11/16??
>> No. 4549
OMG, how can I thank you enough for this. She is just SO *fucking* *perfect*. I must be two decades ahead of her, but she rolled back the years to what life was like then. Thank you so much for sharing.
>> No. 4552
> occasional faggotry

Good one XD
>> No. 4553
someone fill me in on 11/16 epicness
>> No. 4556
he's referring to the "epic" stickam threads. which are now in the locked archive section and have been stripped of their epicness
>> No. 4557
Could someone please reup those two caps?
>> No. 4558
which is funny, because none of his caps from 11/16 were even close to epic or in any semblance to the caps that were posted as a result.
>> No. 4560
It was like 5mb, it'll take two minutes to reup. Someone help out.
>> No. 4561


please and thank you
>> No. 4563
can we get a reup of

they are all down sonofabeeswax.
pack 4 especially
>> No. 4564

sorry meant to include the link
http://uploadmirrors.com/download/0B5VYSB5/Chatz Pack - 4.rar

>> No. 4565
i hate uploadmirrors none of their links ever work always gives me some stupid thing about headers
>> No. 4566
i got the gegee reup but whats the pass pls?
>> No. 4567
>> No. 4568
Thx for the up. who r these bitches?
>> No. 4570
>> No. 4572
youknowwho is such a noob (about everything), lol
>> No. 4574
hahha i know i am but if people show me how it works then i will gladly post lots of things that i have of unseen wins
>> No. 4575

>> No. 4578
>> No. 4580
how does i triforce?
>> No. 4583
lol,why is someone with xxx in her name calling ppl pervs
>> No. 4586
i tried that and all it did was delete windows.
>> No. 4587
could someone pls tell me the pass
>> No. 4589
>> No. 4590
>> No. 4594
can someone re-up? polish is best
>> No. 4603

Ugh... so many newfags. There was even some guy named "rope" trying to hero me, saying I can be recorded/posted blah blah blah. :P
>> No. 4604

>> No. 4605
Can I see what the fuss is all about ? re-up sexychicx93 ?
>> No. 4606
don't do it coke you will be recorded and put on here
>> No. 4607
hey, that's my line.
>> No. 4608
this COKE kid needs a life looping a girl in chatz and complaining about some hero?? LMAO your a loser
>> No. 4609
I hope we get some re-ups on those Chatzz packs.. or vacation chatz .rar's from a while ago.. I got 1, 5, 4.
>> No. 4612
anyone have metalmover from last night?
>> No. 4616

Anychance of a successful re-up of these to a multi site ?
>> No. 4617
Can I have that loop, pretty please Coke baby?

I likee!!!
>> No. 4618
dammit i knew shed get to showing right as i went to bed. what about that crazy psycho cutter chick with all the beads? win? no?
>> No. 4629
request vids of elmo 16 bi. my raging hard on loves them huge boobies. also kidnapme seems to do private shows. any takers?
>> No. 4631
Any chance of a re-up. Not sure what it was but it got several thank-you replies. So it must have been good.
>> No. 4632
it was just the truth or dare cap
>> No. 4633
File 127258963039.jpg - (114.64KB , 816x722 , 2girls-chatz_preview.jpg )
>>4631 >>4632
Yep. Mostly the 'truth or dare.mp4' cap which had the same girls as the '2girls-chatz.flv' cap with a little less win. I'd suggest getting the '2girls-chatz.flv' if you want more win.
>> No. 4634
oops, forgot the link...googled
>> No. 4649
thanks for the link, dude ;)
best regards, mr.deeds
>> No. 4653
I have a special request
Im lokking for a vid of a girl on chatz.
She was in her bed at night, not showing her face.
Info: pale, abit shubby, purple wall, dark
surroundings, didnt show her face just an eye. Username could have the words sexy, sex, bby or baby, im not shure there.

Right vid will be higly rewarded
Any effort will be rewarded
over and out
>> No. 4654
Me again
This happened 2-5 month agoe, my memory not that good
>> No. 4655
could somebody reup those polish angel caps please?
>> No. 4656
File 127263762711.jpg - (344.49KB , 1500x1052 , sexycat chatzppl 15feb10_avi_thumbs_[2010_02_16_15.jpg )

i capped this in february, prolly not it but hey

(have more of her btw)
>> No. 4657
She looks nice. Post it up?
>> No. 4659
you post only screens but no vids

post or die
>> No. 4660
>>4657 dont feed the troll hes prolly wanking his tiny dick to you begging for his cap
>> No. 4661
File 12726440125.jpg - (19.73KB , 410x260 , moron.jpg )

or 'prolly' he just finished uploading and was about to post the link

mean anons are dumb
>> No. 4662

here u go

password: mybrilliantcareer
>> No. 4663
ur an asshole and a pedo cause ur not sharing

welcome back and thanx
>> No. 4664
up it to sharebee or multiupload if ur serious about "sharing" ur junk dipshit or GTFO
>> No. 4665
gone. please reupp
>> No. 4666
File 127264523947.jpg - (10.79KB , 318x240 , wut.jpg )

beeeh i delete fuck it no more sharing
>> No. 4667
ur fucking cruel :) but i got it :P and i wont up it cause people are still insulting u >>4664
>> No. 4668

lol awesome <3
>> No. 4669
hey rora, next time you waste your time uping a cap then taking it down make sure its worth it, your shit is epic FAIL. Seriously you are a joke, and at least FWT has enough brains not to waste his time uping fail caps.
>> No. 4670
only major faggots and creepy pedos use the sign "<3"
>> No. 4671
File 127264634071.png - (139.32KB , 514x445 , bp_vhart_040.png )
lol u guyss
>> No. 4673
Re-up please.
>> No. 4675
File 127264747886.jpg - (19.62KB , 738x462 , ibrahimovicsuckit.jpg )
ur a bunch of haters and hypocrits
ur fapping on vids but then u critize the capper
ur pathetic just leave anonib and play with ur dolls...nothing more nothing less

ur a top anon, but ur a victim of the morons described earlier...someone will up it soon enough...
>> No. 4676


well i have over 9000 papers to grade so i be gone now.. leave it up to ur good judgement fwt to up or not to reup

>> No. 4677
im lazy and good luck
>> No. 4680

Thanks to OC.


Thanks for re-up.
>> No. 4681
Is it really that hard for someone to reup two caps that total 5mb in size?

I know that plenty of people must have downloaded it, so don't be jerks -- help out anons who weren't there the exact minute they were posted.
>> No. 4683

Cap does show like half her face for a spilt second, just saying.
>> No. 4684
Haha, yeah I just realized that, so I deleted my post. But still, I was surprised Rora didn't cap more of her either pre or post nude since he seems to enjoy that.
>> No. 4686

Yeah. I can't stand caps that show no face at all, but it's not always possible. You might start capping a chick late during the show and then she just might leave all of a sudden. Doubt r0r4 would do it if he had no other choice.
>> No. 4687
wow must see this!! rora, you have some epic caps! please post this one! ignore the trolls.
>> No. 4689

guess i was late, cuz this is all i have of her, from that event

i have 2 or 3 more caps of her, one together with her little sis lol.. more cute than sexy, but there u go

no face is fail, i agree.. thats why this cap was in my ./oc/to_delete folder


maybe, later

a fail cap of this was on anonib earlier, im pretty sure.. but mine is like 3 times the length iirc

and then theres goggle-chan (the blonde of the two) epic bate from a few days later, i posted my oc of that on anonib already
>> No. 4690
thank you
>> No. 4692
please post moar of misia/polish angel
>> No. 4693
No thats not the one im after, but close. keyword to the one im after are: pale, chubby, inbed, dark surroundings, purple wall, cant see face just an eye, laying down, close to cam, no nailpolish, vidlength approx 10min? Could appeared other times with a red hairbrush.
Shes one of those girls that suddently appears with a random name.
I think the purple wall is the key to find it.
>> No. 4694
File 127265762224.jpg - (50.13KB , 281x235 , her own.jpg )
OMG, she needs her own *page*, never mind a thread!
>> No. 4696
Yeah she's cute, but it would also help if she trimmed the hedges a little bit.
>> No. 4697
NO! You don't understand... that's all part of what makes her so attractive! She's not just a sheep-follower who shaves: she's natural, she's lovely.
>> No. 4698
No you don't understand that shit is gross!!!!!!
>> No. 4699
>> No. 4701
ah, I missed 4682, too. Is it possible for a repost?
thanks anon
>> No. 4702
what was 4682?
>> No. 4705
I would actually like to see her face, though :(

can 4682 be reupped :/
>> No. 4706
Yes please.. I need to see face too. Just adds that much more to it. Why is there a problem with showing face?
>> No. 4707
Sheep follower wtf? You are one madddd creepy dude.
>> No. 4708
+1 request for face vid
>> No. 4709

just came into this thread and it's confusing as shit. i for one, like the hair. is there a cap of this chick?
>> No. 4710
can u up the faceless one of whatever was posted?
>> No. 4711
anon who took down >>4682, please reup it! I needs face.
>> No. 4713
There *has* been, it probably not around any longer as it's been 404'd and re-upped a few times.
>> No. 4714
No, I think they want this Multiupload.com/ICCXM35YJK Credit to OC
>> No. 4715
I for one love her teen bush.

GTFO faggots.
>> No. 4717
thank you to all that are contributing.
>> No. 4718
File 127267193418.jpg - (33.26KB , 347x265 , misia.jpg )
Are you referring to this vid?
>> No. 4719
>> No. 4720
plox up
>> No. 4721
>> No. 4723
Ughh the face is disappointing, to say the least.
>> No. 4724
eh, she's still cute
>> No. 4725
thanks man
>> No. 4728
File 127268146140.jpg - (27.61KB , 318x231 , mytee_wmv.jpg )
>> No. 4729

>>4653 Illiterate foreigner has a special request for a girl with purple walls.
>>4656 Rora Anon says to himself "hey! what a great opportunity to troll." Rora Anon posts thumbnails of a girl with white walls. (he has more of her btw ;])
>>4657 Anon begs.
>>4659 >>4660 Anons call his trolling ass out.
>>4661 Rora Anon sees he's been called out, and says he already uploaded it. He now uploads it & takes this opportunity to troll thumbnails of his next irrelevant cap.
>>4662 Rora Anon posts his MegaUpload link & deletes the file in his MegaUpload file manager after 5 minutes so as to start drama as usual.
>>4664 Anon recognizes that Rora Anon has deleted his file after a few minutes and tells Rora Anon to upload it to a multi-upload site (with plenty of mirrors), where Rora Anon will have less control over rage-deleting his own files.
>>4666 Rora Anon gets mad at that^ guy for such a ridiculous suggestion.
>>4667 Rora Anon's butt buddy FWT says he's been F5-ing Rora Anon's sphincter and was able to get the file before Rora Anon rage-deleted it.
<< Rora Anon & FWT proceed to make love. >>
>>4676 Rora Anon goes to grade his students' papers.
<< Anons fight over jungle vaginas. >>
>>4721 Anon re-uploads Rora Anon's cap the right way.
Question for Rora Anon: Why don't you go ahead and delete your MegaUpload posts when you delete your MegaUpload files?
>> No. 4730
File 127268197554.jpg - (81.96KB , 461x594 , 7th+Annual+Los+Premios+MTV+Latin+America+2008+-wOF.jpg )
irony -

i live it

>> No. 4731
I know the economy is bad, but do you have to make anonib your full-time job? Wow you must have a lot of time. Go drink some pepsi, (i mean coke), or go find some win for lazy anons, and up it FFS. kthxbai
>> No. 4732
this is not a nutshell..it is like reading the whole thread agian
>> No. 4733
ne1 know if that samantha15 girl is a vid? And if she is, anyone have anything of her?
>> No. 4734
Wouldn't you say it's VERY creepy of men wanting shaved girls all the time? I would. It poses lots of questions about their emotional and chronological maturity. Think about it.... Now tell me what's creepy about liking a girl to have hair where it naturally grows.
>> No. 4735
She proved she wasn;t a vid by writing the date on a piece of paper the other night, so yeah I'd say she's real. No win yet that I know of
>> No. 4740

i know of 'some'.. it wasnt on chatz tho.. well technically it wasnt
>> No. 4745
please re-up re-up
>> No. 4746
anyone remember the good ol' days when people used to post their winz on here i wish that came back
>> No. 4748
>>4721 >>4714 Anon re-uploads Rora Anon's cap the right way.

>> No. 4752
Seems like they have the registration turned on in the morning U.S. time, and off in the evening U.S. Anybody else notice this pattern? I can always tell if it's on by looking at the Now Chatting number on home page. 30 vs 300+. I like how they still have these two things on there home page, but when you try to log in it says registration required. WTF
"This teen chat website is free, no charges for you and you dont have to register. Just choose a suitable nickname and chat right away."
"Our cam chat for teens is free and it will remain free plus there is no registration required."
>> No. 4753
lol..i contacted the admins about that very thing..registration may be in beta testing stage..but they need to update their home page as it's misleading..not had a reply from them yet tho
>> No. 4754
Who is online
Now 12 members and 326 guests online
Now chatting: 34
how the crap can their be 34 chatting if there's only 12 members online when the registration is active? rofl
>> No. 4756
File 12727236945.png - (59.66KB , 139x189 , gary.png )


havent been on there in two days maybe three even

less win since the switch is one thing, but its the lack of CUTENESS that really gets to me

used to be multiple cute and very pretty girls on pretty much at any given time.. not anymore :(

taking a break from capping now, and chatz is the last site i will miss
>> No. 4757
>>4756 There's been some nice win lately, most of it's been during the European afternoon and evening when the registration is off. But true most of the real hot girls are gone. Just the same 4 or 5 cam whores that seem to live there. A new one will pop up sometimes but they usually keep crashing because of flash or think they have register before they can get in.
>> No. 4758
Im deeply sorry for my language.

I know my request is extremely special. Only way to have a chance at all to get the vid is to describe it as detailed as possible.
And i go for it again...
purple walls, visible frame on the wall, dark surrounding, in bed, pale, shubby, dont shows her face, fingering, cam upclose, some bedlinen visible. She has done the same thing a couple of times, sometimes with a red brush. One vid has been on camwins or capstube. I had it but lost it in some myseriuos way.
She was a regular that never showed, but came online sometimes with a random name for a quick bate. As i said earlier, will be rewarded. Someone has it, it was looped afterwards.
>> No. 4760
because these unregistered people were already/still in when the login was switched to registered only. happens all the time.
>> No. 4761
now that kinda makes sense..apart from the fact every time i been in there when the login was switched from open to registered it's closed the flash media server and kicked me out..add to that the fact admins can see who is registered or not at a glance - example:when registration is bypassed (see http://anonib.com/owc/res/4223.html) the fact it's bypassed and not 'leftover chatters' makes no difference as far as the admins are concerned..but ty for the theory :)
>> No. 4764
I only know of 1 other webcam chat www.teen-video-chat.com/ , anyone else got any?
>> No. 4766

someone has to explain me why they switch from registration to non regristration and from non registration to registration?

or dont they get that thing working?
>> No. 4768
pretty easy to explain. if they would have turned on the registration and never turned it off they would have killed the site within a single minute. instead they try to keep their userbase by just turning on registration only from time to time. i bet they think it's encouraging users to register.

problem is it doesn't work... which is no surprise with a userbase were 8 out of 10 people are older than 18 lol
>> No. 4770
there's also the fact that registration is in beta testing phase..so it'll switch back n forth the same as the chatroom format did before it settled into the new one
>> No. 4774

I like to see what I'm eating. Next question?
>> No. 4779


いただきますよね lol
>> No. 4813
>> No. 4878
File 127295673631.jpg - (13.27KB , 320x260 , cat chatzppl 20feb10_avi_snapshot_02_24_[2010_05_0.jpg )
>> No. 5147
she looks like that youtube chick that was crying in an interview or whatever when some tv show did a special.
the one that dance in her kitchen in a bikini...then cried about it
>> No. 11167
>> No. 12974
Pls re-up Gegee
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