
For when you talk too much for twitter

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We're upgrading! This is the new server - you won't be able to see old messages until they get moved across. Don't panic, they haven't gone anywhere.

On Saturday 11th September 2010, said:
(In reply to )


こちらこそ 突然すみません・・・ ちょっとキリンさんの企業秘密なので 公表できないですが、 実際は圧力低いのでエスプレッとは・・・ 私が商標のティエスプレッソを持っていて、この飲みモノを作りました! 9気圧で出す濃厚な紅茶をダブルトールで!

Twitlonger is in no way affiliated with Twitter, but we really love those guys.
Site developed by Stuart Gibson. Design by Paddy Duke.