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Hair Rainbow

水 04 11月 2009

Since my birthday’s coming up soon, I thought I’d do something a bit special with my hair so decided to give my hair a rainbow patchwork effect. My old colours in my hair were totally faded, white in some bits & my roots were freshly bleached.

Products I used:
Stargazer yellow
Directions turquoise
Stargazer tropical green
Crazy Colours violette
Directions carnation pink
(the green was yellow & Directions turquoise mixed)

Since I only have one hair grip, I decided to use foil to separate out the front colours, since I was using so many. It was my first time using this method but I’m pretty happy with how it went.

If you’re not sure how to use foil, heres what I did:

-Cut out as many foil strips as you think you’ll need, length depends on your hair, but width should be about 3-4 inches.
-Make a SMALL section of hair & place the foil underneath it.
-Use the tint brush to cover the section in dye from the root down.
-Fold the bottom of the foil up to your roots & scrunch up the sides to make a crumpled foil tube that helps keep dye off other sections.

Since I was only doing the back & sides two colours I couldn’t be bothered to use more foils (it’s pretty time consuming) so I just slathered them in dye & rolled them up.

What I used

Using foils to seperate the fringe colours

Unfortunately, I didn’t realise what a powerful dye Stargazer tropical green is when I washed my hair, so one of my green sections disappeared. I tried to add a pink section in it’s place to make purple, but that didn’t really work either, it just made the blue darker. So one side of my head is completely turquoise while the other side is really colourful, which makes me kind of sad… Still happy with the overall result though.

(in case you cant guess)
Carnation pink over violet & violet
Yellow & turquoise mixed

Tropical green
Carnation pink

Not very good angle, but you get the idea.

Using foils to seperate the fringe colours



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