
Viraldeath.com is proud as the first site to present the full set of the Dissection-Chan or “Eye in mouth girl” (among other nick names she has gotten over the years). These images has been on JohannaXn´s harddrive for quite some time and we decided now it´s time to release the full set in it´s full glory.

The fake video that is around contain some of the pictures, but not like these. Every picture here is the original size 1280x1024p with no decrease in quality.

These pictures are the real deal, the ones NC (initials of the original poster) actually had in his collection. You can also notice on image 5 that he did not act alone, you can see someone’s leg in the corner of the image. As far as we know this full set has never been published before on any site and in original size and quality, until now.

The images show two individuals having some fun at a morgue in the former Soviet Union. Necrophilia? No, the concept of necrophilia is not really any act in itself, but this can rather be described as necro-sadistic behavior. Much of what is done is standard post-mortem procedure but some are of course not, like the needle through the nipple. But somehow even that could be explained away. The marker pen inside her is not explainable. But still, discussions with other necrophiles have always came to the conclusion that they were morgue workers who were bored and just had some fun. If it was necrophiles after all why wear gloves when fingering (yeah sure, those gloves really are giving you the total sensation for anyone who wore similar ones but still)? Enjoy, a ultra-rare complete full-sized collection of something that can be compared to a holy grail of dead women sets!

The images on the gurosite where some of the images where first published accompanied them with the following text (that we of course think is bogus, while the images are not):

Ever wanted to see how eroguro look alike in the real? This poor girl died just yesterday. Her name was Alex she was 19 and she died a virgin. So I played a little with little dead body of her. She did not complain at all :)
First of all I sawed her skull and took out her brain and then cut her open from chest to pussy. Then I put my fingers into her pussy and found that she a virgin! Wow! That’s was cool!
I played with her pussy with my fingers. And than, I took her cherry with the spray can. No blood at all since she was dead. Than I take her eyeballs out and look for some funny stuff I can do with them. Girl, with her own eye in the mouth! Have you ever seen anything like that? Or pussy with the eye. Finally I get so exited that fucked her. In was kinda strange feeling since she was cold all right and her blood and the stuff was all over but I cum just in few minutes. It was best cum ever! Sooo cool!
I was all laughing inside when I gave her body to her parents. She was all cleaned and with make up just like alive. They were just stunned by her death such a tragedy. And I was all laughing inside since I know that this little baby will to the grave with pussy full of my sperm. Ha-Ha-Ha-Ha!!!

The incomplete set published at other sites was forcefully pulled from Charonboat, why we have no idea, but we are looking forward to any law suits and DMCAs. We have done it before, we can take it again.

*We do not allow any negative remarks about necrophiles*

6 comments so far

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  1. disturbing pics

  2. JohannaXn

    For many of us they are very nice and sexy.

  3. So that’s what the inside of a girl looks like! Very interesting set, thanks for posting.

  4. pictures of a eyeball/eyes open are not so sexy to me again w-ever that rocks you boat is not my bussines LmFAO

  5. JohannaXn

    Every picture are not sexy but some are very much so. I would prefer her head was not opened and i would prefer her without the opening. But still some pictures are lovely and i have a thing for dead without eyes also, but i like them with eyes too.

    And we have a respect your other commenter’s rules here, so please be respectfull.

  6. I’ve had my eye on this girl… Now she has her eye on herself.

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