
Glenn Beck to Miss Show Because of Medical Issues

Updated: 5 hours 38 minutes ago
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Hugh Collins

Hugh Collins Contributor

(Oct. 9) -- Conservative talk show host Glenn Beck told his radio listeners that he will be taking a brief leave of absence because of medical reasons.

Beck, who has been diagnosed with macular dystrophy, said Friday that he is going "out west" for tests on problems related to his hands, feet and voice.

"There is something wrong with my voice, and we're not sure what it is," Beck said, according to a transcript on his website. "They're going to be doing CAT scans and MREs or MRIs and PET scans and they're going to be doing blood work like crazy."

The 46-year-old said he will miss his show Monday and Tuesday while he seeks a diagnosis. "I think this is going to be a spiritual journey," he added.
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In recent years, the Fox News host has become one of the top media stars in America, drawing millions of viewers each night and writing best-selling books such as "Arguing With Idiots: How to Stop Small Minds and Big Government."

Beck has often spoken openly about his health problems on the air, and has warned that his macular dystrophy could lead to him going blind in the near future.

This latest announcement regarding his health spurred an outpouring of goodwill on Beck's website. "Your voice and your heart are inspiration to so many. We will pray for your healing," one commenter said.
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