Results for 'Tim Oakes'

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Top 5 Facts for this Name:

  1. How well envoweled is Tim Oakes? 50% of the letters are vowels. Of one million first and last names we looked at, 2.2% have a higher vowel make-up. This means it is extremely well envoweled.
  2. In ASCII binary it is... 01010100 01101001 01101101 00100000 01001111 01100001 01101011 01100101 01110011
  3. Backwards, it is Mit Sekao... nice ring to it, huh?
  4. In Pig Latin, it is Imtay Oakesway.
  5. People with this first name are probably: Male. So, there's a 98% likelihood they sweat just thinking of the price of shaver blades.

Name Origin and Meaning:

Greek (Root: Timothy)
Meaning: Honored by God

3 Things You Didn't Know (because they're fiction):

  1. Tim Oakes, 
                  what is your power animal?Your personal power animal is the Naked Mole-Rat
  2. Your 'Numerology' number is 3. If it wasn't bulls**t, it would mean that you are enthusiastic, creative, optimistic, and fun-loving. You seek self-expression through words or the arts, and enjoy learning through life experiences.
  3. According to the US Census Bureau°, 0.104% of US residents have the first name 'Tim' and 0.007% have the surname 'Oakes'. The US has around 300 million residents, so we guesstimate there are 22 Americans who go by the name 'Tim Oakes'.

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Credit for the original animal photo.

Name-based Search Stuff

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Related Videos

These results courtesy the YouTube public videos feed.

  • Tim Oakes on hang drum at the Magnificent Severn Festival 2010
  • Jeff Zona & Tim Oakes "Carol Of The Bells".mp4
  • Thom Evans VS Max Evans
  • Nude Touch Rugby, Dunedin
  • Tim Oakes Rugby captain Hot NUDE...!!!!!!


Related Blog Posts

Results are courtesy of Google Blog Search (RSS). Is there content here you want removed? Please read the message in red at the bottom of this section.

Tim Oakes Bristish Sandbach Professional Rugby Captain Naked
By: victorsportcelebs on Sat, 17 Jul 2010 20:48:00 GMT
Tim Oakes Captain of Sandbach Prfessional Rugby posed naked for the opening of the new website 'Famousmales' in 2009... with great success I may add, also featured other european celebs in their exclusive pictorials.... ->

Tim Oakes sent you: A Maps link via Google Maps
By: Tim on Thu, 19 Aug 2010 18:28:00 GMT
Hi, I'd like to share a Google Maps link with you. Link: ->

What Do You Want Most? « Kevin Thompson – The Automatic Income Coach
By: Kevin Thompson on Wed, 06 Oct 2010 18:26:06 GMT
How I find the right products to sell. How I sell products. tim oakes says: October 7, 2010 at 2:55 pm. Hello Coach Kev,. This is a great course, I have quite a story!! which I believe can change some peoples lives… ... ->

Just for fun! Tim Oakes « GoodMorningGloucester
By: flappinglikeahaddock on Sun, 22 Feb 2009 17:00:23 GMT
Just for fun! Tim Oakes. tim-oakes I met Tim several years ago when he was announcing the International Dory Races . He has a million little kids who are always on the beach cheering on Daddy in the seine boat races during Fiesta! ... ->

Tim Oakes and the Sandbach Rugby Team
By: Davd in MN on Sat, 23 Jan 2010 15:39:00 GMT
This is the video that brought so much attention to Tim Oakes and his... um... sports equipment! ->

Tim Oakes '86 - Here Comes The Judge...Candidate
By: unknown on Fri, 12 Oct 2007 14:02:44 GMT
Tim Oakes '86, who is currently the Executive Director and General Counsel for Indiana Cable Communications, is running for judge in Marion County. †Tim also serves his classmates and the College as a class agent. ... ->

Tim 'No Acorn' Oakes |
By: Mark S on Sat, 25 Apr 2009 14:17:53 GMT
\tim oakes Tim No Acorn Oakes\. I seem to have somehow missed the not entirely shocking news that Tim 'No Acorn' Oakes of Sandbach RUFC, the spunky rugger-bugger captain who was so keen to show off his impressive semi-tackle on national ... ->

Tim Oakes
By: Davd in MN on Sat, 23 Jan 2010 14:23:00 GMT
Badboy English rugby player. ->

The 'Related blog post' section presents results 'on the fly' from a Google blog search. The content is not held on IsThisYour.Name, and we have no control over the results Google returns. Once the content no longer appears in Google blog search, it will no longer appear here. To see the original Google results, click here.


Around the Web

Results are courtesy of Yahoo!

Tim Oakes - Del Lago Realty - Vail Arizona Real Estate - Home
Representing Buyers & Sellers in the Tucson,Vail,Marana,Oro Valley areas of Tucson, Arizona Home ... Home Search MLS Listings Contact Tim Oakes My Listings Homes For Sale in...
At: -- last found on 2010/09/25 ->

Harris Southwest Dental Tim Oakes D.D.S. - Home
A winning smile is one of your most important assets, and that's why Harris Southwest Dental Tim Oakes D.D.S. is committed to the highest standard of excellence in your dental care. ... Tim Oakes got his doctorate in dentistry from the University of Texas Health Science Dental School in San ...
At: -- last found on 2010/09/05 ->

Tim Oakes: Veromi's People Search and Business Directory
Tim Oakes Index Page in the Veromi People Index. Veromi has the most comprehensive people and Business data base in the world. With over 4 billion public records; used by Consumers, Business and Law enforcement
At: -- last found on 2010/08/30 ->

TIM OAKES - Famousmales The more friendly forum
Our exclusive photo session with The Sandbach Rugby Captain. Tim Oakes reveals all for the more friendly forum. Now viewing in the Gallery. Please remember non members, you must join the site to view the gallery section. Its free so why wait ! Attached image(s) Beef and Fur. View Member Profile ...
At: -- last found on 2010/09/23 ->

oakes homepage
Tim Oakes. Department of Geography. Campus Box 260. University of Colorado. Boulder, CO 80309 ... Where Oakes lives (well, this is what it looked like 100 years ago): Where Oakes does ...
At: -- last found on 2010/09/05 ->

° Go here for more information on the source dataset from 1990.

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