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Bethune quits Sea Shepherd over lies

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Pete Bethune has quit Sea Shepherd over what he calls 'lies'

Pete Bethune has quit Sea Shepherd over what he calls 'lies'

Wed, 06 Oct 2010 6:14p.m.

By Juliet Speedy

A bitter online feud has erupted between the anti-whaling organisation Sea Shepherd and the New Zealand skipper whose protest boat was rammed by a Japanese whaling ship.

Pete Bethune has blasted Sea Shepherd and its leader Paul Watson, describing them as ‘dishonest’ and ‘morally bankrupt’.

Pete Bethune resigned from the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society in an open letter on his Facebook page today; he says he can no longer represent a group that deliberately misleads and lies.

“It's gradually dawned on me how bad they are, every month there's another big lie floating around,” he wrote.

Bethune was captain of the anti-whaling vessel Ady Gil that was rammed by Japanese whaling ship the Shonan Maru 2 earlier this year.

Bethune boarded the ship to protest but was arrested, and spent four months in a Japanese jail.

He was eventually given a suspended sentence and was deported to New Zealand.

Bethune now says he was directed by Sea Shepherd admiral Paul Watson to deliberately sink the Ady Gil after it was hit by the Japanese ship.

“It was done for PR purposes and after the sinking I wasn't allowed to talk to anyone about it and I wasn't even allowed to visit Ady Gil,” he says.

“This is Ady Gil's boat and I've got to keep it a secret from him.”

Sea Shepherd expelled Bethune during his trial in Japan but later retracted their comments saying they had done so to help his case. Bethune says that too is lies.

“And it didn't assist my trial at all; the lawyer said it portrayed me as dishonest,” he says.

Bethune says senior Sea Shepherd personnel routinely lie and conspire over serious matters and his resignation letter points out many of these.

3 News couldn't contact Mr Watson, but he's sure to have his own take on what's gone from the war on whales, to a war of words.

3 News

Comments [11]

07 Oct 2010 8:36a.m.

It is about time that we had more confirmed of the basic dishonesty of Paul Watson and also of Pete Bethune's lack of judgement. Between the two of them Sea Shepherd is now seen as being corrupt. The millions that SS has taken from supporters constitutes theft by deceit. Pete seems to be trying to salvage his reputation by exposing Watson but it will be a very long time before Pete's own reputation is cleared. He should stick to some local environmental projects and stay away from the well paid ego trips such as offered by SeaShepherd. And I am surprised that the media still talk of the Ady Gil being rammed by the Shonan Maru. The simple facts are that the Gil accelerated in front of the Japanese vessel just before their paths crossed. There was no time at all for the Japanese vessel to avert a collision. Remember that the Ady Gil had been trying this tactic all morning before they misstimed the last run. And, as we now learn from Pete, he deliberately scuttled the Ady Gil. I wonder tho about the use of the term 'sea cocks'?? Specifically, which valves are these on the late (and beautiful) Ady Gil. Didn't know that she had specific sea cocks...

Ex. greenie
07 Oct 2010 8:13a.m.

They are all morrally banckrupt. The lie, use misinformation and exagerate from Greenpeace down. Now there dirty washing is being aired for all to see and the infighting will get worse. They disgust me as they are so dishonest. Bethune and Watson are just out right terrorists.

Megan Latham
07 Oct 2010 7:04a.m.

What I don't understand is this......How in the world are these people "willing to die for a whale" ? I would die for my family, but that's where the buck stops. These people aren't environmentalists, they are eco-morons. And they are NOT doing this in the name of the whale, but in the name of the almighty DOLLAR. You don't think they are doing this for free, do you????

Mr Philips
07 Oct 2010 5:48a.m.

TWE, how can a 'greenie' be morally bankrupt? Because they are not some ignorant, obnoxious member of the apathetic majority?

07 Oct 2010 4:55a.m.

It's unfortunate that Pete has taken the focus off of what it really important, saving the whales, dolphins, our oceans, etc. and put it onto himself. I'm sorry, I never heard of Pete Bethune until he was on Whale Wars. He stated in his email to Paul Watson that one of his strengths was that he was "unafraid", but my view is that if he was "unafraid" he would have not cooperated with the Japanese prosecutor as he did to expedite his sentencing. To me, this clearly shows that he was unwilling to do whatever it took, to sacrifice to protect the whales. He made the conscious decision to board the Shonan Maru #2, knowing full well the possible consequences. Did Pete do this for the right reasons, to make a statement against the Japanese whalers and government? Or did Pete do this with the purpose of creating publicity for Pete Bethune to help with book sales and monetary gain? We have governments destroying this world we live in and they will succeed if we don't work together and check our egos at the door. Grow up Pete! Look at the big picture and the greater good--this is exactly what governments like Japan want, fighting amongst the people and organizations trying to end their illegal activities. I respected Pete for boarding the Shonan Maru #2, but now with his mudslinging, whatever respect I had is gone and his actions now, if he continues on this path, will only bring negativity to the cause of saving this world's oceans and its inhabitants. My support has been and will always be for the Sea Shepherds--thank you for what you do!

06 Oct 2010 9:51p.m.

I like Pete, he worked so hard for the EarthRace boat showing guts and determination. As I have said before I think that he was being USED by the pirates of the sea for a non-cause. Whaling founded this country and has been part of the sea faring culture of Japan forever!. I respect the rights of Japan and Norway to hunt for quota of whales, so should everyone.

06 Oct 2010 9:45p.m.

LOL, @Captain Paul Watson, "the truth of what this is all about is posted on our website". There's a TUI billboard for you New Zealand! Watson is scum and deliberately ordered Bethune to pollute the Antarctic environment. Some environmentalist. Just a publicity hound, or a "Whale Whore" as South Park put it.

06 Oct 2010 9:40p.m.

Bethune is loopy, idealistic and culturally intolerant, but he's obviously more honest than Paul Watson and SS.

06 Oct 2010 9:33p.m.

Most hardcore greenies are morally bankrupt and will do whatever it takes to impose their worldview on others. This is not just a characteristic of the Sea Shepherd organisation, but mostly all of them. They routinely lie, defraud, exaggerate, and as we've seen here won't hesitate to betray one of their own if it furthers the cause. Despicable people.

Captain Paul Watson
06 Oct 2010 8:23p.m.

Interesting story but the truth of what this is all about is posted on our website at www.Seashpherd.org with video of Pete Bethune making the decision to scuttle the Ady Gil after it could not be salvaged. Also the video shows Pete Bethune making the decision to board the Shonan Maru#2. He later told the Japanese that he was ordered by me to do so. Pete Bethune did not resign from Sea Shepherd. I sent him a letter telling him he was no longer associated with Sea Shepherd because we could not trust him after he cooperated with Japanese authorities to bring charges against me for "ordering" him to board the Shonan Maru #2. He responded to that letter saying we had to meet his demands or he would publicly attack Sea Shepherd in the media. The letters are on the Sea Shepherd website. People can make their own decisions but Sea Shepherd had no choice but to distance ourselves from him after he provided false testimony to the Japanese prosecutors. We could not meet his demands which bordered on blackmail. It was regrettable but necessary. Pete was understandably upset but his allegations that I ordered him to sink the Ady Gil after the ramming are false and the video with his own words discredits what he is saying.

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