Weird News

What Were the Summer's Strangest Photos?

Updated: 5 hours 47 minutes ago
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Lee Speigel

Lee Speigel Contributor

(Sept. 5) -- In the very visual world of daily news, what usually grabs our attention above all else are the stunning images of people, places, events and ideas captured in photographic moments.

Throughout the year, AOL News presents the most striking, odd, heart-wrenching, heart-pumping and downright bizarre images to be found anywhere.

In a year that has, so far, brought us bullfighter Julio Aparicio's face-goring moment, naked commuters on the London Underground system, and artificial intelligence sex robots, oddities have been the name of the game.

And as September begins, we look at some of the eye-opening ways people use their creativity to produce intricate works of art, even when they use their bodies as the canvas.
Artist David Mach followed up his angry King Kong sculpture made of coat hangers earlier this year with his "Coat Hanger Christ" sculpture for all the world to see and photograph in Edinburgh.

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Guinness World Records' reigning "Most Pierced Woman" Elaine Davidson -- another of our photo op targets -- also found her way to Scotland in August, to perform at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe.

And while Elvis may have left the building years ago, and has allegedly been reported at numerous fast food establishments in recent years, his likeness showed up in August, whittled onto the top of a pencil stick by Connecticut carpenter Dalton Ghetti.

As summer closes and autumn arrives, we look forward to many colorful images to come – and the weirder, the better.
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